
Terms for subject Technology containing audit | all forms | exact matches only
account receivable internal control system audit应收账款内部控制制度审计
accounting and financial audit会计及财务审计
accounting regularity audit会计常规审计
accounts payable audit应付账款审计
accounts payable authenticity and legality audit应付账款真实性和合法性审计
additional audit procedures补充审计程序
administration audit行政审计
administrative audit经营管理审计
administrative expense audit管理费用审计
advanced payment audit预付款审计
amateur audit非职业性审计
amateur audit非专业审计
analytic audit file分析性审计档案
analytic interim audit分析性期中审计
analytic interim audit分析性中期审计
analytical audit file分析性审计档案
analytical interim audit分析性期中审计
analytical interim audit分析性中期审计
assets audit资产审计
audit account盘账
audit account查账
audit by comparison比较稽查
audit by comparison比较检査
audit by comparison比较审计法
audit capital sources of construction project建设项目资金来源审计
audit conclusion审计结论
audit contract审计合同
audit coverage审计范围
audit department审计部门
audit entry检查输入
audit expenses查账费用
audit extent of financial and economic law and discipline财经法纪审计的内容
audit fee审计费
audit for railway assets and liabilities铁路资产负债审计
audit interest and amortization charges of bonds债券还本付息情况审计
audit of a shot in the locker备用金审计
audit of account receivable应收账款审计
audit of accounting basis会计基础审计
audit of accounts received in advance预收账款审计
audit of assets management reponsibility system资产经营责任制审计
audit of cash现金审计
audit of charges for amortization待摊费用审计
audit of completion settlement工程结算审计
audit of construction plan feasibility建设方案可行性的审计
audit of construction project建设项目审计
audit of cost per product单位产品成本的审计
audit of decrease of fixed assets固定资产减少的审计
audit of economic efficiency经济效益审计
audit of economic reasonableness of capital construction project基本建设项目经济合理性审计
audit of estimation completeness of capital construction project基本建设项目概算完整性审计
audit of estimation legality of capital construction project基本建设项目概算合规性审计
audit of expenses费用审计
audit of feasibility research of construction project建设项目可行性研究的审计
audit of financial and economic law and discipline财经法纪审计
audit of financial efficiency of construction project建设项目财务效益审计
audit of financial expenditures财务支出审计
audit of financial revenue财务收入审计
audit of financial statement财务报表审计
audit of fixed assets固定资产审计
audit of increase of fixed assets固定资产增加的审计
audit of increment of legal estate through revaluation对法定财产重估增值的审计
audit of industrial production, mechanical work and auxiliary production工业生产、机械作业、辅助生产审计
audit of internal control system内部控制制度审计
audit of investment efficiency during productive period of construction project基本建设生产阶段投资效益的审计
audit of investment expenses that should be cancelled after verification应核销投资性费用审计
audit of investment result coefficient and payback period投资效果系数与投资回收期的审计
audit of last account竣工决算审计
audit of leaving office离任审计
audit of legality of using surplus funds盈余公积金使用的合法性审计
audit of liabilities负债审计
audit of microcosmic investment efficiency of construction project建设项目微观投资效益的审计
audit of national economy efficiency of construction project建设项目国民经济效益审计
audit of profiteer loss and impairment of fixed assets固定资产盘盈盘亏和毁损的审计
audit of putting estate into service交付使用财产的审计
audit of rate of construction建设速度的审计
audit of ratio of occupancy of unfinished project未完成工程占用率的审计
audit of ratio of putting estate into service交付使用财产率的审计
audit of reaching design capacity and level达到设计能力和水平的审计
audit of standard calculation and distribution method of cost and fee成本费用开支标准和计算、分配方法审计
audit of total investment of construction project建设项目总投资审计
audit of treasury库存审计
audit of using budget quota预算定额套用的审计
audit of working drawing budget施工图预算审计
audit of working drawing budget of construction project建设项目施工图预算的审计
audit programming审查程序设计
audit report审核报告
audit-review file审查评价文件
audit-review file审查文件
