
Terms for subject Business containing authorized | all forms | exact matches only
amendment to authorized signature更改印鉴
approval by an authorized exchange bank经指定外汇银行认可
authorized agency法定代理部门
authorized agent委托代理人
authorized agents for foreign currency exchange指定外币汇兑机构
authorized amount核准数额
authorized bank委托银行
authorized bank for dealing in foreign exchange外汇指定银行
authorized bond批准发行的债券
authorized bonds核准发行的债券
authorized by law法律许可的
authorized capital认购资本
authorized capital account额定股本账
authorized capital stock认购公司的股本
authorized capital stock额定公司的股本
authorized capital system额定资本制
authorized ceiling法定最高额
authorized clerk交易所委托办事员
authorized current fund turnover days核定流动资金周转天数
authorized data list核准数据表
authorized dealer指定商
authorized dealer特许商
authorized deferred payment批准延期交纳的税款
authorized depositary银行对外国证券指定的保管人
authorized depository授权保管人
authorized employee授权者
authorized employee经授权的雇员
authorized employee委任者
authorized foreign exchange bank法定外汇银行
authorized foreign exchange bank's system指定外汇银行制
authorized issue核准发行
authorized issue授权发行
authorized limits核定限额
authorized mortgage bond额定抵押债券
authorized order已核准定单
authorized person受权人
authorized person被指定人
authorized personnel核定在编人员
authorized personnel quota编制定额
authorized security核准证券
authorized share核定股即公司核定发行股份总数
authorized shares核定股数
authorized size编制
authorized stock核定股本
authorized surveyor被授权的检验人
authorized surveyor授权检验人
authorized tariff法定关税
authorized tariff法定税则
authorized to purchase购买委托书
authorized to purchase委托购买证
authorized translation经同意的译本
authorized value核定价值
authorized version审定的版本
bond authorized法定公债
bond authorized and unissued未发行额定债券
booklet of authorized signature印鉴簿
capital fee on increase of authorized share capital增加法定股本费用
duly authorized经正式授权
duly authorized representative正式授权代表
facsimile of authorized signature有权签字的样本
facsimile of authorized signatures授权印章或签名
list of authorized signature印鉴簿
no admittance authorized personally非请莫入
not authorized未批准的
physical assets reserve specifically authorized特准储备物资
share authorized认可股份
share authorized核准股份