
Terms for subject Fencing containing attack | all forms | exact matches only
attack into tempo及时进攻
attack on second intent假进攻
attack on second intention attack假进攻
attack on the blade剑会合的进攻
attack on the blade剑会合进攻
attack position进攻姿势
attack preceded by a feint一个假动作后的进攻
attack preceded by a feint单假动作进攻
attack preceded by two feints两个假动作后的进攻
attack preceded by two feints双假动作进攻
attack with beat击打剑进攻
bind blade attack剑进攻
bind blade attack阻挠剑的进攻
bind blade attack阻挠进攻
bind blade attack压剑进攻
bind-blade attack阻挠剑的进攻
composed attack复杂进攻
composed attack组合进攻
composite attack复杂进攻
composite attack组合进攻
compound attack复杂进攻
compound attack组合进攻
continuation of attack进攻的延续
continuation of attack进攻延续
counter attack反攻
delayed attack不及时的进攻
direct attack直接进攻
false attack佯攻
false attack假进攻
feint attack佯攻
indirect attack间接进攻
line of attack进攻路线
march attack向前移步刺
open up a line of attack打开击剑线
renew attack延续进攻
renew attack连续进攻
renew attack重新进攻
renewed attack重新进攻
renewed attack连续进攻
renewed attack延续进攻
running attack冲剑
running attack直刺
running attack冲刺
second-intention attack假进攻
simple attack简单进攻
simple attack单一进攻
two-time attack两个节奏进攻
two-time attack两速度进攻
two-time attack两个时间进攻
two-time attack两节奏进攻
uninterrupted attack连续攻击