audit standard of investment efficiency of capital construction基本建设投资效益审计的标准
audit team审计小组
audit trail审查追踪
audit trail审核跟踪
audit trail逐位跟踪
audit trail跟踪检查
audit trail检查跟踪
audit trail检查追踪
audit trail审计跟踪
audit trial试査
auditor in charge of the audit负责该项审计的审计人员
bad debt audit应收账款坏账处理
bill receivable audit应收票据审计
board of audit审计委员会
bond audit债券审核
bond discount and premium audit债券折价和溢价审计
bond investment audit债券投资审计
bond purchase audit债券购入审计
bond purchase audit债券核算审计
bond yield audit债券收益审计
bonds payable audit应付债券审计
budget audit预算审查
budget audit预算核查
Bureau of Audit审计局
business audit业务审计
called-up capital audit投入资本审计
called-up capital authenticity audit投入资本真实性审计
called-up capital legality audit投入资本合法性审计
capital construction financial plan audit基本建设财务计划的审计
capital construction investment plan audit基本建设投资计划的审计
capital construction plan audit基本建设计划的审计
capital construction project design estimation audit基本建设项目设计概算的审计
capital construction project plan audit基本建设项目计划的审计
cash holding audit库存现金审计
cash receipts and expense audit现金收支业务审计
casual audit不定期审计
cleaner production audit清洁生产审核
commission of audit审计官
complete audit全部审计
complete audit全面审计
complete detailed audit全部详细审核
completion final statements audit竣工决算报表审计
complex audit assignment复杂的审计任务
compliance audit report符合性审计报告
construction cost audit施工成本审计
construction cost audit建设成本的审计
construction expense legality audit建设费用合规性审计
continuous audit经常审计
cost and fee authenticity audit成本费用真实性
cost and fee extent audit成本费用范围审计
cost and fee management audit成本费用管理审计
current assets audit流动资产审计
current audit日常审计
deferred assets audit递延资产审计
detail ledger audit明细分类账审计
detailed audit report详细审计报告
direct expense audit直接费审计
efficiency audit效率检查
engineering contraction audit工程承发包审计
equity investment audit股票投资审计
evaluation standard of railway economic efficiency audit铁路经济效益审计的评价标准
expense audit费用审査
expense audit费用审计
final audit全面审计
financial audit财政审计
financial audit work财务审计工作
financial expense audit财务费用审计
findings of audit审计结果
first-party audit第一方审核
fiscal audit财政审计
fixed assets internal control system audit固定资产内部控制制度的审计
fixed assets internal transfer audit固定资产内部转移的审计
fixed assets leasing audit固定资产租赁的审计
fixed assets physical form audit固定资产实物形态的审计
fixed assets repairs cost audit固定资产修理费的审计
fixed assets scraping and liquidation audit固定资产报废清理的审计
floor audit基层审计
full audit全面审计
general purpose audit program通用审计方案
general purpose audit programme通用审计方案
grounds of railway economic efficiency audit铁路经济效益审计依据
half-yearly audit半年査账
high audit risk高审计风险
in dependent audit独立审计
income account audit损益计算书审计
income and cost audit of railway transportation铁路运输收支审计
income audit收益预算
income audit of railway transportation铁路运输收入审计
indices system of economic efficiency audit of engineering system工务系统经济效益审计指标体系
indices system of economic efficiency audit of maintenance system机务系统经济效益审计指标体系
indices system of economic efficiency audit of railway bureau铁路局经济效益审计指标体系
indices system of economic efficiency audit of rolling stock system车辆系统经济效益审计指标体系
indices system of economic efficiency audit of station and division基层站段经济效益审计指标体系
indices system of economic efficiency audit of station system车站系统经济效益审计指标体系
indirect expense audit间接费审计
informal audit report非正式审计报告
initial audit初级审计
initial audit初步审计
initial audit初期审计
intangible assets acquisition audit无形资产取得审计
intangible assets amortization audit无形资产摊销审计
intangible assets audit无形资产审计
intangible assets investment audit无形资产投资审计
intangible assets transfer audit无形资产转让审计
interim audit中期审计
internal audit of internal control system铁路内部审计
internal control system audit of accounts payable应付账款内部控制制度审计
internal control system audit of cash management and accounting现金管理核算内部控制制度审计
inventory audit存货审计
inventory audit库存审査
