
Terms for subject Water polo containing ball | all forms | exact matches only
ball handling持球
ball outside half of the field of play中线以外的球
ball shot on the water level水面反弹球射门
ball side positioning球同侧占位
ball under球入水
handle the ball with the palm手掌触球
hide the ball under water球入水
hide the ball under water藏球水下
hide the ball under water藏球于水下
lift the ball from underneath水下起球
move the ball in and out球传进回出给中锋
scoop the ball up起球
strike at the ball with clenched fist握拳击球
take the ball under the water持球入水
take the ball under water持球入水
top position ball lifting水面起球
touch the ball with both hands双手触球
touch the ball with two hands双手触球