
Terms containing attack | all forms | exact matches only
tech.absolute angle of attack绝对攻角
tech.absolute angle of attack绝对冲角
avia.absolute angle of attack绝对迎角
tech.acid attack酸浸蚀
tech.acid attack酸性腐蚀
tech.actual angle of attack实际冲角
sport., med.acute coronary attack冠心病急性发作
tech.advance per attack一个循环的进度
tech.advance per attack每循环进尺
avia.advanced attack helicopter先进攻击直升机
avia.advanced tactical attack manned system人工操纵的先进战术攻击系统
avia.advanced tactical attack system mission analysis先进的战术攻击系统任务分析
avia.advanced technology ground attack fighter先进技术对地攻击战斗机
gen.aerial attack空中攻击
avia.aerodynamic lead-pursuit attack course空气动力提前跟踪攻击曲线
avia.air attack action plan空中攻击行动计划
avia.air electronic attack空中电子攻击
tech.air gas attack毒气空袭
avia.air launched ship attack missile空对舰攻击导弹
avia.air launched torpedo attack空投鱼雷攻击
avia.air launched torpedo attack空中发射的鱼雷
avia.air launched torpedo attack中发鱼雷攻击
avia.air search attack unit空军搜索攻击小队
avia.air to air attack management空中空袭管理
avia.airborne electronic attack机载电子攻击
avia.airborne interception radar and pilot attack sight system机载截击雷达和驾驶员攻击瞄准系统
avia.airborne interception radar and pilot's attack sight system机载截击雷达与驾驶员攻击瞄准系统
avia.airborne moving attack target空中活动攻击目标
avia.airborne moving target attack对空中活动目标的攻击
avia.airborne search target attack radar机载搜索目标攻击雷达
avia.airborne surface attack control system机载地面攻击控制系统
avia.aircraft antisubmarine attack飞机反潜攻击
avia.airfield attack munitions机场攻击军需品
avia.air-launched surface attack missile空中发射地面攻击导弹
avia.air-launched surface attack missile空射攻击地面目标的导弹
avia.all-weather nav/attack aid全天候导航/攻击设备
avia.all-weather stand-off aircraft/attack control system全天候防区外飞机攻击控制系统
avia.all-weather stand-off attack control system全天候防空圈外攻击控制系统 (美国海军)
avia.all-weather standoff attack control system全天候防区外攻击控制系统
avia.all-weather stand-off attack system全天候防空圈外攻击系统
avia.all-weather standoff attack system全天候防区外攻击系统
sport.alternate attack交叉进攻
tech.ammonium salt attack铵盐侵蚀
gen.amoeba attack阿米巴效应
shipb.amplitude in angle of attack迎角振幅
tech.angle attack of wind force风力攻角
tech.angle of attack冲击角
avia.angle of attack
nautic., tech.angle of attack锚爪袭角
tech.angle of attack风的攻角
avia.angle of attack
avia.angle of attack anti-ice probe迎角传感器防冰
nautic., tech.angle of attack at zero-lift零升力攻角
avia.angle of attack averaging defeat平均失效攻角
avia.angle of attack calculator攻角、迎角计算器
tech.angle of attack detector迎角传感器
tech.angle of attack detector迎角探测器
tech.angle of attack indicator攻角指示器
avia.angle of attack indicator攻角、迎角指示器
avia.angle of attack indicator box攻角、迎角指示器盒
tech.angle of attack of minimum drag最小阻力攻角
avia.angle of attack sensor攻角、迎角传感器
avia.angle of attack system攻角、迎角系统
avia.angle of attack transmitter迎角传感器
avia.angle of attack true实际迎角
avia.angle of attack vane heater攻角叶片加温器
avia.angle of attack warning system迎角警告系统
avia.angle-of-attack indicator攻角迎角指示器
tech.anodic attack阳极腐蚀
tech.ant attack蚁害
tech.ant attack蚁侵蚀
avia.antisubmarine attack plotter反潜攻击测绘仪
tech.appreciable attack重侵蚀
tech.ash attack灰渣侵蚀
gen.atk avn attack aviation攻击机队
tech.attack a fire扑火
avia.attack aircraft突击飞机
avia.attack aircraft攻击飞机
avia.attack aircraft强击机
gen.attack aircraft carrier攻击型航空母舰
gen.attack aircraft carrier, nuclear核动力攻击型航空母舰
avia.attack airplane攻击机
avia.attack airplane强击机
wushu.attack and defense technique攻防技术
