
Terms for subject United Nations containing basis | all forms | exact matches only
Basis for Agreement on a Comprehensive Settlement of the Cyprus Problem全面解决塞浦路斯问题的安排根 据
consumables means supplies of a general nature, consumed on a routine basis消耗品是指日常使用的一般性用品
free and informed consent, on the basis of自由知情同意基础上
grant basis, and/or on concessional or other terms, on a向受影响发展中国家缔约方以赠款、减让和/或以其他条件
on a cumulative nominal basis按累计的营运费计算
On a net present value basis按净现值计算
self-sufficiency/self-sustainment means a logistics support concept for troop contingent/police unit in a peacekeeping mission whereby the contributing state provides some specific or all logistics support to the contingent on a reimbursable basis自给自足/自我维持指参加维和任务的部队特遣队/警务单位的后勤支助概念,其中派遣国在可偿还费用基础上向特遣队提供特定的或全部的后勤支助
self-sustainment is defined as logistics support for contingents in a peacekeeping mission area whereby the troop/police contributor provides some or all categories of logistics support to the contingent on a reimbursable basis自我维持被定义为在维和任务区为特遣队提供的后勤支助,而部队/警察部队派遣国为特遣队提供可以获得偿还的部分或全部类别的后勤支助。
standard operational reporting. standard operational reports are performed at the unit/contingent level by the unit/contingent on a monthly basis using a standardized form标准作业报告:标准作业报告由部队/特遣队每月使用标准表格在部队/特遣队一级进行
standardization of reimbursement rates on an equitable basis依据平等性对偿还率进行标准化