
Terms containing be open to | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.be open toM 通向M
gen.be open toM 与M相通
gen.be open toM 易受到M
gen.be open toM 容易被M
gen.be open toM 有M的余地
econ.be open to愿接受或考虑
econ.be open to可…的
econ.be open to易受的
econ.be open to对…开放的
gen.be open toM 对〔向〕M开放
gen.be open to an offer愿意考虑某一提议
adv.be open to conviction能接受意见
adv.be open to conviction服理
gen.be open to criticism欢迎〔可以〕批评
gen.be open to misconstruction容易被误解
gen.be open to misconstruction容易引起误会
math.be open to question有争议
math.be open to question引起争论
math.be open to question值得怀疑
China, polit.sessions of the National Peopled Congress be open to the public全国人民代表大会会议公开举行
construct.be open to traffic开放
busin.be open to traffic交付营运
construct.be open to traffic通车
tech.be open to traffic交付运营
China, lawbe open to traffic anew恢复通行
proj.manag.Firewalls not only guard against unwanted access, they can also be used to create a secure channel through an open public network, like the Internet防火墙不仅能防止无用访问、而且能通过开放的公共网络、如互联网、建立安全通道
gen.I would like to open a checking account. Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimum deposit?我想开一个支票存款账户。300美元作最低存款额够了吗?
proj.manag.Its bankruptcy petition is due to be filed in a federal court in Manhattan at about 1pm London time, before the US markets open它的破产申请应该在伦敦时间下午1点钟左右、美国股市开市前、提交给位于曼哈顿的联邦法院
proj.manag.When you open a soft link, you will be redirected to the folder where the files are stored当你打开一个软链接、系统会将当前路径转向文件的实际存储位置