tech.attack angle冲击角
avia.attack assessment攻击效果估计
sport.attack at the first opportunity主动进攻
sport., psychol.attack behavior攻击行为
tech.attack by groundwater地下水作用
gen.attack by innuendo含沙射影
gen.attack by innuendo旁敲侧击
gen.attack by night夜袭
tech.attack collision撞击
tech.attack cut钻孔定位
avia.attack cutout攻击终止
tech.attack dialing突击拨号
sport.attack directly the gate直接攻门 (woodball)
tech.attack director打击指挥仪
avia.attack director射击指挥仪
avia.attack display攻击显示器
tech.attack drill钻孔器
tech.attack drill旋转钎头
avia.attack fighter攻击战斗机
sport.attack formation进攻阵形
avia.attack from horizon level水平轰炸
avia.attack from horizon level水平攻击
avia.attack geometry攻击几何图形
tech.attack heading攻击航向
avia.attack heading slot攻击航向系统
avia.attack helicopter攻击直升机
avia.attack helicopter武装直升机
avia.attack impact命中
avia.attack information centre攻击信息中心
avia.attack light torpedo轻型攻击鱼雷
sport.attack one's opponent攻击对方
tech.attack periscope攻击潜望镜
avia.attack plane强击机
avia.attack plotter射击标图器
sport.attack point攻击点法 (orienting)
tech.attack polishing method浸蚀抛光法
mil.attack problem着手解决问题
tech.attack rate开采强度
tech.attack rate冲击速率
sport., med.attack rate发病率
tech.attack resisting glazing防盗窗玻璃
tech.attack sonar攻击声呐
fisheryattack sonar开始使用声纳
shipb.attack submarine攻击型潜艇
avia.attack support攻击支援
sport.attack the ball with headshuttlecock 以头攻球
sport.attack the hurdle动词词组攻栏
sport.attack the weak points of one's opponent攻击对方弱点
tech.attack time增高时间
tech.attack time冲击时间
tech.attack time工作开始时间
multimed.attack time起音时间
avia.attack value攻击值
tech.attack wave发作波
avia.attack weapon system攻击武器系统
sport.attack zone排球的进攻区
avia.automatic attack warning system自动攻击警报系统
avia.automatic maneuvering attack system自动机动攻击系统
avia.automatic navigation/attack controls自动导航与攻击控制
avia.aws angle-of-attack航空武器迎角
badm.backhand attack反手进攻
tech.bacterial attack细菌侵蚀
tech.bank method of attack台阶采矿法
tech.bank method of attack梯段开采法
sport.basic attack-and-defence formation基本攻防队形 (Tchoukball)
avia.basic attack option基本进攻选择
gen.be made a target for attack成为众矢之的
gen.be made a target for attack被当做攻击的目标
tech.beetle attack虫蛀
tech.biogenic sulfuric acid attack生物硫酸侵蚀
tech.biologic attack生物侵蚀
tech.biological attack生物侵蚀
avia.blind attack盲目攻击 (借助雷达瞄准具之攻击)
sport.blitz attack闪电式的进攻
sport.blitz attack闪电进攻
sport.block the opponent's attack阻挡进攻
tech.carbonate attack碳酸盐侵蚀
tech.carbonic acid attack碳酸侵蚀
tech.caustic attack苛性腐蚀
tech.cavitation attack气穴侵蚀
tech.cavitation attack汽蚀破坏作用
tech.cavitation attack空蚀破坏作用
tech.chemical attack化学性侵蚀
avia.close combat laser attack weapon近距作战激光攻击武器
mil.cloud attack毒气攻击
avia.cobra laser night attack system"眼镜蛇"激光夜间攻击系统
avia.computer integrated command and attack system计算机集成指挥与攻击系统
tech.concrete attack混凝土侵蚀
sport.constructive attack积极进攻
sport.constructive attack积极的进攻
wushu.continuous attack连续进攻
sport., med.coronary heart attack冠心病发作
tech.corrosion attack by thermal water热水腐蚀性
tech.corrosive attack侵蚀
securit.counter attack反击线技术分析
multimed.cross server attack跨服务器攻击
tech.cyanide-attack bacteria氰分解菌
tech.cyanide attack bacteria氰化物分解细菌
avia.day fighter/ground attack昼间战斗机/对地攻击机
tech.decoy attack假目标进攻
avia.deep creep attack深水突击
sport.defeat the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
tech.defence attack防御性灭火
avia.deg angle of attack度攻角
tech.deposit attack沉积腐蚀
tech.deposite attack沉积腐蚀
