
Terms containing back -to-back | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.a back-to-back account对开账户
econ.a back-to-back credit转开信用证
econ.a back-to-back credit背对背信用证
econ.A license-back requirement is likely to violate antitrust laws要求回购许可证很可能违背反托拉斯法
gen.afraid I've lost my way. Where can I take a bus if I want to go back to the downtown?我恐怕迷路了。如果我想回市中心,我在哪可以坐公共汽车?
tech.angle back-to-back背靠背组合角钢
tech.angle back-to-back角背间距
oilangles back to back背对背角钢
bridg.constr.angles back to back背靠背组合的角钢
construct.angles back to back角背间距
tech.angles back-to-back背靠背组合的角钢
tech.angles back-to-back背对背角钢组合
tech.angles back-to-back背对背角钢
tech.angles back-to-back角背间距
arch up to back layout finish action上拱成仰卧结束动作
textileattach tape to back vent〔工〕覆背衩牵条
textileattach tape to back vent覆背衩牵条
textileattaching lining to back敷后衣身里子
textileattaching tape to back vent敷背衩牵条
gymn.back circle mount to front rest翻上成正撑
gymn.back circle mount to front resting翻上成正撑
gymn.back handspring to knees后手翻成跪立
gymn.back handspring to knees后手翻接跪立
gymn.back kip to support scale at ring height后上成水平十字
auto.back of cab to end of frame驾驶室后围板至车架后端距离
dril.back on to…与.. 相邻
dril.back on to…与.... 相接
gen.back on to背对着
gymn.back rest to forward swing dismount后撑前摆下
gymn.back rest with backward ¹⁄₄ turn to double rear dismount后撑向后转体90° 直角下
gymn.back roll 1 % salto with half turn to forward跺子转体团身前空翻 1³⁄₄ 接前滚翻
gymn.back roll 1¹⁄₂ twisting dive to forward后起鱼跃转体540° 接前滚翻
gymn.back 1³⁄₄ salto with half turn to forward roll跺子转体团身前空翻630° 接前滚翻
gen.back to回到
swim.back to arch背反弓
securit.back to back背对背两种资产相互承诺,减少风险
gen.back to back同…背对背 (with)
gen.back to back背间距 (with)
textileback to back反面对反面相叠
proj.manag.back to back填早日期
proj.manag.back to back倒填日期
proj.manag.back to back对开信用证; 总包合同与分包合同相同条款
proj.manag.back to back背对背信用证
oil, transp.back to back背对背
exhib.back to back会议接龙
oil, transp.back to back背对背……
oil, transp.back to back对头拼接
sport, bask.back to back背靠背
busin.back to back自发自收测试
busin.back to back查收
busin.back to back转发
proj.manag.back to back追溯
gen.back to back背对背的建筑物等
econ.Back to Back Account背对背账户
econ.back to back account背靠背帐户
busin.back to back account背靠背账户
met.back to back angles角钢背距离
met.back to back anglesT 形组合角钢
polygr.back to back; back-up; backing-up ; perfect up ; perfect- ing; printing the verso ; reiteration ; second impression ; second printing印反面
met.back to back casting多炉连浇
exhib.back to back charter转租合同
logist.back to back charter背对背租船合同
archit.back to back connection交叉连接
el.back to back coupling背面耦合
mech.back to back coupling联轴器【节】
el.back to back coupling背对背耦合
logist.back to back credit背对背信用证
nautic., tech.back to back credit转开信用证
nautic., tech.back to back credit对背信用证
interntl.trade.back to back credit export first输出为先的对开信用证
interntl.trade.back to back credit import first输入为先的对开信用证
fin.back to back fx agreement背靠背外汇协议
textileback to back knitted fabric双面针织物
railw.back to back L/C对背信用证
textileback to back L/C对开信用证
shipb.back to back L/C背对背信用证
interntl.trade.back to back letter of credit背对背信用证
gymn.back to back over双人过背翻滚
el.mach.back to back running反馈运行
el.mach.back to back testing反馈试验
dragon.dance.back to back with the dragon靠背舞龙
spaceback to battery复位
spaceback to battery复进
spaceback to chest acceleration胸向背过载
