
Terms for subject Economy containing basis | all forms | exact matches only
a basis grade基本品级
a basis period基期
a piece-rate basis计件工资
ability to pay basis付税能力基准
accounting on accrual basis责权发生会计制
accrued expenditure basis支出应计制
accrued revenue and expenditure basis收支权责发生制
activity-related basis of allocation按作业范围分摊间接费用
actual acquisition cost basis实际取得成本基础
agency on the basis of ... percent commission accepted同意代理按百分比…收取佣金
an accrual basis应计基础
an accrual basis权责发生制
an accrual basis应计制
an all-inclusive basis收益支出统括制
an all-inclusive basis总括原则
an object basis用途分类法
an object basis对象分类法
annual basis以年为基础
As guarantors, these companies have to repay all the debts on a proportional basis of their stockholdings作为担保人,这些公司必须按所持有股份的比例偿付全部债务
at sight basis远期票按即期付
balance of payment on net liquidity basis按净清偿能力计算的国际收支
balance on basis of official reserve transaction按官方储备结算的国际收支差额
balance on liquidity basis按清偿能力计算的国际收支差额
balance on official settlement basis按政府清算基础计算的国际收支差额
basis contract基货标准合同
basis for claim索赔的根据
basis grade基本等级
basis of accounting会计的标准
basis of assessment摊额基准
basis of assessment征税的标准
basis of assessment课税标准
basis of credit放款根据
basis of delivery交货的基础
basis of posting过账的根据
basis of price价格的基础
basis of price价格基础
basis of satisfactory wages满意工资的基础
basis of valuation定价的基础
basis point基础点美证券利息用语,一个"基础点"为利息一厘的百分之一
basis points基数点
basis points基础点
basis speed动态的定基速率 (dynamic)
basis valuation估价标准
calculate the basis of original price原价计算
Can you make us an offer on CIF basis n.?你方能按到岸价格给我们报盘吗?
cash basis accounting现金制会计
cash basis of accounting现金收付会计制
cash basis statement收付实现制
cash collection basis收现基础
cash collection basis of revenue realization收现制 (指营业收入的收受现金而言)
cash collection basis of revenue recognition for installment receivable分期收款情况下营业收入的收款实现确定法
collection basis征收基础
commodity basis商品方式
company on the basis of shares from workers and staff职工集资入股的公司
comparative growth on fixed basis定基增长
comparative growth on moving basis环比增长
composite basis综合基础
confirmation of the tax computation basis税收计算基础的确认
cost basis固定资产会计的成本基础 (in fixed asset accounting)
cost recovery basis成本回收制
cost recovery basis成本回收原则
cost valuation, basis成本估价基础
cost-effective basis contribution成本效益基准贡献
cost-effective basis method成本效益基准方法
crop per unit area basis单位面积产量
customs basis海关基数
depreciation by production basis method生产基准法折旧
direct labor basis直接工资标准法
disposal of treasury shares on cost basis按成本计算库存股的出售价格
double price basis双重价格
economic basis method经济基础处理法
economic basis of valuation证券计价的经济价值制
economic cooperation on compensatory basis在补偿基础上的经济合作
economical basis经济基础
equity basis of valuation of securities证券估价的权益基础
equity basis of valuation of security证券计价的权益制
escrow basis记账易货方式
exchange of products on the basis of equal labour values产品的等劳交换
expected value basis期望值基准
export agent on a commission basis出口取佣委托商
export in a deferred payment basis延期付款出口
export statistics on a certified basis按一定依据计算的出口统计
federal budget: National-income accounts basis federal sector account以国民收入帐为基础计算联邦部门帐
federal budget: National-income accounts basis联邦预算 (federal sector account)
firm basis确定的基础
foreign trade on consignment basis外销寄售
free gold bullion basis金块的自由输出 (入)
freight rate basis运费率基准
full cost basis全部成本计算法
going concern basis继续经营基本原理
handle sales on a commission basis佣金制下销售产品
hierarchical basis等级制度基础
hire personnel on the basis of their abilities量才录用
historical basis历史法
I am sorry we can't sell on a long credit basis很抱歉,我们不能长期赊账销售
income tax on a consolidated basis pay总缴纳所得税
individual household as the basis economic unit单个家庭为经济单位
lending on a soft basis软贷款
lending on a soft basis低利贷款