tech.deposite attack沉积侵蚀
avia.design angle of attack设计攻角
tech.destructive attack of vehicle车辆对路面的有害冲击
avia.digital angle of attack transmitter数字式迎角发送器
avia.digital angle-of-attack transmitter数字式迎角发送器
avia.digital inertial nav/attack system数字式惯性导航/攻击系统
avia.digital integrated attack navigation equipment数字式综合攻击导航设备
avia.direct airfield-attack cluster munition直接攻击机场子母弹
avia.direct airfield-attack cluster munition直接攻击机场集束弹药
tech.direct attack直接射水
tech.direct chemical attack直接化学腐蚀
tech.direction of most severe wave attack最强浪向
sport.dispose of attack部署进攻
sport.disposition of attack进攻部署
multimed.distributed denial of service attack分布式拒绝服务攻击
avia.double attack双向攻击
sport.double-barrel attack双打轮番进攻
sport.double-barrel attack轮番进攻
badm.drift-assisted attack借助风力攻球
tech.dual agent attack双灭火剂灭火
avia.effective angle of attack有效迎角 (对于一个给定的迎角其位于翼型弦线和受扰流合成速度之间的部分。这个迎角在有限的机翼上测定,但是和在理想翼型中位于弦线和非扰动流之间测得的无限展弦比的迎角具有相同的有效值。由于有限翼展翼型尖涡产生的下洗往往会降低迎角的升力效率,所以为了产生相同的升力,有限翼型必须在比理想无限翼型所必要的大的迎角下设定。又称 angle of attack for infinite aspect ratio (无限展弦比翼型迎角))
nautic., tech.effective angle of attack实效攻角
avia.effective angle of attack有效攻 (度)
tech.electrochemical attack电化侵蚀
tech.electrochemical attack电化学作用
shipb.electronic anti countermeasures attack电子抗干扰袭击
avia.electronic attack电子进攻
shipb.electronic countermeasures attack电子干扰袭击
tech.environmental cancer attack rate性癌发生率
ecol.environmental cancer attack rate环境致癌发生率
tech.erosive attack腐蚀作用
multimed.exhaustive attack穷举攻击
gen.experimental attack实验性歼击机 (plane)
tech.explosive attack爆破作用
tech.exterior attack外攻
judo.false attack虚假进攻
nautic., tech.fast attack catamaran双体近岸快速攻击艇
nautic., tech.fast attack craft快速攻击艇
sport.feint attack假进攻
sport.fierce attack猛攻
avia.fighter attack maneuvering战斗机攻击机动
avia.fighter attack reconnaissance modular adaptive radar战斗攻击侦察模式适配雷达
avia.fighter, ground attack战斗机地面攻击
avia.fighter, ground attack对地攻击歼击机
avia.fighter, ground attack, reconnaissance侦察
avia.fighter, ground attack, reconnaissance地面攻击
avia.fighter, ground attack, reconnaissance战斗机
avia.final attack solution最后攻击方案
tech.fire attack火灾扑救
avia.fire attack使用燃烧弹的空袭
tech.fire attack line灭火水带线
tech.fire attack strategy灭火战略
tech.first arrival first attack初期灭火
tech.first attack初次发病
avia.first attack初次攻击
sport., med.fit attack发作
tech.flux-line attack液面线侵蚀
sport.foil the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
avia.forward looking infrared attack set前视红外攻击设备
avia.forward looking light attack radar前视轻型攻击雷达
avia.frontal attack前向攻击 (截击机与目标的航向差大于135°)
avia.frontal attack迎面攻击
tech.frost attack冰冻侵蚀
tech.frost attack冰冻破坏
sport.frustrate the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
tech.full face attack全断面掘进
tech.fungus attack菌害
tech.fungus attack霉菌侵蚀
tech.fungus attack真菌侵蚀
avia.future air attack vehicle未来空军攻击武器
avia.future attack and combat aircraft未来攻击和战斗机
ecol.gas attack毒气攻击
tech.glass level attack玻璃液面线侵蚀
tech.glycerin attack甘油侵蚀
tech.glycerine attack甘油侵蚀
tech.grain attack晶粒腐蚀
avia.ground attack地面攻击
avia.ground attack陆攻
avia.ground attack地面部队攻击
avia.ground-attack control capability对地攻击控制能力
avia.ground attack control center地面攻击控制中心
avia.ground attack reconnaissance地面攻击侦察
avia.ground level attack, reconnaissance and electronic侦察和电子设备
avia.ground level attack, reconnaissance and electronic地平面攻击