spaceback to chest acceleration背向胸加速度
auto.back to chest vibration人体前后振动
textileback to face反面对正面相叠
tech.back to face反面对反面相叠
textileback to face shading正反面色差
forestr.back to front前后倒置
hockey.back to front turn由后向前转身
gen.back to front turn转身向前
proj.manag.back to L/C对背信用证
textileback to nature回归自然
gen.back to square one使积滞
gen.back to square one问题等回到原来的状态没有解决
tech.back to the engine备用发动机
gymn.back 1¹⁄₂ twisting dive to forward roll后起鱼跃转体540° 接前滚翻
gymn.back up slowly to support向后慢反上成支撑
gymn.back up slowly to support back向后慢翻上成支撑
gymn.back uprise and double rear vault to hang后摆上直角摆越
gymn.back uprise and double rear vault to stand后摆上直角摆越
gymn.back uprise and double rear vault to support后摆上直角摆越
gymn.back uprise and flank vault to support rear-ways后摆上侧摆越成后撑
gymn.back uprise and flank vault to support rearways后摆上侧摆越成后撑
gymn.back uprise and rear vault over bar with ¹⁄₄ turn to swing forward in hang to dismount后摆上跳转90° 越杠成悬垂前摆跳下
gymn.back uprise and straddle under hands to hang rearways后摆上分腿摆越成后悬垂单杠动作
gymn.back uprise and straddle under hands to "L" support后摆上分腿摆越成直角支撑
gymn.back uprise and straddle under hands to L support后摆上分腿摆越成直角支撑
gymn.back uprise double rear vault to rear support后摆上直角摆越成后撑
gymn.back upstart forward straddled to " L" support后摆上分腿前摆成直角支撑
econ.back-to-back对开 (账等)
tech.back-to-back加倍计数器 (counter)
interntl.trade.back-to-back account对开账户
fin.back-to-back account背对背账户
fin.back-to-back account对开帐户
tech.back-to-back agreement背靠背协议
interntl.trade.back-to-back and overriding credits背对背和关键信用证
tech.back-to-back angles角钢背距离
tech.back-to-back angles背靠背拼合角钢
tech.back-to-back angles背靠背组合角钢
tech.back-to-back anglesT形组合角钢 (背对背设置的角钢)
tech.back-to-back angles背贴角钢
el.mach.back-to-back arrangement背靠背排列
el.mach.back-to-back arrangement背靠背安装
commer.back-to-back arrangement以背对背信用证付款
mil., air.def.back-to-back array背靠背阵列天线
fin.back-to-back borrowing背对背借款
el.back-to-back circuit背靠背回路
mil., air.def.back-to-back circuit背靠背电路
tech.back-to-back circuit背对背电路
securit.back-to-back commitment背对背承诺
ITback-to-back connection背对背连接
telecom.back-to-back connection本机自发自收连接
el.back-to-back connection平行对接
el.back-to-back connection背靠背连接
tech.back-to-back connection交叉连接
tech.back-to-back contract背靠背合同
gen.back-to-back counter加倍计数器
el.back-to-back coupling背面耦合
telecom.back-to-back coupling天线背对背耦合
IMF.back-to-back credit背对背信贷
IMF.back-to-back credit背对背贷款
busin.back-to-back letter of credit转开信用证指出口商收到进口方开来不可转让信用证后,由于出口商不是生产厂商,又无库存货物,故请求通知银行(或往来行),据来证转开国内信用证,向国内厂商购货出口,转开的信用证即为背对背信用证
interntl.trade.back-to-back credit补偿信用证背对背信用证
textileback-to-back credit转开信用证
textileback-to-back credit背对背信用证
fin.back-to-back credit背对背信用
fin.back-to-back credit转接式信用
proj.manag.back-to-back credit对开信贷
oilback-to-back credit对开信用证
econ.back-to-back credit対开信用证
busin.back-to-back letter of credit背对背信用证
textileback-to-back credit export first输出为先的对背信用证
econ.back-to-back credit export first出口为先的对开信用证
econ.back-to-back credit export first输出为先的对开信用证
busin.back-to-back credit export import first输出为先的背对背信用证
econ.back-to-back credit import first进口为先的对开信用证
textileback-to-back credit import first进口为先的对背信用证
econ.back-to-back credit import first输入为先的对开信用证
interntl.trade.back-to-back Credits背对背信用证
ITback-to-back devices背对背设备
mil., air.def.back-to-back diode背靠背二极管