loan granted on the basis of guarantees抵抗放款
loan granted on the basis of guarantees以抵押品为基础的贷款
loan granted on the basis of guarantees担保放款
loss occurring basis损失发生基准
lump-sum basis一次总付的方法
machine rate basis机器比率法
market price basis市价基准
minimal basis极小基础
necessary labour time on a world wide basis世界必要劳动时间
on a day to day basis按日计算
on a non-reimbursable basis以非偿还为基础的
on a payment basis以偿还为基础的
on a subcontractual basis实行分包制的
purchase on a trial basis (购)
on reciprocal basis对等条件指银行谨慎地核对单据是否符合跟单信用证条款或条件
on the basis of在…的基础上
on the basis of a 50% split在各分一半的基础上
paid-in value basis已付价值基础
pay each labourer on the basis of the quantity and quality of labour he performs按照劳动者提供的劳动数量和质量给予报酬
pay on a consolidated basis汇总缴纳
pension basis退休金计算基础
percentage of completion basis完工百分率
policy issued basis以签发保险单为基础
port to port basis港至港条件
port-to-~ basis港至港条件
present worth basis for comparison现值基础上的比较
Prices for the funds are quoted on a daily basis公债价逐日报盘
prices on a unified basis统一规定的价格
product basis产品法
profit-and-loss basis经济核算制
purchase goods on a selective basis择优选购货物
purchase a new brand beer, drink on a trial basis试购 (新商标啤酒、饮料)
replacement basis重置基准
select for employment on the basis of one's qualifications择优录用
self-supporting basis经济核算制
selling on consignment basis寄售
service-yield basis劳务产生基础
sliding-scale basis比例相应增减法
social basis社会基础
sound basis稳妥方案
split the price difference on 50% basis差价对半
standard loan on a per unit area basis以单位面积为基础的标准贷款
supply on a maintenance basis供给制
tariff on uniform basis划一的运价表
tax basis课税基础
test-basis examinations抽查法检査
the accrual basis accounting权责发生制会计
the accrual basis accounting应收应付会计制
the actuarial basis计算标准
the actuarial basis保险标准
the actuarial basis精算基础
The adjustment shall be made on the basis of the audited statements调整必须按决算报表进行
the assistance on a refundable basis需偿还的援助
the basis for recording sales销售计价基准
the basis freight基本运费
The business was done on a Letter of Credit basis这笔交易是用信用证支付的
The calculation of prices is made on the basis of world prices价格核算是以世界市场价格为基础的
The contract needs preventive revision on a bimonthly basis本合同需两个月进行一次预防性的修订
the delivery basis of revenue recognition营业收入的交货确定法
The method of payment in our factory is on the piece-rate and bonus basis我们厂的工资支付方法采用计件和奖金制
the non-cumulative basis不累积计算基础
the predetermined basis预定的基础
The prices are on a c.i.f. Hamburg basis for the amount of not less than 40 gross价格为成本加保险费、运费到汉堡价,数量不得少于40罗
the project basis for loans以投资项目为贷款基础
the salary basis for pension purpose退休金计算基础
the self-operated basis自营方式
the store and forward basis先储存后发送制
The taxes will be amortized on a weekly basis这些税款将按周分期缴付
They booked the business on the basis of sample他们依据样品成交了这笔交易
They can handle these goods on a consignment basis他们能按寄售办法销售这批货
They charged for the house on a cost-plus basis他们按成本加佣金,对这幢房子收费
They hired salesmen to sell estates on commission basis他们以佣金报酬方式雇推销员出售地产
total market value basis上市总价值基础
transaction on dealers9 basis经纪人在场外直接进行的交易
two-price basis两种价格基础
two-price basis双重基价
valuation basis估价基础
value measurement basis估值标准
We do the business on principal-to-~ basis, so there is no commission我们是双方直接成交这笔业务的,因此没有佣金这回事
We have to advise you by cable that we can sell these goods on ii consignment basis only我方必须用电报告知你方,我方只能按寄售办法销售这批货
We hope that we can establish business relations with you on a long-term basis我们希望能与你们建立长期的业务关系
We informed you in our letter of 7th May that we could handle these goods on a consignment basis only我们已在 5 月7日函告你方,我们只能按寄售办法销售这批货
We shall procure all materials and equipment on a competitive bid basis我们应在竞争性招标的基础上采办全部材料和设备
We share the profits on a fifty-fifty basis我们各得一半利润