
Terms for subject Automobiles containing base | all forms | exact matches only
Ackerman base angle阿克曼基本角考虑到前轮偏移角的转向平均角度,即梯形转向机构车辆转向瞬时中心处轴距弦张角
aerial base天线底座
alternative wheel base供选择的不同尺寸轴距
antenna base天线底座
armature base plate调节器/发电机衔铁底板
axle base前后桥距
barium base grease钡基润滑脂
base agreement基础协议
base and clear system底漆和透明漆系统
base angle基圆角
base band基本频带
base bearing曲轴轴承
base-bearing bush曲轴轴承衬套
base-bearing bushing曲轴轴承衬套
base-bearing linershell曲轴轴承轴瓦
base-bearing linershell主轴承轴瓦
base blend基本燃料
base body型号系列型车身
base brake行车主,脚制动器
base button气门嘴卡扣式基座
base chamber曲轴箱
base chamber容器底壳
base chassis摩托车底盘
base chassis基型底盘
base-circle diameter基圆直径
base coat油漆底漆
base coat底层
base coat of paint底涂层
base coat of paint底漆
base-collector junction基极-集电极结
base cone锥齿轮基锥
base course wear rate轮胎底层胎面磨损率
base cylinder基圆柱面
base depot始发站
base depth底深
base depth车轮底座深度
base diameter基圆直径
base electrode基极
base engine基本型发动机
base explosion曲轴箱爆燃放炮
base flange-mounted fuel injection pump平底法兰安装式喷油泵
base frame基型车架
base gasket气缸底面密封垫
base gasoline基础汽油
base gearbox基本标准变速器
base helix齿轮基圆柱螺旋线
base helix angle齿轮基圆柱螺旋角
base hour基本工时
base idle基本怠速
base injection time基本喷射时间
base jaw基爪
base lead angle基圆导程角
base line主轴线
base load基本载荷
base material母料
base material半导体基极材料
base material基本材料
base metal焊接母材
base metal普通金属
base metal焊接母材金属
base-metal catalyst普通金属催化剂
base metal catalyst普通金属催化剂
base model基本标准
base module基本模块
base module电源监控计算机相当于电源主继电器
base module电源监控模块
base-mounted fuel injection pump平底托架式喷油泵
base of10十进制
base of the skull人体颅底
base of tooth齿轮啮合齿根
base of tread groove胎面花纹沟底
base oil基础油未加添加剂的油
base package组装草图
base package基本标准装备
base paint底层涂料
base part基础件
base part基体部件
base plane length基准平面长度
base plane length基面距离
base pulse width基本脉宽
BASE PW测试仪字符基本喷油脉宽单位:ms
base radius车轮槽底半径
base ratio传动系统主减速比
base ratio基本比率
base recess基座凹槽
base region晶体管基区
base rim车轮基本型轮辋
base ring挡圈
base ring滚动轴承座圈
base shop主车间
base spreading resistance基极扩展电阻
base steel普通质量钢
base system基本系统
base tension基极电压
base terminal基极端
base terminal基极引出线
base thickness基圆齿厚
base timing基本正时
base trailer park挂车主停车场
base transmission基本标准变速器
base type基型
base type基本型号
base valve底部单向阀
base valve减振器底阀
base vehicle型车辆
base width车轮底座
battery base电池底垫
bearing housing base轴承座基座
bi-pin basecap电灯泡双脚插座
bi-post base电灯泡双脚插座
button base气门嘴卡扣式基座
candelabra bayonet base 15mm直径的插口灯座
candelabra prefocused base 15mm直径的凸缘盘式灯座
center base中间底座
chuck base夹头 (chuck)
chuck base装夹工具 (chuck)
chuck base卡盘 (chuck)
common base电子学共基极
complex calcium base grease复合钙基润滑脂
conical base solid tyre斜底实心轮胎
crawler base履带式车体
cylinder base气缸底座凸缘,法兰
cylinder-base flange缸固定法兰
cylinder base gasket气缸底面密封垫
cylinder-block base气缸体底座法兰
cylinder-cover base气缸盖下层双层气缸盖的下部
