
Terms for subject Finances containing base | all forms | exact matches only
actuarial base保险学基础
actuarial base保险学理制度
adjusted base调整后基数
adjustment of monetary base货币基础调整
advanced industrial and technological base先进的工业与技术基础
base data基期数据
base day基准日
base effect基数效应
base fee基本酬金
base for overhead distribution间接费分配标准
base listing document基础上市文件
base market value基准市场价值
base metals基本金属 (指贵金属及稀有金属以外的主要工业用有色金属,如铜、铅、锡、锌、铝和镍等)
base of accounting period以会计期间为基础
base of administrative control以管理上可控制与否为基础
base of business function以业务职能为基础
base of costing成本计算的基础
base of nature of the item以项目性质为基础
base of regularity of occurrence以成本发生之经常与否为基础
base of relationship to the cost of unit以成本与产品间的关系为基础
base period value基期价值
base rate基本利率
base rate基准利率
base rate基本工资率
bookkeeping base currency记账本位币
broad-base index广泛基础指数
capital base资本基础 (公司首次公开上市或后续股票发行获取的资金,加上保留盈利;投资者对投资组合投入的初步投资以及后续投资)
cash base现金方式
deposit base存款基础
depreciation base折旧基数
depreciation base value折旧基值
depreciation-proportional method on fixed base定额比例折旧法
derivative contract base衍生工具合约基础
equity base股本基数
expand the tax base扩大税基
finance house base rate融资公司基本利率
fixed base定基
foreign base company income外国基地公司收入
maintenance base基本维持费用
monetary base control货币基数控制
monetary circulation base货币流通基数
offshore deposit base离岸存款基础
recosted base重计费用基础
revalued base重估基数
revalued base重新估价的基数
sound capital base良好的资本基础
tax base征税标的
tax base计税基准
tax base课税依据
tax base of liabilities负债的计税基础
weak tax base税源不足
zero base零基准点
zero -base approach零基办法
Zero-based budgeting零底预算
Zero-based budgeting零基预算计划
zero -base review零点基准之复核