
Terms for subject Sports containing attention | all forms | exact matches only
adopt a position of attention立正
arouse keen attention引人注目
attention control注意控制
attention dimension注意维度
attention dimension注意范围
attention dysfunction注意障碍
attention level注意水平
Attention please! Athlete No. come to the call room right now号运动员请注意!马上到检录处 (immediately)
attention response注意力反应
attention span注意力持续时间
attention span注意力持续强度
attention span test注意力持续强度测试
attention stability test注意稳定性测试
attention training集中注意力训练
broad-external attention广阔-外部注意
broad-internal attention广阔-内部注意
distract attention转移注意力
distribution of attention注意分配
fixed attention稳定注意
fluctuation of attention注意起伏
focal attention注意力焦点
focus attention集中注意力
focus one's attention集中注意力
intensive concentration of attention精神高度集中
involuntary attention无意注意
inward attention内部注意
narrow-external attention狭窄-外部注意
narrow-internal attention狭窄—内部注意
outward attention外部注意
peak of attention注意力的高度集中
peak of attention注意力高度集中
range of attention注意广度
selectivity of attention注意选择性
shifting of attention注意转移
span of attention注意广度
stability of attention注意稳定性
strain of attention注意紧张性
sustained attention持续注意
voluntary attention有意注意