
Terms for subject Economy containing bank | all forms | exact matches only
a designated bank指定银行
a multiple-branch bank分行众多的银行
a national bank国民银行
a national bank全国注册银行
a national bank国家银行
a nationalized bank国有化银行
a numbered bank account瑞士代号存款账户
a skills bank技能库
a specialized bank dealing with foreign exchange business外汇业务的专业银行
a talent bank智囊团
a talent bank人才库
acceptance bank承付所
accepted at Bank of China, and there only仅限于在中国银行承兑
adjusting entry from bank reconciliation根据银行往来的调整分录
Africa Development Bank非洲开发银行
African Development Bank非洲发展银行
agent bank代理银行
agricultural bank农业银行
agricultural credit-minded banks从事农业信贷业务的银行
agricultural development bank农业发展银行
all-bank data telecommunications system全国各银行资料电传系统
American Bank Note美钞
an accepted bank承兑银行
an accepter bank承兑银行
an advising bank通知银行
an affiliated bank联营银行
an affiliated bank联行
an agent bank代理银行
an alien bank外国银行
an all-purpose bank经营全面业务的银行
an appointed bank指定银行
an associated bank联合银行
an establishing bank开证银行
analysis of deposits of banks银行存款之比较
apex bank中心银行
appoint a bank指定银行
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa非洲经济发展阿拉伯银行
Articles of Agreement of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development国际复兴开发银行协定条款,世界银行协定 (条款)
As a result of the merger n., your bank is the largest in this city作为合并的结果,贵行成了本市最大的银行
As to our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our bank, the Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing关于笔方的业务情况和财务情况,请向中国银行北京总行查询
audit for cash on hand and in bank库存现金与银行存款审计
authorized foreign exchange bank指令外汇银行
availability of bank银行贷款能力
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行平均贷款和贴现订约利率
average outstanding bank notes issued流通中银行票据平均额
balance with foreign banks abroad存放国外银行余额
bank acceptance银行承兑
bank acceptance rate银行承兑价 (利润)
bank account transferences银行变账
bank accounts银行存款
bank accounts银行往来账
bank advance银行垫款
bank advertising银行广告
bank affiliate export trading company银行附属出口贸易公司依照美国出口贸易公司法案规定,部分或全部为金融机构所拥有的美国出口贸易公司
Bank American Card美国银行信用卡
bank and trust company银行和信托公司
bank annuities英国统一公债
bank balance银行来往余额
bank balance银行存款金额
bank balance银行往来余额
bank bill银行与银行之间的汇票
bank bill银行券
bank book银行存折
bank book支票簿
bank books and printing银行账册簿据印刷费
bank charges and difference in rates of exchange汇款手续费和汇兑差额
bank check银行支票 (cheque)
bank clearing银行之间的划拨结算
bank clearing银行票据交换
bank clearing银行清算
bank clerk银行职员
bank credit银行贷款
bank credit银行信用
bank credit proxy会计员银行向联邦储备银行日报的存款平均额
bank currency银行通货
bank-customer relationship银行与客户之关系
bank debit银行债务
bank demand draftD/D 银行即期汇票
bank deposit certificate银行存款凭证
Bank Deposit Insure Act英国 银行存款保险法
bank deposit on major repair fund大修理基金存款
bank deposit on specified funds专用基金存款
bank deposit under specific fund专项存款
bank deposits银行存款
bank disclosure根据法院判决银行才能提的该行客户账户情况
bank disclosure根据法院判决银行才能提供的该行客户帐户情况
bank discount银行贴现
bank draft汇票
bank draught银行汇票
bank financing银行理财
bank financing银行筹资
bank for international settlement国际结算银行
bank fraud诈骗银行行为
bank giro票据交结所付款转账制
bank holiday银行休息日
bank law银行法
bank letters银行通讯
bank loan deposit ratio银行存贷款比率
bank loan payable银行借入款
bank loan secured by mortgage on factory foundation以工厂财产抵押担保的银行贷款
bank manager银行经理
bank money银行票据包括支票和汇票
bank monopoly capital银行荃断资本
bank nominee银行指定的代理人
bank note钞票
bank note银行承兑券
bank note银行承兑票据
bank note银行钞票
bank note银行券
bank noteB/N 纸币
bank note duty钞票发行税
bank note duty兑换券发行税
bank notes银行承兑的票据
bank notes in circulation流通中的钞票
bank notes in circulation流通中钞票
bank notes issue ordinance银行券发行条件
bank notes issued at the year end年终发行的钞票
bank notes to be issued待发行的钞票
bank of banks银行的银行
