
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing beam | all forms | exact matches only
allowable principal tension stress borne by concrete on partial length of beam梁部分长度中全由混凝土承受的容许主拉应力
all-welded beam全焊梁
arched beam拱形梁
arched beam拱梁
assembly beam装配式梁
assembly prestressed concrete beam装配式预应力混凝土梁
assembly reinforced concrete beam拼装式钢筋混凝土梁
assembly reinforced concrete T-beam装配式钢筋混凝土T型梁
ballasted beam有碴梁
beam axis梁轴线
beam bearing bracket托架牛腿
beam bending梁弯曲
beam bottom梁底
beam bottom elevation梁底高程
beam breaking test梁的破坏试验
beam bridge梁桥
beam-bridge on curve曲线上的梁桥
beam camber梁上拱度
beam casting梁浇捣
beam current束流
beam curved in plan曲梁
beam deflection梁挠度
beam depth梁高
beam edge梁缘
beam encasement梁饰面
beam encasure梁饰面
beam fixed at both ends两端固定梁
beam fixed at one end一端固定梁
beam flange梁翼
beam flange width梁的翼缘宽度
beam flexure theory梁弯曲理论
beam flow束流
beam grillage梁格
beam haunch梁腋
beam length梁长
beam of deck of bridge桥面梁
beam of uniform depth等高梁
beam of uniform strength等强度梁
beam of uniform strength等强梁
beam of varying moment of inertia变惯性矩梁
beam of varying section变截面梁
beam on curve曲线上的梁
beam on elastic foundation弹性地基梁弹性基础梁
beam on elastic subgrade弹性地基梁弹性基础梁
beam oscillation梁的振动
beam simply-supported at each end两端简支梁
beam-slab bridge梁板桥
beam stem梁梗
beam transportation car运梁车
beam type subway梁式地道
beam vibration梁的振动
beam width梁宽
beam with adequate reinforcement适筋梁
beam with compression steel双筋梁
beam with constant cross-section等截面梁
beam with constant strength等强梁
beam with double layer reinforcement双筋梁
beam with double reinforcement复筋梁
beam with haunches加腋梁
beam with non-uniform depth变高梁
beam with overhanging end悬臂梁
beam with three spans三跨梁
beam with uniform cross-section等截面梁
beam with uniform depth等高梁
beam with uniform strength等强度梁
beam with web reinforcement有腹筋梁
beam with wide flange宽缘梁
beam without ballast无碴梁
beam without web reinforcement无腹筋梁
bending of beam梁的弯曲
bending of beam of rectangular cross section by concentrated force矩形截面梁由于集中的力产生的弯曲
bending of curved beam曲梁的弯曲
bent beam盖梁
boundary beam边梁
box beam bridge箱形梁桥
box beam without ballast and sleeper无碴无枕箱梁
box prestressed concrete beam箱形预应力混凝土梁
box section beam箱形截面梁
box-shaped beam箱形梁
bridge erection method by erecting temporary beam预架临时梁架桥法
bridge with stiff-beam and flexible-arch刚性梁柔性拱桥
bridging by erecting temporary beam预架临时梁架桥法
broad flange beam宽翼梁
broad flange I-beam宽翼缘工字钢
broad flange I-beam宽缘工字梁
built beam组合梁
built-in beam固定梁
built-up beam合成梁
builtup beam叠合梁
bundled rail beam轨束梁
camber beam上弯梁
cantilever-beam bridge悬臂梁桥
cased beam箱形梁
cast-in-place beam现场灌注梁
cast-in-place post tensioned beam就地灌注后张梁
cast-in-situ reinforced concrete beam就地灌注钢筋混凝土梁
centre line of main beam主梁中心线
centre to centre distance of main beams主梁中心距
centre-line of beam梁轴线
centre-line of height of beam梁高中心线
channel beam槽形梁
collapsible beam装配可折式梁
composite beam混合梁
composite beam结合梁
composite beam合成梁
composite beam bridge组合梁桥
composite beam of steel and concrete钢-混凝土结合梁
composite steel and concrete beam钢与混凝土组合梁
composite steel-concrete beam组合钢-混梁
compound beam复式梁
computation of temperature stress of concrete box-beam混凝土箱梁温度应力计算
concentrated force acting on beam作用于梁上的集中力
concrete stress in beam due to prestress after losing损失后预应力所产生梁的混凝土应力
concrete-encased beam混凝土埋置的梁
concrete-encased steel-beam包混凝土的钢梁
conducting beam导梁
constrained beam固端梁
construction yard for beam structure制梁场
continuous beam bridge连续梁桥
continuous beam of multiple span多跨连续梁