tech.back-to-back diode背对背二极管
gen.back-to-back directivity separation of antenna天线背向防卫度
railw.back-to-back distance of wheelset轮对内侧距
tech.back-to-back duplex bearing成对双联轴承
spaceback-to-back early warning radar自发自收预警雷达
tech.back-to-back escrow先进后出交易
polygr.back-to-back four-color work双面四色印品
comp., net.back-to-back gateway背对背网关
ITback-to-back gateways背对背网关
tech.back-to-back grate背对背设置的炉条
tech.back-to-back grate背对背设置的炉算
tech.back-to-back grate背对背设置的炉栅
tech.back-to-back houses背对背房屋
tech.back-to-back houses背靠背房屋
textileback-to-back knitted fabric双面针织面料
textileback-to-back knitted fabric双面针织物
tech.back-to-back L-C背对背信用证
fin.back-to-back L/C & reciprocalL/C 对背信用证和对开信用证
fin.back-to-back letter of credit对开信用证
fin.back-to-back letter of credit转接式信用证
fin.back-to-back letter of credit对背信用证
econ.back-to-back letter of credit偿付信用证
fin.back-to-back letter of credit转开信用证
tech.back-to-back letter of credit背对背信用证
IMF.back-to-back loan背对背信贷
IMF.back-to-back loan背对背贷款
busin.back-to-back loan对销贷款
commer.back-to-back loans背对背贷款
tech.back-to-back method背靠背法
el.back-to-back method反馈负荷法
el.back-to-back method背对背方法
tech.back-to-back method反馈法
IMF.back-to-back missions背对背代表团
IMF.back-to-back missions连续执行两个以上使命的代表团
el.mach.back-to-back mounting背靠背安装
el.mach.back-to-back running对组运行
tech.back-to-back running背靠背运行
el.mach.back-to-back running对拖运行
tech.back-to-back running反馈运行
el.mach.back-to-back starting反向启动
hydroel.st.back-to-back starting背靠背启动 (BTB starting)
tech.back-to-back starting反向起动
spaceback-to-back surveillance radar自发自收监视雷达
el.mach.back-to-back test对组试验
el.mach.back-to-back test相互负载试验
el.back-to-back test互为负载法试验
el.mach.back-to-back test总成的成对试验
el.back-to-back test整流子片试验
auto.back-to-back test总成的成对试验
tech.back-to-back testing背靠背试验
el.back-to-back testing互为负载法试验
el.back-to-back testing整流子片间试验
el.mach.back-to-back testing对拖试验
tech.back-to-back testing反馈试验
avia.back-to-chest overloading背胸方向过载
waterski.back-to-front 180°向前转体180°
waterski.back-to-front180° 向前转体 180°
tech.back-to-front ratio反正比
IMF.back-to-office report48小时总结报告
IMF.back-to-office report汇报
corp.gov.back-to-office report出差报告
IMF.back-to-office report出差汇报
econ.back-to-school goods秋季出售的学生用品
busin.back-to-school goods学生用品
tech.back-to-school goods学生用商品
manag.back-to-school training返校进修
econ.back-to-tum type组合一调整型
busin.back-to-work movement回厂工作运动
busin.Bank to Back L/C背对背信用证
econ.Because we are unwilling to buy your goods, we refrain-ed from cabling back因为我方不愿购买你方货物,所以就没有回电
wrest.belly-to-back souple大弧度摔出对方
psychol.bring sb. back to reality使某人回到现实中来
psychol.bring... back to reality使…面对现实
auto.bumper to back of cab保险杠前沿至驾驶室后壁外侧的距离
auto.bumper to back of cab保险杠前缘至驾驶室后壁外侧的距离
commer.Business bounced back to prewar level商业回升到战前水平
gen.Can you put Daisy back on? I forgot to tell her something你能否请黛茜再来听电话呢?我忘了跟她讲一件事
gymn.cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn to back handspring侧手翻向内转体 90# 接后手翻
ski.jump.cat-twist to back转体 360°接背着网
gymn.cat-twist to back drop转体 360° 接背着网
avia.chest to back acceleration背到胸过载
avia.chest to back acceleration胸到背加速度
spacechest-to-back acceleration胸到背加速度
avia.chest-to-back G胸背方向过载
telecom.click to fax back点击回送传真 (Web 上的 PSTN 业务)
el.complex "back-to-back"背对背复合体
danc.curved feather to back feather曲转羽步进入后退羽步
dril.date back to…回溯到......
