
Terms for subject Space containing attack | all forms | exact matches only
absolute angle of attack零升力迎角
absolute angle of attack绝对迎角[攻角]
accidental attack偶然攻击
active surface vessel search and attack sonar主动水面舰艇搜索与攻击声呐
actual angle of attack实际攻角
actual angle of attack实际迎角
advanced land attack missile先进的地面攻击导弹
advanced tactical attack manned system人工操纵的先进战术攻击系统
advanced tactical attack manned system先进战术攻击系统
advanced tactical attack system先进战术攻击系统
aerodynamic angle of attack气动攻角
air attack空中攻击
airborne interception radar and pilot's attack sight system机上自动截击系统
airfield attack munition攻击机场武器
air-launched ship attack missile空对舰导弹
air-launched surface attack missile空中发射水面攻击导弹
air-launched surface attack missile空射攻击地面[水面]目标的导弹
alarm of biological weapon attack生物武器袭击警报
alarm of chemical attack化学袭击警报
alarm of nuclear attack核武器袭击警报
all azimuth attack全方位攻击
all-aspect attack全向攻击
allowable attack zone可攻击区
all-weather attack全天候攻击
all-weather attack missile全天候攻击导弹
all-weather nav/attack aid全天候导航攻击设备
all-weather stand-off attack control system全天候防区外攻击控制系统 (美国海军)
all-weather stand-off attack system全天候远射攻击系统
all-weather stand-off attack system全天候防区外攻击系统
angle of attack攻击迎角
angle of attack climb上升角
angle of attack climb爬升角
angle of attack indicator迎角[攻角]指示器
angle of attack indicator迎角指示器
angle-of-attack detector攻角[迎角]传感器
angle-of-attack drag coefficient攻角[迎角]阻力系数
angle-of-attack drift攻角[迎角]偏差
angle-of-attack transducer迎角[攻角]传感器
apparent angle of attack表观迎角
apparent angle of attack视在攻角
area of attack攻击地区
astern attack后半球攻击
attack and launch early report to theater警戒向战区预报攻击和发射 (系统,美国导弹预警卫星地面站的)
attack angle冲角
attack sideslip angle characteristic攻角侧滑角特性
attack angle mechanism攻角机构 (自由射流试验中,模拟飞行器带攻角或侧滑角飞行状态的装置)
attack assessment攻击效果评估
attack assessment plan攻击效果判定计划
attack carrier攻击航空母舰
attack characterization攻击特性表征
attack city aim nuclear strategy打击城市战略
attack corridor导弹攻击空中走廊
attack course攻击航向
attack course攻击航线
attack curve攻击曲线
attack-defense encounter攻防遭遇
attack detection攻击探测
attack experimental实验性进攻
attack fighter战斗轰炸机
attack guided missile攻击导弹
attack in depth纵深突击
attack in force大编队攻击
attack in force大规模进攻
attack military target strategy打击军事目标战略
attack mission攻击任务
attack multiple capacity攻击多目标能力
attack nuclear carrier vessel攻击型核动力航空母舰
attack position攻击阵位
attack radar set攻击雷达设备
attack reference point攻击参照点
attack-response time攻击反应时间
attack route攻击航线
attack satellite攻击卫星
attack ship攻击舰
attack submarine攻击潜艇
attack trajectory攻击弹道
attack warning攻击告警
attack warning system攻击告警系统
automated manoeuvring attack system自动机动攻击系统
automatic attack warning system自动攻击警戒系统
automatic attack warning system自动攻击告警系统 (美国科罗拉多作战中心警戒部分)
automatic radar tracking and attack system雷达自动跟踪与攻击系统
axis of attack攻击航向
axis of attack攻击轴线
bacteriological attack细菌攻击
big angle of attack control technique大攻角飞行控制技术
bow-on attack迎面攻击
characteristic of attack angle of inlet进气道攻角特征
chemical attack化学浸蚀[腐蚀]
close attack近距离攻击
collision-course attack相遇航向攻击
combined missile-bomber attack导弹与轰炸机混合突击
come under attack遭到攻击
computer network attack计算机网络攻击
computer network defense/attack计算机网络攻防
computer-integrated command and attack system计算机综合指令与攻击系统
concentrated attack集中突击
contraorbit attack逆轨道攻击
control of attack angle攻角控制
conventional airfield attack missile攻击普通机场的导弹
conventional armed land attack missile常规对陆攻击导弹 (英国海射巡航)
conventional attack missile常规攻击导弹
coordinated antisubmarine attack协同反潜攻击
coordinated attack协同攻击
corrected angle of attack修正迎角
corrected angle of attack修正攻角
corrosive attack腐蚀性破坏
cosmic space attack航天攻击
cosmic space attack宇宙空间攻击
cosmic space attack weapon航天攻击武器
cosmic space attack weapon宇宙空间攻击武器
counter surprise attack防突然袭击
critical angle of attack临界迎角
3-D attack三维空间攻击
3-D attack立体攻击
deliberate attack周密计划的进攻
deliberate attack预有准备的攻击
digital angle-of-attack transmitter数字式迎角[攻角]发送器
digital integrated attack and navigation system数字综合攻击与导航系统
direct ascent attack直接上升攻击
diversionary attack牵制性攻击
diversionary attack诱饵攻击
electronic attack电子攻击
exemplary attack示范性攻击 (以展示某种能力为目的的攻击)
facilities of attack-defense encounter攻防对抗设施
fast attack class submarine快速攻击型潜艇
favorable attack position有利攻击阵位
forward looking infrared attack set前视红外攻击装置
ground attack对地攻击
head-on attack迎面攻击
high angle of attack大攻[迎]角
high angle of attack aerodynamics大迎角空气动力学