continuous beam on many supports多跨连续梁
continuous foundation beam连续地基梁
continuously distributed load on beam梁上的连续均布荷载
continuously loaded beam连续承受荷载的梁
coping beam帽梁
coupled beam组合梁
cross-beam of deck桥面的横梁
cross beam of truss桁架横梁
curred beam弯梁曲梁
curvature in bending of beam梁弯曲时的曲率
curvature of beam梁的曲率
curved box beam弯形箱形梁
curved box beam曲线箱梁
curved box-beam bridge曲线箱形梁桥
deepened beam加高梁
deflection of beam梁挠度
depth of beam梁高度
diaphragm of inner beam内梁横隔板
differflange beam不等翼工字钢
differflange I-beam不等翼工字钢
distortion of cross section of beam梁截面的畸变
double-beam girder erecting machine双梁式架桥机
double box beam bridge双箱梁桥
double cantilever beam bridge双悬臂梁桥
double I-beam双工字梁
double reinforced beam复筋梁
double-I beam双工梁
double-T beam双 T 梁
double-web beam双腹板梁
double-webbed beam双腹梁
doubly reinforced beam双筋梁
dowelled beam键合梁
drawing of reinforcement arrangement of coping beam帽梁钢筋布置图
edge beam边梁
effective width of wide beam flanges宽梁翼缘的有效宽
elastically supported beam弹性支承着的梁
elastically supported beam弹性支承梁
elevation of bottom of beam梁底高程
end cross beam端横梁
end face of beam梁端面
end floor beam端横梁
end floor-beam of deck of bridge桥面端横梁
equal section simple beam等截面简支梁
equivalent beam method等值梁法
erecting for reinforced concrete beam架设钢筋混凝土梁
experimental review of lateral buckling of beams梁侧向屈曲的实验评述
exterior beam外梁
fabricated beam拼装式梁
factor depending on the support conditions of beam取决于梁的支承条件的系数
finite beam有限梁
fixedly-supported beam固定支承梁
flange of beam梁翼缘
flexible foundation-beam柔性地基梁
floor beam桥面梁
foundation beam地基梁
free end of cantilever beam悬臂梁的自由端
freely supported beam简支梁
full web beam实腹梁
fully restrained beam固端梁
glued timber beam胶合木梁
H-beam pile工字桩
H-beam steel工字钢
half-front view of inner beam内梁半立面
half-front view of side beam边梁半立面
hanging beam吊梁
haunch of beam梁腋
haunched beam加腋梁
heat-curved beam热弯梁
heat-curved rolled steel beam热弯轧钢梁
hollow beam空腹梁
horizontal shear in beam梁中水平剪力
hot rolled steel beam热轧钢梁
hybrid beam混合梁
I-beam bridge工字梁桥
I-beam steel工字钢
inclined beam斜梁
inelastic beam非弹性梁
inner beam内梁
interior beam内梁
inverted T-beam倒 T 形梁
inverted T form beam倒 T 形梁
I-shaped steel beam工字形钢梁
isolated beam分离梁
isolated beam独立梁
jacking beam顶梁反作用梁
jacking cross beam起重横梁
jacking end beam起重端梁
jacking transverse beam起重横梁
joggled beam拼接梁
jointing procedure for precast segmental box-beam预制分段箱形梁拼接步骤
keyed beam键合梁
keyed compound beam叠合梁
lateral buckling of beam梁的侧向屈曲
lateral impact on a beam梁上的侧向冲击
lateral vibration of beam梁的横向振动
lateral-torsional buckling strength of beam梁的侧扭屈曲强度
lenticular beam鱼腹梁
load and beam cross line荷载与梁相交线或点 (or point)
longitudinal beam纵向梁
longitudinal beam纵梁
longitudinal beam for trestle栈桥纵梁
longitudinal edge beam纵向边梁
low-height beam低高度梁
main beam主要大梁
main beam of bridge桥主梁
main girder primary beam主梁
marginal beam边梁
masonry beam圬工梁
maximum temperature differential of inside and outside surfaces of box beam due to the effect of sunshine or temperature decreasing日照或降温影响下箱梁内外表面最大温差
median beam中间梁
method of continuous beams on elastic supports弹性支承连续梁法
military beam军用梁
monolithic prestressed beam整体预应力梁
moulded-in-place reinforced concrete beam就地灌注钢筋混凝土梁
moving erection for beam移动架梁
moving load on beam梁上运动荷载
multiple span beam多跨梁
multiple span continuous beam多跨连续梁
multi-span beam多跨梁
multispan statically determinate beam多跨静定梁
narrow flange I-shaped section beam窄缘I形截面梁
nonlinear beam非线性梁
non-standard beam非标准梁
non-uniform continuous beam变截面连续梁
nose beam送梁
one-end cantilever beam单悬臂梁
overhanging beam外伸梁