avia.ground target attack control system地面目标攻击控制系统
avia.ground-target attack control system地面目标攻击控制系统
tech.groundwater attack地下水侵蚀
gen.have an attack of害〔患〕病
gen.have an attack of为…所侵袭
sport., med.heart attack心脏病发作
sport., med.heart attack心力衰竭
securit.heart attack market心脏病发作市场市场对艾森豪威尔总统1955 年心脏病发作的反应,当时道・琼斯工业平均指数下降了 6. 5%
sport., med.heat attack日射病
sport., med.heat attack发热
sport., med.heat attack中暑
avia.helicopter attack squadron light轻型攻击直升机中队
avia.helicopter attack system直升机攻击系统
avia.high angle of attack大攻角
avia.high angle of attack大迎角
tech.high attack angle大冲角
avia.high energy laser attack station高能激光攻击站
avia.high performance advanced attack system高性能先进攻击系统
avia.high performance aerial attack system高性能空中攻击系统
tech.hostile attack恶意攻击
tech.humic acid attack腐殖酸侵蚀
tech.impingement attack撞击侵蚀
tech.impingement attack滴蚀
tech.impingement attack浸蚀
tech.induced angle of attack次生仰角
avia.inertial navigation and attack system惯性导航和攻击系统
avia.inertial navigation & attacks system惯性导航与攻击系统
avia.infra-red attack weapon system红外线攻击武器系统
ecol.initial attack初次扑救
tech.inlet attack进口侵蚀
tech.insect attack虫蛀
avia.integrated helicopter attack system直升机综合攻击系统
avia.integrated navigation attack system综合导航攻击系统
avia.integrated tactical attack system综合战术攻击系统
avia.intercept attack拦截攻击
avia.intercept attack course拦射攻击路线
tech.intercrystalline attack晶间腐蚀
tech.intercrystalline attack晶间侵蚀
avia.interdiction reconnaissance attack system拦阻侦察攻击系统
tech.intergranular attack晶间腐蚀
tech.intergranular attack粒间侵蚀
avia.intergranular attack specimen晶间腐蚀试样
tech.intracrystalline attack晶体内侵蚀
avia.joint air attack team联合空中攻击队
avia.joint attack fighter联合攻击战斗机
avia.joint attack weapons system联合攻击武器系统
avia.joint direct attack munition联合直接攻击军火
avia.joint direct attack munition联合制导攻击武器
avia.laser inertial navigation/attack system激光惯性导航/攻击系统
sport.last breath attack最后奋力进攻
sport.lateral attack侧面进攻
sport.launch an attack发起进攻
avia.launch under attack进攻性发射
avia.lead collision attack distance拦截攻击距离
tech.liable to attack易受攻击
avia.light attack helicopter轻型攻击直升机
avia.light attack tactical navigation and bombing system轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统
avia.light-attack tactical navigation and bombing system轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统
nautic., tech.long range land attack projectile远程对陆攻击弹
avia.low altitude airfield attack system低空攻击机场系统
avia.low altitude attack system低空攻击系统
avia.low altitude night attack低空夜间攻击
gen.low angle of attack小冲角
avia.low level attack低空攻击
tech.magnesium salt attack镁盐侵蚀
sport.make a feint to the east but attack in the west声东击西
gen.make an attack upon攻击
tech.metal line attack液面线侵蚀
tech.method of attack溶解方法
tech.microbial attack微生物侵蚀
avia.missile attack envelop导弹允许发射区
avia.missile attack envelop导弹攻击区
avia.missile attack warning导弹攻击警告
avia.missile attack warning and assessment导弹攻击告警与估计
avia.moderate angle of attack中等攻角
tech.moderate attack中等侵蚀
avia.monitoring angle of attack监视迎角
avia.nav/attack aid导航/攻击设备
avia.navigation and attack system flight导航和攻击系统飞行
avia.navigation and attack systems flight导航及攻击系统训练飞行
avia.navigation attack system导航攻击系统
avia.negative angle of attack负冲角
tech.nitrile attack bacteria腈分解菌
tech.nitrile-attack bacteria腈分解菌
gen.nitrile-attack bacteria腈分解菌
avia.nominal angle of attack标称攻角