gen.date back to从…时候开始存在至今
gen.date back to回〔追〕溯至
tech.device to eliminate 'running back止回装置
busin.discount back to present贴现现值
auto.distance from outer cone apex to back end face of the work外锥顶点至工件后端面的距离
auto.distance from pitch cone apex to back end face of the work节锥顶点至工件后端面的距离
scub.distance from plummet back to pool wall前端垂直线向后至池壁距离
scub.distance from plummet back to pool wall板[台]前端垂直线向后至池壁距离
skydive.distance to a turn point and back to the starting point定点往返距离
tech.doctrine of back to the ancients复古主义
wushu.draw left right fist back to waist-side拳收回腰间 (the hip, 髋)
el.mot.dual-supply back-to-back test双电源回馈试验
el.mach.electric back-to-back test电能反馈法试验
tech.electric back-to-back test背靠背电气试验
el.electrical back-to-back test互为电负载法试验
el.electrical back-to-back test回馈试验
tech.electrical back-to-back test背靠背电气试验
textileface-to-back shade deviation染色正反面色差疵
textileface-to-back variation染色正反面色差疵
gen.face-to-back variation正反面色差〔差别〕
footb.fall back to the goal-line撤回到球门线
gen.feed back to反馈〔送回〕到
sport.flic-flac to piked back lying position and neck spring to stand"摇篮"
voll.fly to the setter's back背飞
textilefold and to press back yoke扣烫过肩
wind.four quadrant back-to-back PEC四象限背靠背PEC
auto.front bumper to back of cab前保险杠到驾驶室后围距离
gen.front to back turns向后转体
waterski.front-to-back180° 向后转体 180°
waterski.front-to-back 180°向后转体180°
row.front-to-back axis船身纵轴
busin.front-to-back effect前后不一致的影响
busin.front-to-back effect前后相互影响
tech.front-to-back lap前后重叠
telecom.front-to-back ratio方向比
telecom.front-to-back ratio前后比天线方向性
el.front-to-back ratio方向性比
el.front-to-back ratio天线方向性比
mil., air.def.front-to-back ratio定向天线方向性比
mech.front-to-back ratio前后比
oilfront-to-back ratio峰泡比 (气枪的振幅峰值与气泡振幅之比)
spacefront-to-back ratio前后比 (天线辐射瓣的)
tech.front-to-back ratio正反向比
tech.front-to-back slope前后坡度
hockey.front-to-back turn由前向后转体
mil., air.def.front-to-back-ratio前后不一致比
mil., air.def.front-to-back-ratio方向性比
sport.get back to centre court返回中场 (squash)
gen.get back to the grindstone回到工作岗位指枯燥艰苦的工作
tenn.get the rally back to neutral和对手处于相持局面
gymn.giant swing backward with right ¹⁄₂ turn to back grip and handstand向后大回环向右转体180°成反握手倒立
gen.go back toM 追溯到M
gen.go back toM 回到M上来
gen.go back to
math.go back to step还原步骤
gen.Here is the receipt for your deposit. It s very important that you keep the receipt or you will not be able to get your deposit back when you leave这是您的押金收据。请您一定保存好收据,否则您离开时将取不回押金
gen.I have to go back to France in 6 weeks六周后我要回法国的
gen.I hope you will get well as soon as possible and back to work我希望您早日康复,重返工作岗位
gen.I just want to get my money back我只想退款
gen.I' m terribly sorry. We'll do our best to get it back to you as soon as possible. Please fill out this claim form with your tag number非常抱歉,我们会尽力尽快帮您找回来。请把您的签条号码填在这张申报单上
gen.I'll think about it and call you back to discuss it to some details soon我考虑一下,然后尽快打电话给你,具体讨论这件事
handb.intentionally play back to goalkeeper故意将球递给本方守门员
tech.journey back to the earth返回地球的路程
danc.LF to side ending with LF back左脚向侧结束时左脚后退
el.mach.mechanical back-to-back efficiency test对组机械效率试验
tech.mechanical back-to-back test机械连接式效率试验
tenn.move the opponent up and back and from side to side调动对方前后左右奔跑
gen.My English is not that great, and I don't want to miss anything. Would you mind calling back later? I'm sorry我的英文不是非常好,我不想听错话。你介意稍后再打来吗?我很抱歉
gymn.near perfect 1¹⁄₄ to the back翻转1¹⁄₄ 接背
expl.Our prime concern is to get the economy back to its feet我们最关心的是让经济恢复活力
steel.permission to back-up roll changing operation允许支撑辊换辊操作
gen.Please sign them again on the back. May I see your passport, please? Thank you. That's 50 dollars. Please count it to make sure it's correct请您在支票后面再签个字。我能看一下您的护照吗?谢谢。一共是50美元,请您点清钱数
econ.Proper steps and proceedings may be taken for getting back profit due to us可以采取正当的措施和手段来取回属于我方的利润
gymn.pull to cross from back lever with straight arms后水平直臂用力压上成十字
tech.put back to port返回港口