Bank of Canada加拿大中央银行
Bank of China中国银行
Bank of England英国中央银行
bank of exchange汇兑银行
Bank of France法国中央银行
Bank of International Settlements国际清算银行
Bank of Italy意大利中央银行
Bank of Japan日本银行
Bank of Tokyo, Ltd.日本东京银行
bank office银行分行
bank overdraft银行透支
bank paper银行可承兑的票据
bank plugs up a leak银行堵塞漏洞
bank plugs up a leak银行把住口子
bank portfolio银行资产负债表
bank post bill银行汇票
bank post remittance银行邮款
bank rate中央银行利率
bank rate银行贴现利率
bank-rate policy银行利率政策 (指中央银行贴现政策)
bank receipt银行收据
bank reference银行征询
bank reference银行介绍信
bank regulations银行规则 (章程)
bank remittance汇票
bank report调查信用的 银行报告
bank returns银行营业报告
bank returns银行收益
bank returns银行利润率 (收益)
bank returns银行资产负债报告表
bank roll提供资金
Bank's Articles of Agreements世界银行协定条款
bank's association银行公会
bank's buying rate银行买进行市
bank's buying rate银行买价
bank's buying rate银行购买汇率
bank's interest calculation银行利息计算
bank's loan decision银行贷款决定
bank's rates for customers银行对顾客收取的费率或汇价
bank's selling rate银行卖价
bank's selling rate银行出售汇率
bank saving book银行储蓄存折
bank statement银行报表
bank statement银行结账表
bank statutes银行条例
bank-to-~ transaction银行间同业往来
bank transferred appropriations current year supplies and equipment本年器材转账拨款
bank trust department商业银行的信托部
bank value银行汇兑
bank wire银行租用电缆利用计算机办理业务通讯的系统
banker's bank票据交换银行
Banks have limited their credit银行已限制了其信用额
borrower from a foreign bank从外国银行借款
Borrowers from the national bank pay definite interest向国家银行贷款的人支付定量利息
borrowing from Federal Reserve Banks从联邦储备银行借款
branch bank分支行
bridge bank过渡性银行
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce加拿大帝国商业银行
capital of bank银行资本
Caribbean Development Bank加勒比海开发银行
cash at bank银行往来账户存款
central bank advances中央银行预付款
central bank discount中央银行贴现
central bank rate中央银行贴现率
certificate of bank balance银行结存额的证明
certifying bank保兑银行
change bank notes for coin纸币兑现
change bank notes for coin以票兑币
Chartered Bank英国渣打银行
Chase Manhattan Bank大通曼哈顿银行
Chase Manhattan Bank大通银行
Chase National Bank美国大通银行
circulation of a bank银行纸币发行额
city bank市银行
commercial bank loans商业银贷款务
computer data storage bank计算机资料储存库
contraction of bank deposits收缩银行存款
convertible bank treasury note可兑换政府纸币
cooperative bank合作金库
correspondent bank代办行
correspondent bank往来行
correspondent bank同业银行
corresponding bank往来行
counterfeit bank note假钞票
country bank省银行
country bank市区以外的银行
creation of bank deposits银行存款的形成
credit bank balance银行贷差 (债权)
dealings between banks银行间业务往来
debenture of hypothec bank抵押银行债券
debenture of hypothec bank劝业债券
debentures of land mortgage banks土地抵押银行债券
debit bank balance银行借差 (债务)
debtor bank负债银行
debtor bank债务银行
defiled bank note亏损钞票
defiled bank note污损银行券
demand for bank funds对银行贷款的需求
development bank开发银行
development banks开发银行
district bank地区银行
document payable through native banks clearing应由本地银行清算的凭证
domestic bank国内银行
Draft under this delivery are to be drawn at sight on the Bank of China at the port of shipment本次发货的票据由装运港中国银行见票即付
draw deposit from a bank向银行支取存款
drawable bank承兑银行
drawable bank付款银行
drawable bank受票银行
drawee bank承兑银行
Dresden Bank A.G.德累斯顿银行
drive-in bank服务到车上的银行
due from foreign banks应收外国银行欠款
due to bank应付银行款项
due to foreign banks应付外国银行欠款
East Africa Development Bank东非开发银行
East African Development Bank东非发展银行
EXIM Bank美国进出口银行
Export and Import Bank of Japan日本进出口银行
Export Import Bank of Japan日本进出口银行
Export-Import Bank美国进出口银行
Export-Import Bank of Japan日本进岀口银行 (JEXIM)
Export-Import Bank of the United States美国进出口银行 (EXIMbank)
farm mortgage bank农业抵押银行
federal chartered banks联邦政府批准的商业银行
federal home loan bank system联邦住宅贷款银行体系
Federal Intermediate Credit Banks联邦中期信用银行
Federal Land Bank美国联邦土地银行
Federal Reserve Bank联邦储蓄银行 (美)
