
Terms for subject General containing background | all forms | exact matches only
against this background在这个背景〔历史条件〕下
background brightness本底〔背景〕亮度
background equivalent activity背景等效放射性
background equivalent activity〔核〕本底当量放射性
background limited infrared photoconductor背景限制红外线光电导体
background of cloth布里
background of cloth织物的背面
background register辅助〔后备〕寄存器
educational background学历
family background出身
hot background加强背景照明
in the background在幕后
in the background作为后果
in the background在背后
keep in the background背地里
keep in the background在幕后
keep in the background暗中
melt into the background渐渐由浓变淡
melt into the background逐渐消失
recede into the background隐退
recede into the background失势
recede into the background问题不再突出
recede into the background不再重要
recede into the background不再突出〔重要〕
recede into the background隐人幕后
The background consists of a solid color, not a brush pattern该背景由纯色,而非画笔图案组成
the moon is moving west against the background of the stars月亮以群星为衬托正向西运行
This kind of coffee possesses greater body background这种咖啡的口感比较重