
Terms for subject Table tennis containing attack | all forms | exact matches only
attack after service发球抢位
attack after service发球抢攻
attack area前区
attack area攻击区
attack during off-table defense远台防守反攻
attack in execution of service发球抢位
attack in execution of service发球抢攻
attack on both sides左右开弓
attack on both sides左右开攻
attack on both sides两面攻
attack point进攻位置
attack point攻击点
backhand and pivot attack反手攻结合侧身攻
backhand attack反手进攻
backhand attack and counterattack反手对攻
backhand block and forehand attack左推右攻
backhand block with forehand attack右推左攻
backhand block with forehand attack左推右攻
backhand combined with pivot attack反手攻结合侧身进攻
chop-and-attack player削攻结合型运动员
chop-and-attack player削攻结合运动员
close-to-table defense interspersed with attack近台守中反攻
close-to-table defense with attack近台防守反击
close-to-table fast attack近台快攻
close-to-table pen-hold grip attack直拍近台进攻
close-to-table pen-hold grip fast attack宜拍近台快攻
close-to-the-table defence with attack近台防守中反攻
close-to-the-table fast attack近台快攻
combination of attack and chop攻削结合
combination of forehand and backhand attacks正反手结合攻击
continuous attack with forehand and backhand drives正反手连续进攻
double-barrel attack双打时的轮番进攻
far defence with attack远台防守中反攻
far defense with attack远台防守反攻
fast attack and loop快攻结合弧圈球
fast attack near the table近台快攻
forehand and backhand attack正反手结合进攻
forehand attack正手进攻
forehand attack from backhand court侧身攻
forehand attack from the backhand court侧身攻
forehand attack from the backhand side during pushing推挡结合侧身抢攻
half-volley with attack左挡右攻
induce the opponent to err in attack诱使对方出错
loop and fast attack弧圈球结合快攻
pen-hold backhand attack with reverse surface直拍横打
pivot attack侧身进攻
pivot attack侧身攻
pivot attack during pushes推挡侧身抢攻
push-and-attack play推攻结合打法
seize the opportune moment for counter attack伺机起板反击
seize the opportunity for counter attack伺机起板反击
sound attack抢攻
sudden attack突然起板
surprise attack突然起板
surprise attack突击
third-ball attack发球抢攻
third-ball attack第三板进攻
two-winged attack两翼进攻
two-winged attack左右开弓
two-winged attack两面攻