Federal Reserve Bank美国联邦储备银行
federal reserve bank联邦准备银行
Federal Reserve Bank Note联邦准备银行券
Federal Reserve Bank Stock美国联邦储备银行股本
Financial institutions include bank, insurance company, or investment trust, etc金融机构包括银行、保险公司、投资信托公司等等
financing by bank银行筹资
fine bank bill优等银行汇票
For our business and financial standing, we may refer you to our banker n., the Commercial Bank of Tokyo, Head Office, Tokyo关于我们的业务和财务情况,请向东京商业银行东京总行查询
foreign bank loan外国银行贷款
forwarding bank转递银行
four column bank reconciliation四栏银行调节表
four column bank reconciliation四栏银行对照
fringe bank边缘银行在英国经营某些银行业务的公司
giro banks转账银行
giro banks汇划银行
give bank reference提供银行资信证明
government insurance of bank deposit银行存款的政府保险
guarantee from exporter's bank出口方银行担保函
have an account with the bank在银行立有账户
He admit ted he had taken the cash from the bank's safe他承认他从银行的保险柜里拿走了那笔现金
He has deposited the deeds of the house with the bank他已将房契放入银行保存
He has today transferred $30.000 by mail on China Bank他今天邮汇三万美元给中国银行
He opened an account at a bank under the name of his wife他用他妻子的名字在银行开户
He went to the bank to cash a check他到银行兑现支票
He withdrew money from the bank他从银行中取回了钱
holding bank控股银行
Home Loan Bank Board住房贷款银行委员会
Hong Kong Inter-Bank Offered Rate香港银行同业拆放利率
Hongkong and Shanghai Bank香港 汇丰银行
Hongkong inter-bank offered rate香港银行同业拆息
Hongkong inter-bank offered rate香港银行同业拆放利率
If I try to borrow $1000 from the bank, will you be my guarantor n.?如果我要从银行借1000 美元,你愿作我的担保人吗?
If the check can't be cashed, it shall be returned on recourse to the bank如果这张支票不能兑取现金,应将其退回银行,以追索款项
If the reliability of the buyers concerned can't be guaranteed by a reputable bank, I am afraid that we can't accept D/A payment如果没有信誉良好的银行担保有关买主的信用,我们不接受承兑交单付款方式
If you find any terms of the L/C inconsistent with the contract, please instruct your bank to amend the L/C by cable如发现信用证中任何条款与合同有不符之处,请通知你方银行用电报修改信用证
impound sb's bank account冻结某人的银行账户
in bank存入银行
inconvertible bank notes不能兑成黄金的纸币
increase in the bank rate贴现率利率提高
increase in the bank rate贴现率提高
independent bank独立银行 (未参加集团或联营)
industrial and technological information bank工业和技术资料库
industrial bank实业银行
inflow of bank deposit银行存款的增加
inflow of bank deposits银行存款增加
insured banks被保险银行
inter-bank account同业往来账户
inter-bank checks联行支票
inter-bank loan同业拆放
inter-bank loan同行放款
inter-bank market同行业开放市场
inter-bank offered rate银行间贷出利率
inter-bank offered rate银行间贷款利率
inter-bank offered rate银行同业拆借利率
inter-bank rate银行间汇率 (或利率)
Inter-American Development Bank美洲各国开发银行
Inter-American Savings and Loan Bank美洲储蓄与贷款银行
Inter-American Savings and Loans Bank美洲储蓄和贷款银行
intermediate credit banks中间信贷银行
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD, The World Bank国际复兴与开发银行即世界银行的前身
intra-bank account联行账户
intra-bank account联行往来各分行与总行之间的存放款关系联行账户
Japan International Bank of Investment日本国际投资银行
land bank土地银行
land mortgage bank地产抵押银行
land mortgage bank抵押银行
large banks大型银行 (指德国的德意志、德累斯顿和商业银行)
letter of credit with bank's acceptance承兑汇票信用证
liquidity data bank美国流动性数据库
Lloyd's Bank Limited劳埃德银行有限公司
loan bank放款银行
local bank地方银行
long form bank reconciliation银行往来详细调节表
managing bank财团的经理银行
Manufacturer's National Bank制造商国民银行
margin deposited with the bank存入银行的保证金
mechanical bank机动玩具储蓄箱
Mellon Bank美国梅隆银行
member bank call report会员银行财政报告
merchant bank英国商业银行
Midland Bank米德兰银行 (英国四大银行之一)
Midland Bank, Ltd.米德兰银行
Mitsubishi Bank Ltd.三菱银行
mobile banks流动银行
model bank模型库
mortgage bank不动产抵押放款银行
mortgage bank抵押银行
multilateral development banks多边开发银行简写为MDBs
multiple-office bank设立多处办事处的银行
municipal banks瑞士的 市政银行
My bank will supply me with foreign exchange for my trip abroad: French francs and Egyptian pounds我的银行将为我的国外旅行提供外汇,如法国法郎和埃及镑
