
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing back | all forms | exact matches only
arms lift back-upward两臂后上举
back arch on leg站在腿上体后屈
back arching体后屈
back arching体后弓
back arching向后弓身跳
back circle forward后撑前回环
back circle mount翻上
back circle mount to front rest翻上成正撑
back circle mount to front resting翻上成正撑
back circle under bars杠下空翻
back circle under bars杠下后回环
back circle under bars杠下后空翻
back circle under bars杠下回环
back Cody背弹后空翻成站立
back cutaway后回环切下
back cutoff后回环切下
back down sway后摆下
back extension后屈
back extension挺身
back extension体后屈
back extension挺胸
back extension体后弓
back extension向后躬身跳
back extension向后弓身跳
back extension弓曲
back foot leaning hang后勾脚尖悬垂
back foot leaning hang鸟巢悬垂
back foot leaning hang后勾脚悬垂
back full后空翻转体 1 周
back full后空翻转体360°
back handspring后手翻小翻
back handspring from knees跪立接后手翻
back handspring round-off后手翻腱子
back handspring salto后手翻团身后空翻
back handspring to knees后手翻成跪立
back handspring to knees后手翻接跪立
back hang后悬垂
back hang吊臂悬垂
back hang with arm extended后倒悬垂
back hang with arm extending后倒悬垂
back hip circle向后腹回环
back hip circle支撑回环
back hip circle支撑后回环
back horizontal lever后水平悬垂
back in back out团身后空翻 3 周转体360° 下
back kip后上
back kip swing摆动后上
back kip to support scale at ring height后上成水平十字
back knee circle挂膝后回环
back leaning rest仰卧撑
back lever后水平悬垂
back lever仰平衡
back lever后水平
back lying仰卧
back over后软翻
back pullover背着网接弹腿 ³⁄₄ 空翻成站立
back rest后撑
back rest to forward swing dismount后撑前摆下
back rest with backward ¹⁄₄ turn to double rear dismount后撑向后转体90° 直角下
back riding seat后骑坐
back roll后滚翻
back roll后翻下
back roll 1 % salto with half turn to forward跺子转体团身前空翻 1³⁄₄ 接前滚翻
back roll 1¹⁄₂ twisting dive to forward后起鱼跃转体540° 接前滚翻
back roll-up后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起
back salto后空翻
back salto dismount with full twist后空翻转体360° 下
back salto layout直体后空翻
back salto on the parallel bars双杠"后空翻撑"
back salto straight挺身后空翻
back salto tucked团身后空翻
back salto with double twist后空翻转体 720°
back 1³⁄₄ salto with half turn to forward roll跺子转体团身前空翻630° 接前滚翻
back salto with quarter turn拉拉提转体 90°
back scissors后交叉
back scissors反交叉
back seat后骑坐
back riding seat后骑坐
back shears后交叉
back shears反交叉
back shoot-up后上
back shoulder roll单肩向后屈体滚翻
back somersault layout直体后空翻
back somersault with full twist后空翻转体1周
back somie团身后空翻
back sommie团身后空翻
back spin with circling from split position乌龙绞柱
back stand背向站立
back stand后正立
back step后退步
back Stockli反入
back Stockli反施托克里
back Stockli反出
back Stockli向后施托克里
back straddle向后分腿
back straddle向后分腿跳
back stretched直体后空翻
back Stutz反斯蒂茨后摆转体180°
back Stutz反施图茨
back Stutzkehre反斯蒂茨
back support后撑
back swing后拯
back to back over双人过背翻滚
back tuck somersault团身后空翻
back twist后摆转体
back 1¹⁄₂ twisting dive to forward roll后起鱼跃转体540° 接前滚翻
back up后摆上
back up and straddle后摆上分腿摆越
back up circle straddle后摆上接分腿转体180° 成分腿支撑
back up slowly to support向后慢反上成支撑
back up slowly to support back向后慢翻上成支撑
back uprise后摆上
back uprise and double rear in后摆上接直角转体180°成后撑
back uprise and double rear vault to hang后摆上直角摆越
back uprise and double rear vault to stand后摆上直角摆越
back uprise and double rear vault to support后摆上直角摆越
back uprise and flank vault to support rear-ways后摆上侧摆越成后撑
back uprise and flank vault to support rearways后摆上侧摆越成后撑
back uprise and hecht dismount后摆上接向前挺身下 (with turns too)
back uprise and rear vault over bar with ¹⁄₄ turn to swing forward in hang to dismount后摆上跳转90° 越杠成悬垂前摆跳下
back uprise and side swing with ¹⁄₄ turn后摆上转体90° 侧上摆
