
Terms for subject Economy containing bankruptcy | all forms | exact matches only
A combination of raw materials shortage and difficult trading conditions led to the company's bankruptcy原材料短缺和艰难的贸易条件共同导致了公司的破产
a receiver in bankruptcy破产程序中的财产管理人
account of bankruptcy破产帐
adjudication of bankruptcy宣判破产
adjudication of bankruptcy宣告破产
All salaries have been frozen because of the bankruptcy of the company由于公司破产,所有工资都已冻结
bankruptcy administrator破产管理人
bankruptcy arrest of debtor破产程序中的拘留债务人
bankruptcy court破产审理法庭
bankruptcy court破产裁判所
bankruptcy court破产法院
bankruptcy petition要求宣告破产
bankruptcy proceedings破产诉讼
Because of the bankruptcy of the firm a receiver was appointed by the court由于该商行破产,法院指定了一位接管人
cause of bankruptcy破产原因
claim in bankruptcy破产债权
debt provable in bankruptcy可证破产债务
debt s-provable in bankruptcy破产时可认债务
discharge in bankruptcy解除破产人未偿债务的命令
discharge of claims in a bankruptcy破产程序中的清偿债权
discharge of claims in a bankruptcy破产程序中清偿债权
economic bankruptcy经济破产
Federal Bankruptcy Act联邦破产法
fraudulent bankruptcy假破产
involuntary bankruptcy强制性破产
law of bankruptcy破产法
National Bankruptcy Act美国破产法
proceedings in bankruptcy破产诉讼
receiver in bankruptcy破产财产接管人
sentence of bankruptcy破产宣告
the adjudication of bankruptcy宣布破产
the administration in bankruptcy破产清理
the bankruptcy adjudication破产程序中的判决
the petition in bankruptcy破产申请
the sentence of bankruptcy破产判决
They warned him of the danger of bankruptcy in stock exhange speculations有人警告他投机股票有破产的危险
This agreement shall automatically terminate upon the bankruptcy or insolvency of any party任何一方破产或无力偿付时,本协议将自行宣告终止
This company possessed lots of immovable property before its bankruptcy这家公司在破产前拥有大量不动产