cylinder-head base气缸盖下层双层气缸盖的下部
cylindrical-base solid tire圆柱实心轮胎
door base车门底边部,侧
drop base rim车轮深槽轮辋
engine base发动机底座
farthest wheel-base多轴汽车最大前后轴轴距
flat-base construction车轮平底式结构
flat-base rim平底轮辋
flat base rim平底轮網
flat-base tappet配气机构平底挺柱
foot base plate试验用假人脚支承底板
front base bearing曲轴前主轴承
fuse base保险丝座
gear base pitch齿轮基节
graded-base transistor缓变基区晶体管
graphite calcium base grease石墨钙基润滑脂
groove base
ground base lacquer底层漆
ground base lacquer底漆
grounded-base circuit晶体管基极接地的
headlamp base前照灯安装座
hex base气门嘴六角形底板
hexagonal base气门嘴六角形底板胶座
hook base plate连接装置拖钩底安装
hydrocarbon-base grease烃基润滑脂
insulator base火花塞绝缘体底座,脚
intermediate base车辆中等轴距
intermediate wheel base中间轴距
internal base resistance内基区电阻
iron base bearing铁基粉末冶金轴承
largelong wheel base长轴距
large wheel base长轴距
lead-base additive汽油铅基添加剂
lead-base white metal铅基巴氏合金
lean base稀薄状态
lithium soap base glycol grease锂皂基甘醇润滑脂
load base载荷中心距商用车前轮中心线到平均分布载荷的横向中心线的距离
long-base car长轴距汽车
long wheel base长轴距
lug base花纹根部宽度
lug base轮胎块状越野花纹
lug-base tire胎底横向花纹轮胎在与轮辋匹配面上有横向花纹的轮胎
magnetic base千分表磁性底座
main base中间底座
metal-base composite material金属基复合材料
metal-base valve内胎金属座气门嘴
mirror base plate后视镜底板
molybdenum-disulphide lithium-base grease二硫化钼锂基润滑脂
mounting base安装
narrow base tyre窄基轮胎
painted base涂底漆
painted base涂装基底
pedestal base柱脚座例如千分表表座
pillar base车身
pin base插销座
pin base灯泡管脚座
pitch base齿轮基圆节距
pitch of base circle基节
pitch of base circle齿轮基圆节距
pivot-base strut枢轴式支柱装在悬架下控制臂的枢轴衬套上
platen base床台
platform base架箱底架
platform base平台
plug base电系插头底座
post base立柱底座
post base车身柱支座
rear base bearing发动机曲轴主轴承
reservoir basebottom储存罐容器底座
rim base轮辋体
rubber base气门嘴胶座
rubber base valve轮胎胶座气门嘴
rubber-covered base轮胎气门嘴包胶的底座
rubbered base胶座
rubbered base轮胎气门嘴橡胶底座
seal base密封底板
semi-flat base rim车轮半平底轮辋
silicone base brake fluid硅酮型制动液
skull base人体颅底
sliding base床位
sliding base床鞍
solid tyre base width实心轮胎基部宽度
swinging base回转板
swivel base转盘
swivel tilted base机床回转斜台
synthetic base油料合成基
taper base seat rim车轮斜底轮辋
technological base工艺数据库
tin-base white metal锡基白色减摩合金
tool base clearance金属切削刀具基后角
tooth base circle齿基圆
total base number机油总碱值
transfer seat base电动座椅底座
transportation base运输站点基地
transverse base pitch端面基圆节齿
transverse base thickness端面基圆齿厚
tread base胎面基部
trunnion base悬架平衡轴支座
tubeless base无内胎轮胎气门嘴金属底板
valve base轮胎气门嘴座
water-base paint水基漆涂料
wedge base灯泡楔形灯座
wedge base type bulb socket楔形灯泡座
well base轮辋深槽
well-base rim深槽轮辋
wheel base angle轴距弦张角 (Ackerman base angle)
wheel base angle阿克曼基本角 (Ackerman base angle)
wide and deep base rim宽辐深底轮辋
wide and flat base rim宽辐平底轮辋
wide-base drop center rim深槽宽轮辋
wide-base rim车轮宽基轮辋
wide-base tire工程车辆宽基轮胎
wide-base tyre工程车辆宽基轮胎
wide flat base rim平底宽轮辋
windscreen base玻璃窗窗下沿底边