
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing automatic-control | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
automatic background control背景噪声自动调整
automatic brightness control自动亮度调整
automatic continuous process control连续过程 自动控制
automatic control switch of light光源自控开关
automatic control system自控系统
automatic density control自动密度控制
automatic drilling control unit自动钻进控制装置
automatic fidelity control自动保真度控制
automatic high-voltage control自动高压控制
automatic steam temperature control自动蒸气温度控制
automatic time-step control自动时间步长控制
automatic torque control system扭矩自动控制装置
automatic-control servovalve自动控制伺服阀
complex automatic control综合自动控制
International Federation of Automatic Control自动控制国际联合会