holding attack牵制攻击
impingement attack冲击腐蚀
incoming ballistic missile attack来袭弹道导弹攻击
indicated angle of attack指示迎角
induced angle-of-attack诱导攻角
inertial angle of attack惯性迎角[攻角]
inertial nav/attack system惯导攻击系统
inertial navigation and weapons attack system惯性导航与武器攻击系统
infrared attack system红外攻击系统
infrared night and day attack missile红外寻的日夜攻击导弹
integrated tactical warning and attack assessment一体化战术报警和攻击评估
IR attack weapon system红外攻击武器系统
joint direct attack munition联合直接攻击弹药
joint direct attack munition联合力量直接攻击弹药
Joint STARS joint surveillance target attack radar system联合监视目标攻击雷达系统
joint surveillance target attack radar system联合监视与目标攻击指示雷达系统 (美国战场监视侦察机)
joint terminal attack controller联合终端攻击控制器
land attack missile-disperser布撒器型对陆攻击导弹
land-attack standard missile地面攻击标准导弹
large-angle of attack parameter大攻角参数
laser inertial navigation attack system激光惯性导航攻击系统
lateral angle-of-attack侧向攻角
launch on attack攻击发射
launch under attack受攻击下发射
launch under attack受攻击时发射
launch-through-attack根据攻击效果发射 (导弹)
low altitude attack低空攻击
low altitude penetrating attack missile低空突防攻击导弹
low angle of attack小攻角
Low Cost Autonomous Attack System低成本自主攻击系统
man-made attack人为攻击
mass attack密集突击
maximum angle of attack最大攻角
minimum angle of attack最小攻角
missile attack导弹攻击
missile attack and defense warfare导弹攻防战
missile attack area导弹攻击区
missile attack-defense encounter导弹攻防对抗
missile attack envelope导弹攻击区
missile attack fashion导弹攻击方式
missile attack mode导弹攻击方式
missile attack zone导弹攻击区
missile damaging attack war导弹破袭战
missile nuclear surprise attack导弹核袭击
missile warning/attack assessment导弹预警/攻击评估
monitoring angle of attack监控迎角
Multack multiple target attack program多目标攻击程序
navigation/attack system trainer导航/攻击系统训练器
night vision attack system夜视攻击系统
nominal angle of attack名义攻角
nuclear attack preparedness evaluation核攻击战备评价
nuclear attack thought核进攻思想
nuclear-powered attack submarine核动力攻击潜艇 (美国海军代码)
nuclear-powered cruise missile attack submarine核动力巡航导弹攻击潜艇 (美国海军代码)
offset attack偏置攻击 (间接瞄准攻击)
omnidirectional attack missile全向攻击导弹
optimum angle of attack最佳攻[迎]角
optimum attack pattern最优攻击方案
orbital attack轨道攻击
overhead attack上方攻击
panoramic search and attack sonar全景搜索与攻击声呐
parallel head-on attack平行迎面攻击
perimeter acquisition radar attack characterization system环形搜索雷达特性鉴别系统 (美国反导雷达,具有一定空间监视能力)
pincer attack钳形突击
pinpoint attack对点状目标攻击
pinpoint attack精确攻击
plan of attack进攻计划
point of attack攻击点
portable battlefield attack system轻便式战场攻击系统 (一种全天候全方位地空导弹系统)
post-attack command and control system原子袭击后指挥控制系统
post-attack period打击后时期
post-attack reporting system攻击后报告系统
post-attack status report攻击后状况报告
prevention of surprise attack防突然袭击
probable air attack可能的空袭
probable attack type可能的攻击方式
pure pursuit attack纯跟[追]踪攻击
pursuit curve attack跟[追]踪曲线攻击
radar attack and warning system雷达攻击警戒系统
radar emission location attack control system雷达发射定位攻击控制系统
reentry angle-of-attack再入攻角
satellite attack卫星攻击
satellite attack warning and assessment flight experiment卫星攻击预警与评估飞行试验 (美国 20 世纪 90 年代的研发项目)
satellite attack warning and verification卫星攻击警告与核查
satellite attack warning and verification system卫星受攻击报警和核查系统
satellite attack warning system卫星进攻报警系统
satellite on-board attack reporting system星上攻击报告系统
satellite threat warning and attack reporting卫星威胁预警与攻击报告系统
short-range attack missile近程攻击导弹 (美国战略空对地导弹)
single attack单个突击
space attack航天攻击
space attack航天[空间]攻击
space-based detection and attack warning system天基探测和攻击告警系统
standoff land attack missile防空区外发射的对地导弹 (美国远程空地导弹)
strategic attack战略打击[攻击]
structured attack分批次的攻击
successive converging missile attack连续集中的导弹攻击
suppressive attack压制性攻击
surprise attack奇袭
surprise attack突然袭击
surveillance, acquisition, targeting and attack assessment监视、捕获、跟踪、打击效果评估
surveillance and target attack radar system监视和目标攻击雷达系统
symbolic attack象征性攻击 (一种特殊的示范性攻击)
tactical warning and attack assessment战术报警和攻击评估 (北美防空司令部用的缩写词)
tail pursuit-aspect attack missile尾追攻击导弹
target attack system目标攻击系统
target recognition and attack multisensor目标识别和攻击-多敏感器
test at high attack angle大攻角试验
threat warning/attack reporting威胁预警/攻击报告
Tomahawk land attack missile战斧对陆攻击导弹 (美国海射巡航导弹)
trim angle of attack配平攻角
trim attack angle配平攻角
tri-service stand-off attack missile三军通用防区外攻击导弹
urgent attack紧急攻击
vasovagal attack血管迷走反应发作
zero-feet attack超低空攻击