overhanging beam伸出梁
packed rail beam轨束梁
parallel flange beam平行翼缘梁
partial prestress concrete beam部分预应力混凝土梁
partially prestressed concrete beam部分预应力混凝土梁
pier capping beam墩帽梁
pile capping beam桩承台
pre-assembled beam bridge预装配梁桥
precast beam装配式梁
precast beam预制梁
precast concrete beam预制混凝土梁
precast grade 30 reinforced concrete T-beam预制30号钢筋混凝土T梁
precast segmental box beam预制分节箱梁
precast segmental box-beam jointing procedure预制分段箱形梁拼接步骤
prefabricated assembly beam预制装配式梁
pre-flex beam预弯梁
prestressed concrete beam预应力混凝土梁
prestressed concrete beam bridge预应力混凝土梁桥
prestressed concrete beam bridge with fixed-end预应力混凝土固端梁桥
prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge预应力混凝土连续梁桥
prestressed concrete fixed-end beam bridge预应力混凝土固端梁桥
prestressed concrete simply supported beam预应力混凝土简支梁
prestressed concrete T-beam预应力混凝土T梁
prestressed concrete trussed beam bridge预应力混凝土桁架梁桥
prestressed continuous beam预应力连续梁
prestressed T-beam预应力T梁
prestressed T-beam bridge预应力T梁桥
pretensioned concrete beam先张梁
prismatic beam等截面梁
propped cantilever beam有支承悬臂梁
rail beam轨梁
rail beam钢轨梁
rail-pack beam轨束梁
redundant beam超静定梁
reinforced concrete beam钢筋混凝土梁
reinforced concrete slab-beam钢筋混凝土板梁
reinforced concrete T-beam钢筋混凝土 T 梁
reinforcement of bottom slab of beam梁的底板钢筋
renewal of beam更换梁
restraining beam约束梁
rigidly supported beam刚性支承着的梁
riveted beam铆接梁
rolled beam轧制梁
rolled beam辊轧梁
rolled steel beam型钢梁
rolled steel beam辊轧钢梁
rolled steel beam bridge型钢梁桥
runway beam轨梁
sag of beam梁挠度
sandwich beam夹层梁
sandwich beam叠合梁
seamless beam无缝梁
seat beam座梁
segmental box-beam bridge分段箱梁桥
semi-infinite beam半无限梁
separated beam分离梁
separated twin T-beam分离式双T形梁
shape of beam梁的形状
short beam短梁
short span beam短跨梁
side beam边梁
simple beam bridge简支梁桥
simple supported beam bridge简支梁桥
simply supported beam with equal sections等截面简支梁
simply-supported beam简支梁
single-beam girder-erecting machine单梁式架桥机
single cantilever beam bridge单悬臂梁桥
single-cell box beam单室箱梁
single-T beam单 T 形梁
singly reinforced beam单筋梁
skewed beam斜梁
slab beam板梁
sloping beam斜梁
solid web beam实腹梁
span of beam梁跨
steam cured beam蒸汽养护的梁
steel broad flange beam宽翼缘钢梁
steel I-beam bridge with reinforced concrete deck工字钢梁混凝土面桥
steel I-beam bridge with timber floor木桥面工字钢梁桥
steel I-beam bridge with timber floor工字钢梁木面桥
steel longitudinal beam钢纵梁
steel plate under bottom of beam梁底钢板
steel solid web beam实腹钢梁
steel truss beam钢桁梁
stem of beam梁梗
stepped beam阶形梁
stiff beam刚劲梁
stiff beam刚性梁
stone beam bridge石梁桥
stress in beam梁中应力
strutted beam bridge撑架式桥
superposed beam叠合梁
symmetrical beam对称梁
T-beam梯形梁 (T 形梁)
tapered beam楔形梁
tee beam梯形梁 (T 形梁)
thin wall beam薄壁梁
thin-web beam薄腹梁
three-span beam三跨梁
thrusting beam顶推梁
timber beam bridge木梁桥
top beam盖梁
transverse bending of beam梁横向弯曲
travelling beam移动梁
T-shaped beam丁形梁
twice casted beam叠合梁
twin beams双梁
twist of thin-walled beam薄壁梁的扭转
uniform strength beam等强度梁
uniformly loaded beam均匀受力的梁
unrestrained beam非约束梁
unstiffened beam未加劲梁
unsymmetric beam不对称梁
unsymmetrical beam非对称梁
unsymmetrical channel beam不对称槽形梁
U-shape beam, groove beam槽形梁
variable height beam变高度梁
variable section beam变截面梁
warping of beam梁的翘曲
web of beam梁腹
web of slab beam板梁腹板
welded and high strength bolt connected steel beam栓焊钢梁
welded beam焊接梁
wide flange I-beam宽翼缘工字钢
wide flange I-beam宽缘工字梁
wide-flange beam宽缘梁
widened zone of beam rib梁肋加宽段
Winker beam on elastic foundation soil文克勒弹性地基梁
wood-concrete composite beam bridge木、混凝土混合梁桥
wooden beam bridge木梁桥
wooden compound beam木组合梁