
Terms for subject Agriculture containing basis | all forms | exact matches only
accrual basis应收应付制
additive basis加性基础
basis rule基本规则
biochemical basis生化基础 (basis biochemicus)
compensation basis补偿基础指调整价格
cytological basis细胞学基础
dry-weight basis干重基础
efficient basis of selection for yield产量选择的有效依据
equal-effective precipitation basis等有效降水量基础
gene basis基因基础
genetic basis遗传基础
genetical basis遗传基础
hereditary basis遗传基础 (basis hereditaris)
innovation basis创新基础
leaf-area basis叶面积基础
limb basis肢基节
management basis经营基础
molecular basis of mutation突变的分子基础
natural forage basis天然饲料基地
orthonormal basis规格化正交基
physical basis of heredity遗传的物质基础
physical basis of inheritance遗传的物质基础
physiological basis生理基础
population basis群体基础
price-adjustment basis价格调整根据
reliable basis可靠基础
soil moisture percentage on dried soil basis依据干土重的土壤含水率
structural basis结构基础
theoretical basis理论根据
theoretical basis of intelligent crop production作物智能栽培学的理论基础
theoretical basis of molecular genetics分子遗传学的理论基础