national bank国立银行
national bank美国联邦注册银行
national bank国家银行
National Bank Note联邦注册银行券
National Bank Note联邦立案银行券
national bank notes美国国民银行发行的钞票
national bank notes国民银行钞票
National City Bank of New York花旗银行 (or Citibank, Citicorp)
National City Bank of NY花旗银行
National Commercial Bank全国商业银行
National Trade Data Bank美国国家贸易数据库
National Trade Data Bank国家贸易数据库
nationalism of banks银行国有化主义
native bank地方银行
native bank钱庄
negotiate a bill to a bank以票据向银行贴现
negotiate a bill to a bank银行中的票据贴现
negotiating bank购票银行
negotiating bank购派银行
non-bank market公开市场
non-bank market非银行市场
North American Development Bank北美开发银行
note payable to banks应付银行的票据
Often companies borrow money from banks to finance importing企业往往向银行借贷以筹措进口业务资金
one bank holding company单一银行控股公司
organizing banks发起银行
Our bank will inform you of the credit in due course款到后,我方银行会及时告知你方
Our company grew and prospered because we had the financial support from the banks我公司之所以成长、发展是因为有了银行的资金支持
Our draft for RMB ¥5000 will be drawn on the People's Bank of China我方 5000 元人民币的汇票可向中国人民银行提款
Our experience with this bank does not warrant our giving you a favourable report我们与这家银行交往的经验使我们不能向你们提供一份有利他们的报告
outport bank deposit外埠固业存款
outstanding obligation of the Bank世界银行未清偿的债务
overdraught from the national bank向银行透支
Overseas Chinese Commercial Bank华侨商业银行
parent bank总行
pass on bank's solvency核定银行的偿付
passive business of a bank银行被动业务 (受人信用的业务)
payee's bank收款单位开户行
payer's bank付款单位开户行
paying bank付款单位开户行
payor bank付款行
People’s Bank of China中国人民银行
placement with bank guaranty银行担保安排
price of bank loans to farmers银行向农民贷款的成本
private bank私有银行
private bank民营银行
quantity of bank deposit银行存款量
reconciliation of bank accounts银行账目核对
reconciliation statement of bank account银行存款调节表
reconciliation statement of bank account银行账目调节表
regional bank地方银行
regional bank地区银行
registered bank for foreign payments注册银行
reimbursing bank归偿银行
represent a check at the bank再向银行兑支票
reserve bank备银行
reserve bank储备银行
reserve city bank美国的储备城市银行
runs on a bank银行拚兑
rural credit bank农村信贷银行
second generation bank二级银行
second generation bank第二级银行
Second World Bank第二世界银行 (国际开发的)
Security Pacific National Bank美国安全太平洋国民银行
settlement through use of authorization for bank to pay付款委托书结算
She lost all her money when the bank failed当这家银行倒闭时,她损失了所有的钱
She said that the bank would give export credit她说银行会提供出口信贷
South African Reserve Bank南非储备银行 (南非中央银行)
special bank account特别银行账户
special sections of banks for agricultural credit银行专门处室从事农业信贷业务的
specialized bank专业银行
state bank美国州银行
state bank州银行
state chartered banks美国的州银行
State-owned bank国营银行
storefront bank英国位于城市商业中心的分行
supervision of banks over credits银行信贷管理
Thanks to a loan from the bank we can construct a new office building由于从银行取得一笔贷款,我们才能建造一幢新的办公大楼
the additional allocation of credit funds to the bank向银行增拨信贷基金
the all-bank loans全国各银行贷款总和
the approval by an authorized exchange bank经指定外汇银行认可
the audit for cash on hand and in bank关于现金和银行存款的审计
the Bank英格兰银行
The bank accepted a mortgage on a house银行接受房屋抵押
the bank accommodation银行贷款
the bank account journal银行日记账
The bank attached a condition to the promise of the investment in the commercial real estate银行在允诺商业房地产投资同时附加了一个条件
the bank balance银行余额
The bank has rolled over credit for us银行延长了我们的信用期限
The bank has suffered severe losses from bad management该银行由于管理不善,亏损惨重
The bank hold a debenture on the corporation银行拥有该公司的债券
The bank lent the company a large sum of money to start its new project银行给这家公司贷了一大笔资金,让他们开始新的项目
The bank operates from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.该银行的工作时间是从上午8:30至下午5:00