back uprise and straddle under hands to hang rearways后摆上分腿摆越成后悬垂单杠动作
back uprise and straddle under hands to "L" support后摆上分腿摆越成直角支撑
back uprise and straddle under hands to L support后摆上分腿摆越成直角支撑
back uprise double rear vault to stand, support or hang后摆上直角摆越成站立、支撑或悬垂
back uprise double rear vault to rear support后摆上直角摆越成后撑
back uprise from upper arm hang挂臂后摆上
back uprise from upper arms挂臂撑后摆上
back uprise from upper-arms挂臂撑后摆上
back uprise-straddle double near vault后摆上分腿直角转体180°
back uprise-straddled double rear vault后摆上接分腿直角转体180°
back upstart后上
back upstart backward后上
back upstart forward straddled to " L" support后摆上分腿前摆成直角支撑
back upstart regrasp杠下后回环脱手再握的后上
back upstart regrasp杠下后回环
back upstart with backward seat后倒前上
back walkover后软翻
balance of body bent back体后屈平衡
ball rolled on the back of body背部滚球
bent body back salto屈体后空翻
bent-body back salto屈体后空翻
cartwheel round-off ¹⁄₄ turn to back handspring侧手翻向内转体 90# 接后手翻
cat-twist to back drop转体 360° 接背着网
circle the rope in figure 8 in front and at the back持绳体前后绕8字
circle thrown out and taken back while arm swinging摆动抛接圈
circle thrown out and taken back while stride leap跨抛跨接圈
corkscrew back drop转体 540° 接背着网
cradle back drop摇篮跳接背着网
dive roll forward with back straightened挺身鱼跃前滚翻
dive roll forward with back straightened鱼跃挺身前滚翻
double back后空翻2周
double back layout两次直体后空翻2周
double back somersault后空翻2周
double back tuck团身后空翻2周
double somersault back tuck团身后空翻两周
drop back后倒下
drop-back short underswing upstart支撑后倒弧形短振屈伸上
drop-back short upstart支撑后倒屈伸上
drop-back short upstart短振屈伸上
drop-back upstart from upper arms支撑后倒挂臂屈伸上
extension back后滚翻成手倒立接推手弹腿跳起
flying back 1¹⁄₂ somersaults后空翻1周半
full in-back out团身后空翻 3 周转体360° 旋下
giant swing backward with right ¹⁄₂ turn to back grip and handstand向后大回环向右转体180°成反握手倒立
hang back dismount悬垂后摆下
high back overbar高杠后翻下
high hollow back jump高挺身跳
high layout back燕式慢翻
hock back hang挂膝悬垂
hollow back roll挂臂挺身回环
hollow-back somersault直体后空翻
hollow back somersault直体后空翻
hollowing of back挺身
hollowing of back后曲
hollowing of back弓屈
hollowing of back挺胸
hollowing of back后屈
hollowing of back弓曲
horizontal back lever后水平
inverted back hang倒后悬垂
lazy back³⁄₄ 周后空翻直体 至腹弹
lying flat on back仰卧
near perfect 1¹⁄₄ to the back翻转1¹⁄₄ 接背
oblique back sitting外侧坐
one~arm back handspring单臂后手翻
one-arm back handspring单臂后手翻
pike open back salto with full twist直体后空翻转体360°
pull to cross from back lever with straight arms后水平直臂用力压上成十字
reverse back up捷克式大回环
reverse back up德国式大回环
reverse back up正握吊臂大回环
roll over back双人技巧背上滚翻
roll the ball on back背后滚球
rope circled "8" in front and back of the body by single hand单手握绳体前后8绕环
rope thrown up and taken back by two hands while single hand swinging单手绕绳上抛双手接
short back-away腾身回环下
single-leg back level仰平衡
single-leg back level反燕式平衡
single-leg back lever仰平衡
single-leg back lever反燕式平衡
sissone back closed由蹲开始的向后并腿跳
straddle leg sitting to back roll dismount分腿后翻下
take back the leg收腿
tape making a vertical spiral at the back of the body带在体后垂直螺
tape thrown back-upward with tape grasped hand circling持带绕环后上抛
tape waved vertically as a snake from the front to the back of the body带自前向后垂直蛇
throw out and tack back抛接
throw out and take back韵律体操抛接
throw up the club with one hand and take it back with both hands单手抛棒双手接
throw up the club with one hand and take it back with the other单手抛棒另手接
trunk bending with back arched挺胸上体后屈
¹⁄₂ twist to back半转背弹
upper arm cross back up挂臂撑后摆上
vertical back直体后空翻
walkover back后软翻
whip back快速后空翻