China, lawput the land back to its original state恢复土地原状
tech.ratchet to eliminate running back防止倒转的棘轮
tech.refund by carrying a loss back to a prior year亏损转回退税
interntl.trade.right to claim back the performance要求偿还已履行的债的权利
fin.right to claim back the performance要求偿付已履行的债务的权利
busin.right to claim back the performance要求偿付已履行债务的权利
manag.sales of products manufactured under the licence back to the licensor产品返销给许可证交易的卖方
China, lawsend back to the place of residence遣回原地
commer.send documentary proofs to back up a claim寄送证明文件作为索赔依据
China, lawsend someone back by force to one's place of residence强行遣回原地
econ.She got a refund after she sent back the faulty goods to the shop她把有缺陷的货物退回商店后,得到了退款
gen.She took the faulty tablet back to the shop and demanded a refund她将有毛病的平板电脑拿回商店,要求退款
textileshrink and to stretch back piece归拔后背
el.mot.single-supply back-to-back test单电源回馈试验
textilesleeve leans to back〔检〕袖子偏后
textilesleeve leans to back袖子偏后
proj.manag.So, the user can always revert back to an earlier revision of that document因此、用户可以随时还原到先前的修改该文件的内容
wushu.step back to strike撤步反击
gymn.straddle leg sitting to back roll dismount分腿后翻下
gymn.tape waved vertically as a snake from the front to the back of the body带自前向后垂直蛇
econ.The author has the power to buy back the rights of publication at a fair market price作者将有权以公平的市价买回出版权
gen.The best way I found to stop the cramp is to stand up and keep your foot flat, then push your ankle back and your knee forward我发现阻止抽筋最好的办法就是站起来,保持脚平放,然后向后推你的踝关节,向前推你的膝关节
econ.The corporation sold said machinery to gain circulating funds 5 years ago. Now it wanted to lease back the machinery五年前该公司将所述的机械出售获得周转资金,现在公司想回租这些机械
dentist.The deep grooves on the back teeth are easy to be decayed后牙上的深裂隙容易发生龋坏
econ.The invoice shall pass to the buyer upon delivery and no articles shall be sent back发货后,发票应交给买方,且不退货
gen.The lights dimmed, the curtain went up, and we settled back to enjoy the play灯光变暗,幕布拉起,我们往后靠坐着来欣赏这出戏剧
econ.The manager went back on his promise to increase salaries across the board经理答应过全面加薪,但食言了
expl.There is no cause to call the work group back没有理由召回工作组
gen.Think back to when you were funny and charming in the bar想想在酒吧里那个迷人风趣的你
wind.three phase variable frequency bi-directional back-to-back four-quadrant PEC三相变频双向背靠背四象限 PEC
wushu.thrust palm to the back后穿掌
gen.tie back to回过来联系到
gen.to and back上下
gen.to and back来回
gen.to and back往复
gen.To get your card back, you have to go to the bank with your passport取卡需要您本人带着护照去银行办理
gen.to the back完全
gen.to the back到骨髓
busin.to wire back回电
econ.trace the friendship between our two peoples back to我们两国人民之间的友谊可追溯到 (the Tang Dynasty, 唐朝)
econ.trace back to可追溯到
gen.trace back M to把M 追溯到N (N)
danc.transfer weight back to RF重心转回右脚
danc.transfer weight back to RF and slightly back重心转回右脚并稍向后
gen.transit of radio signals from the earth to the moon and back无线电信号从地球到月球再回到地球的往返
gymn.¹⁄₂ twist to back半转背弹
wrest.two knees down to the back背后双膝跪抱摔
tech.two-computer back-to-back system双计算机背对背系统
gen.We had to pay customs £200 on all the wine we took back from France因为这是从法国带回来的酒,我们需要向海关缴纳200英镑关税
gen.We have retrieved your luggage from the airport and it is on the way back to the hotel now我们已从机场取回了您的行李,目前正送往酒店
gen.We will do our best to find the mugger and get your property back to you as soon as possible我们会尽快找到抢劫犯,并将财物归还给您
railw.wheelset back to back distance轮对内侧距
proj.manag.When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server当该代理服务器接收到响应时、它将结果发送回客户端、如同它是初始服务器一样
gen.with one's back to the wall负隅
gen.with one's back to the wall处于绝境
gen.with one's back to the wall陷人困境
gen.with one's back to the wall负隅顽抗
gen.with one's back to the wall背靠着墙
gen.Yes. Please tell him to call me back tonight at 10:00.好,请告诉他今晚10点给我回电话
econ.You can apply the full power of the law to get your property back你可以充分利用法律的力量来收回自己的财产
gen.You have to declare the car if you want to take it back home如果想把汽车带回国,你必须向海关申报