
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing bank | all forms | exact matches only
African Development Bank非行
agency bank代理行
aggregator bank"坏银行",为处理呆坏账成立的银行
all-purpose bank综合性银行
Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics World Bank世界银行发展经济学年会
Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank年会
Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank理事会年会
Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank IMF-World Bank国际货币基金组织与世界银行理事会年会
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa阿拉伯非洲银行
Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa阿拉伯非洲经济发展银行
Asian Development Bank亚行
authorized bank exchange market授权银行
bad bank"坏银行",为处理呆坏账成立的银行
bank acceptance银行承兑汇票
bank advances银行垫款
bank advances银行贷款
bank advisory committee London Club指导委员会
bank advisory committee London Club银行咨询委员会
bank assessment银行评估
bank call report银行按要求提供的报表
bank call report form报表
bank call report form银行报表
bank call report form银行报送监管当局的表格
bank cash ratio银行现金比率
bank check银行本票
bank debt银行债务
bank debt商业债务
bank draft银行汇票
bank examination银行检查
bank failure银行倒闭
Bank-Fund collaboration世界银行和基金组织之间的协作
Bank/Fund Conferences Office世界银行/基金组织会务办公室
Bank-Fund Financial Sector Liaison Committee世界银行-基金组织金融部门联络委员会
bank guaranty contracts银行担保
bank holding company银行控股公司
bank liquidity ratio银行流动性比率
bank loan银行垫款
bank loan银行贷款
bank money银行票据
bank money银行货币
Bank of Central African States中非国家银行
Bank of England英格兰银行
Bank of France France法兰西银行
bank of issue货币发行机构
bank of issue发行银行
Bank of Japan日本银行日本中央银行
bank panic挤提
bank rate银行利率
bank rate最低贷款利率
bank rate贴现率
Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive欧洲银行复苏与处置指令
bank report form银行报表
bank report form报表
bank report form银行报送监管当局的表格
bank resolution mechanism银行破产处置机制
bank restructuring银行重组
bank run挤提
bank secrecy银行保密
Bank Secrecy Act银行保密法
bank supervision银行监督
bank supervisors银行监管当局
bankers' bank银行的银行
bankers' bank中央银行
Caribbean Development Bank加勒比开发银行
cash held by banks银行现金
cash in bank银行现金
cash outside banks银行外现金
cash outside banks银行外通货
Central African States Development Bank中非国家开发银行
central bank银行的银行
central bank中央银行
central bank currency swaps中央银行货币掉期
central bank currency swaps中央银行货币互换
Central Bank Gold Agreement中央银行黄金协议
Central bank governors中央银行行长
central bank money储备货币
central bank money高能货币
central bank money中央银行货币
central bank money基础货币
central bank money信用货币
central bank money不兑现货币
central bank money央行货币
central bank money法定纸币
Central Bank of West African States西非银行
Central Bank of West African States西非国家中央银行
central bank sectoral balance sheet and survey中央银行部门资产负债表和概览
certified bank check银行保付支票
certified bank check保付支票
claims on deposit money banks对存款货币银行的债权
clearing bank清算银行
collaboration with the World Bank与世界银行的协作
commercial bank商业银行
core bank核心银行
correspondent bank代理行
creditor bank债权银行
currency outside banks银行外现金
currency outside banks银行外通货
deposit bank存款银行
deposit money bank存款货币银行
due from foreign bank demand account往账
East African Development Bank东非开发银行
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank东加勒比中央银行
easy rider bank debt restructuring免费搭车的银行
easy rider bank debt restructuring未全面参加债务重组而从中获利的银行
European Central Bank欧洲中央银行
European Investment Bank欧洲投资银行
European System of Central Banks欧洲联储
European System of Central Banks欧洲中央银行体系
exit bank debt restructuring退出银行
Export-Import Bank of the United States美国进出口银行
external audit mechanism, legal structure and independence of the central bank, financial reporting practices, internal audit mechanism, and the system of internal controls IMF, safeguards assessments外部审计机制、中央银行的法律结构和独立性、财务报告做法、内 部审计机制、内部控制制度
Federal Reserve Bank联邦储备银行
first-tier bank第一层次银行
first-tier bank第一级银行
free rider bank London Club未参加债务重组而从中获利的银行
Fund-Bank mission基金组织和世界银行联合代表团
Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors二十国集团
indigenous bank本地银行
Inter-American Development Bank泛美开发银行
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development World Bank Group世界银行
investment bank商人银行
investment bank投资银行
Islamic Development Bank伊斯兰开发银行
Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund世界银行和基金组织理事会年会事宜联合特别委员会
Joint Bank-Fund Library世界银行-基金组织联合图书馆
Joint Bank Library世界银行-基金组织联合图书馆
joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document反洗钱方法文件
joint Fund/World Bank AML Methodology Document基金组织/世界银行关于反洗钱方法的联合文件
Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program
Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program联合执行委员会
Joint IMF/World Bank Implementation Committee for the HIPC Initiative and the PRSP Program基金组织/世界银行重债穷国倡议和减贫战略文件项目联合执行委员
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries级联合委员会
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries联合发展委员会
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries发展委员会
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries世界银行和基金组织理事会关于向发展中国家转移实际资源的部长
knowledge bank知识库
lead bank牵头银行
merchant bank商人银行
merchant bank投资银行
money center bank货币中心银行
mortgage bank抵押贷款机构
mortgage bank抵押贷款银行
multilateral development bank多边开发银行
multiple bank综合性银行
multipurpose bank综合性银行
multiservice bank综合性银行
mutual savings bank互助储蓄银行
near bank准银行
new commercial bank money新注入的商业银行资金
New Development Bank World Bank新开发银行
nonbank bank准银行
noncore bank非核心银行
official development bank官方开发银行
offshore bank离岸银行
onshore bank岸上银行
overexposed bank风险过高的银行
parent bank母银行
People's Bank人民银行
People's Bank中国人民银行
People's Bank of China人民银行
People's Bank of China中国人民银行
problem bank bank supervision有问题的银行
regional central bank地区性中央银行
respondent bank往来行
retail bank零售银行
run on a bank挤提
savings bank储蓄银行
second-tier bank二级银行
trustee savings bank信托储蓄银行
undercapitalized bank资本不足的银行
underwriting bank承销商
universal bank综合性银行
West African Development Bank西非开发银行
wholesale bank批发银行
World Bank World Bank Group世行
World Bank World Bank Group世界银行
World Bank Debtor Reporting System世界银行的债务国报告制度
World Bank Group世界银行集团