inviting bids audit投标审计
inviting bids audit招标审计
liquid investment audit短期投资审计
liquid investment income audit短期投资收益的审计
liquid investment source audit短期投资来源的审计
liquid investment transfer audit短期投资转让的审计
liquid investment valuation audit短期投资计价的审计
liquid liabilities audit流动负债审计
long-term audit长期借款审计
long-term dues accounting audit长期应付款会计核算的审计
long-term dues audit长期应付款的审计
long-term dues authenticity and legality audit长期应付款真实性
long-term dues valuation audit长期应付款计价的审计
long-term investment audit长期投资审计
low-value fragile article audit低值易耗品审计
make a audit査账
market audit市场审核
material audit原材料审计
material distribution audit材料发出业务审计
material internal control system audit材料内部控制制度审计
material purchase cost audit材料采购成本审计
material purchase plan audit材料采购计划审计
material store audit材料存储业务审计
money capital audit货币资金审计
multiple use audits满足多种需求的审计
nominal audit名义审计
non-audit client非审计客户
non-audit services非审计服务
non-business expenditures audit营业外支出审计
non-governmental audit民间审计
non-operating expense audit营业外支出表
non-operating expense audit营业外支出审计
non-operating income audit营业外收入审计
non-statutory audit engagement非法定审计约定
note management audit票据管理审计
on-the-spot audit就地审计
operational audit业务审计
oral audit report口头审计报告
other accounts payable audit其他应付款项审计
other accounts receivable audit其他应收款项审计
other investment audit其他投资审计
other money capital audit其他货币资金审计
owner's equity audit所有者权益审计
packing article audit包装物审计
participatory audits分头进行的审计
payroll audit薪工审计
penalty audit罚没款审计
period expenses audit期间费用审计
periodic audit期间审核
periodical audit期间审核
post completion audit完工后审计
post-installation audit安装后效果审核
preliminary audit survey初步审核
preliminary audit survey初步审计鉴定
principal audit控股公司核数师
principle audit控股公司审计
private audit民间审计
productive and operating cost audit生产经营成本支出审计
profit payable audit应付利润审计
program audit方案审计
programme audit方案审计
project audit of construction enterprise施工企业工程项目审计
project performance audit report工程性能审查报告
project price settlement audit工程价款结算的审计
project quality audit工程质量的审计
projected expenditure audit预提费用审计
qualified audit certificate限定查账证明书
quality audit质量检査
quality audit质量审查
quality audit observation质量审核观察
railway annual report audit铁路年度报告审计
railway construction enterprise audit铁路施工单位审计
railway economic benefit audit铁路经济效益审计
railway economic efficiency audit method铁路经济效益审计方法
railway economic efficiency audit procedure铁路经济效益审计程序
railway transportation revenue and expense audit铁路运输收入与支出审计
receivable and advanced payment audit应收及预付款项的审计
recurring audit经常性审计
repeating audit经常审计
risk-oriented audit风险导向审计
safety audit安全审计
sales audit销售核查
second party audit第二方审核
short-term load audit短期借款审计
specific audit objective of compliance test符合性测试的具体审计目标
standard audit program标准审计程序表
standard audit programme标准审计程序表
State Audit Bureau of Finland芬兰国家审计局
State Audit Bureau of Republic of Finland芬兰国家审计局
statement on audit standards审计准则声明
statistic estimation approach to audit审计的统计估算法
statistical estimation approach to audit审计的统计估算法
statutory audit engagement法定审计约定
statutory audit requirement法定审计要求
statutory audit responsibilities法定的审计责任
stores audit仓库审计
stores audit库存审计
surplus fund audit盈余公积金审计
surprise audit空袭式审计
system of automatic internal audit内部自动审计制度
systems audit系统审计
tax audit税收审计
tax audit税务监察
tax payable audit应交税金审计
technologic audit技术检查
technologic audit技术审查
technological audit技术检查
technological audit技术审查
third party audit第三方审计
transport expense audit运输支出审计
transportation revenue accounting audit运输收入会计核算审计
transportation revenue audit运输收入审计
transportation revenue management audit运输收入管理的审计
transportation revenue plan accomplishment audit运输收人计划完成情况审计
undistributed profits audit未分配利润审计
voucher audit凭单审核
wage payable audit应付工资审计
water audit水的审计
welfare payable audit应付福利费审计
workload calculation audit工程量计算的审计