the bank rate of rediscount银行再贴现利率
the bank reference类系银行
The bank required financial statements from its borrowers该银行要求审阅其借款人的财务报表
the bank transfer银行汇款
The bank uses a credit advice to notify the holder of collection银行使用贷项通知单通知托收单持有人
The bank will never agree to lend the lossmaking company such a great sum of money那家银行决不会同意贷给这家亏损公司这样大一笔款子的
The banks are more cautious than securities markets银行比证券市场更为慎重
the bookkeeping of bank银行簿记
The central bank's intervention in banking crisis proved effective中央银行对银行危机的干预收到了良好效果
The committee voted to close the bank委员会投票通过关闭这家银行
The company borrowed US $30 000 from the bank to repay its debts该公司从银行借款3万美元以偿还债务
The company got a long-term loan from the bank at a high rate of interest该公司从银行获得一笔长期高息贷款
The company has sufficient funds to pay for all the money due to the bank该公司有足够的资金来付清欠银行的全部款项
The company stood surety for his agent who wanted to obtain a big loan from the bank该代理商希望从银行获得一笔大额贷款,公司给他作了担保
The draft was sent to the Bank on clean collection汇票已送交银行按光票托收
the failure of bank银行倒闭
the financing bank证券银行
the financing by bank银行筹资
The loan given us by the bank surpass-ed the sum we expected银行给我们的贷款超过我们所期望的数目
the major international money center banks国际主要金融银行
the most prestigious banks几家最有声望的银行
the neutrality of the central bank中央银行的中立性
the non-bank endorsement非银行背书
the offshore bank近岸开发银行
the opening bank开立信用证的银行
the opening bank开证行
the operatives bank劳工银行
the outport banks deposit外埠同业存款
the outport banks deposit外埠银行存款
the overdraft on bank向银行透支
the overdraught on bank向银行透支
the payer bank付款银行
the paying bank付款银行
the payor bank付款银行
the People's Bank of China中国人民银行
the privately arranged bank loan私下安排的银行贷款
The receipt was validated by the bank该收据已报银行认可有效
the remitting bank信用证 寄单银行
the remitting bank委托代收银行
the remitting bank汇款银行
the report of bank银行营业报告
The sales manager has closed a big deal with a Russian bank销售部经理已和俄罗斯银行做成了一笔大生意
the selection of bank by companies企业挑选放款银行
The shipping documents are to be surrender-ed to the bank promptly装船单据必须立即交给银行
The solvency of the purchaser should be subject to approval by a reputable bank买方的偿付能力应得到有声望的银行的认可
the superintendent of banks银行总监
Their request for a loan was turned down by the bank银行拒绝了他们的贷款申请
They are informed by the Bank of England that their cheque has been dishonoured接英格兰银行通知,他们的支票被拒付了
to order of bank银行招头
total bank reserve银行准备总金额
transmitting bank转证行
village bank村庄银行
We can ask for a bank loan to start our business我们可以向银行贷款来开业
We have a loan for a term of ten years from the bank我方从银行取得一项为期十年的贷款
We may refer you to Bank of China, Head Office, Beijing for inquiry of our credit status请向北京中国银行总行査询我公司信用情况
We put the documents into the bank for safe keeping我们把文件放入银行保存好
We refer you to the Mercantile Bank of London, Ltd. as to our credit standing关于我方信用情况,请向伦敦商业银行股份有限公司查询
We shall deposite the money in escrow with the bank我们必须以有条件转让的契约形式将这笔钱存入该银行
We shall honour your draft as soon as the documents are received from the bank我们一经从银行取得货运单据就立即兑付你们的汇票
We will inquire at the bank whether the L/C has arrived我们将向银行询问信用证是否已到
We would, however adv., prefer to draw a sight bill on you quarterly in favour of the Export Bank of Singapore但是,我们愿意每个季度向你方开具以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票
When the bank certifies a check, it examines the writer's account to see that sufficient funds are available to cover the check银行查核支票付款时,检查出票人账户上是否有足够的资金兑付支票
With a high cap rate, investors are almost certain to get better terms from the banks有了固定最高利率,投资者十有八九可以获得更优惠的贷款条件
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