
Terms for subject Baseball containing base | all forms | exact matches only
base bag垒包
base coach跑垒指导员
base coach垒指导员
base coverage垒位填补
base dogger速度很慢的跑垒员
base full满垒
base hit安全打
base hit安全打
3-base hit三垒打
base hits安全打数
base knock安全打
base on balls4坏球自由上垒
base on balls四环球后送上垒
base on error因守场员失误而上垒
base on error守场失误上垒
base packed满垒
base path垒道
base path跑垒道
base performance index棒球员表现指数
base plate垒垫
base runner跑垒员
base-runner interference跑垒员妨碍击球
base running跑垒
base stealer投垒者
base stealing偷垒
base umpire司垒裁判员
bunt for a base hit触击安打
bunt for a base hit上垒触击球
cover the base守场员抢先跑垒
cut a base漏踏一垒
cut a base漏踏
dead on base残垒
dislodged base移位垒包
extra-base hit多垒安全打
first base一垒手分管的位置
first base一垒
first base—垒手分管的位置
first base一垒打 (hits)
first base一垒手 (hits)
first base一垒手位置
four base hit本垒打
full base满垒
get to first base进入一垒
get to first base进至一垒
home base回本垒
home base本垒
hug the base跑垒员紧靠垒位
hugging the base紧靠垒位
intentional base on balls故意四坏球
intentional base on balls有意让垒
Left base too soon!离垒过早!
Left base too soon!裁判用语离垒过早!
left on base残垒记分卡符号
left on base残垒
next to the base紧靠垒位
next to the base靠近垒位
off base未触垒
off base不在垒上
on base跑垒员踏垒
on base占垒
on base踏垒
on base percentage上垒率
one-base hit一垒打
pivot at the second base双杀时在二垒中转接传球 (for a double play)
pivot at the second base二垒转接传球
second base二垒
second base二垒手分管的位置
second base二垒手 (hit)
second base二垒打 (hit)
second base二垒手位置
second base grounder二垒手面前的地滚球
second base grounder打到二垒手面前的地滚球
steal base偷垒
stolen base偷得的垒
stolen base attempt企图偷垒
straddle the base跨垒站立
tag the base触垒边角
take base安全上垒
Take your base!安全上垒!裁判用语
Take your base!安全上垒!
third base三垒手分管的位置
third base三垒
three base三垒打 (hits)
three base三垒手 (hits)
three-base hit三垒打
total base安打上垒总数
touch base触垒
try for a base探垒
two-base hit二垒打