
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing band | all forms | exact matches only
band-form granulocyte带状粒细胞
band type steam drying machine汽热式循环烘茧机
bands of normal chromosome正常染色体带在染色体上经过特定化学处理,产生相当大的着色区
bands of polytene chromosome多线染色体带
basal band基线
basophilic granulocyte band form嗜碱杆状核粒细胞
belly band肚带马车挽具部件之一,用于马腹部,以固定小鞍
broad band宽谱带
Bungner's bands宾格内带细胞层
C-bandC 组成型异染色质
Cd-bandCd 带
cervical traction band头颈牵引带
draw band额革笼头或嚼子的部件,位于额顶
drop band临产母羊群
ewe band牧区母羊群
F-bandF 带
H-band肌纤维的 H 带
induced absorption band感生吸收带
isotropic band横纹肌电子显微镜象的明带
leg band脚号
main band DNA主带 DNA
meat cutting band saw分割肉用带锯
neck band
nose band鼻革横于鼻梁上的笼头或嚼子部件
Q-bandQ 带
range band牧区母羊群
superficial germ band表胚带胚胎中始终保持在腹面位置的胚带
wing band翅标
wing band翅号