avia.non-zero angle of attack非零攻角
avia.normal attack offset bomb mode正常间接瞄准轰炸工作状态 (方式)
gen.NTP amplification attackNTP 放大攻击
tech.nuclear attack submarine核攻击潜艇
shipb.nuclear attack submarine核动力攻击型潜艇
tech.nuclear powered attack submarine核动力鱼雷攻击潜艇
badm.one-man attack单一进攻
sport.opposing attack反攻
tech.optimum angle of attack最优攻角
tech.oxidative attack氧化侵蚀
tech.oxide deposit attack氧化物沉积侵蚀
tech.ozone attack臭氧侵蚀
plast.surg.panic attacks惊恐发作
tech.parallel attack平行线法
gen.passing attack传球进攻
sport.pattern attack固定配合进攻
tech.periodic attack周期性发作
tech.periodical attack周期性发作
tech.physical attack物理侵蚀
tech.pitting attack点蚀
tech.pitting attack麻点腐蚀
sport.pivot attack during pushes【兵】推挡侧身抢攻
tech.point of attack腐蚀点
tech.point of attack浸蚀点
tech.polish attack抛光浸蚀
avia.portable battlefield attack system轻便式战场攻击系统
avia.precision attack missile精确攻击导弹
tech.preferential attack择优侵蚀
avia.preplanned attack按计划攻击
avia.preplanned attack预先有计划的攻击
tech.pure water attack纯水腐蚀
avia.pursuit attack追踪攻击
gen.quartering attack从机尾攻击
avia.radar attack warning system雷达攻击警告系统
avia.radar emission location attack control system雷达发射位置攻击控制系统
tech.ram attack撞击式攻击
tech.ramming attack撞击式攻击
avia.reconnaissance attack fighter training system侦察攻击战斗机训练系统
sport.repel the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
tech.resistance to chemical attack耐化学腐蚀
tech.resistance to chemical attack抗化学腐蚀能力
tech.resistance to chemical attack抗化学侵蚀性
tech.resistance to frost attack防冻害性能
tech.resistance to sulfate attack抗硫酸盐侵蚀性
tech.resistance to termite attack防止白蚁侵蚀
avia.right angle of attack右迎角
tech.rub to attack打磨到漆膜损坏
sport.rush attack猛攻
tech.satellite attack warning system卫星攻击警报系统
avia.satellite multiple attack and kill system卫星多方位攻击与杀伤系统
avia.scout/attack helicopter侦察/攻击直升机
fisherysearchlight attack sonar探照灯启动声纳
tech.seawater attack海水侵蚀
tech.secondary attack rate续发率
sport., psychol.sense of attack进攻意识
sport.set attack成套战术
tech.severe attack严重侵蚀
gen.She only became coherent again two hours after the attack她疾病发作两小时后,才恢复了清楚说话的能力
avia.short range attack missile短程攻击导弹
gen.short range attack missile近程攻击导弹
avia.short range attack missile/tactical短程攻击导弹/战术
avia.short-range attack missile近程攻击导弹
avia.silent attack warning system无声攻击警报系统
avia.silent tactical attack/reconnaissance system无辐射战术攻击/侦察系统
avia.simulated attack profile模拟攻击概览图
tech.slight attack轻侵蚀
multimed.Smurf attackSmurf 攻击
gen.sneak attack突然袭击
desert.solutional attack溶蚀作用
tech.sonar attack center声呐攻击指挥中心
avia.special operation terminal attack controller特种作战终端攻击控制器
securit.speculative attack投机性袭击
avia.spray attack喷撒攻击
tech.stage of attack发作期
avia.stand-off land attack missile远距离着陆攻击导弹
avia.stand-off land attack missile火力圈外发射的对地攻击导弹
avia.stern attack尾后攻击
avia.stern attack尾部攻击
tech.straight-line attack直线攻击
tech.straight-line diving attack直线俯冲攻击
avia.strategic attack战略进攻
avia.strategic attack战略攻击
tech.strength of attack扑火力量
gen.strike attack〔飞机〕对地面目标的攻击
avia.submarine integrated attack center潜艇综合攻击中心 (submarine integrated battle and data system 潜艇综合战斗与数据系统,submarine integrated control system 潜艇综合控制系统‘submarine integrated sonar system 潜艇综合声呐系统)
avia.subsonic cruise attack missile亚声速巡航攻击导弹
gen.Such an attack is termed syncope像这样的病我们就称作晕厥
sport., med.sudden attack突然发病
tech.sulfate attack硫酸盐侵蚀
tech.sulfate attack硫酸盐腐蚀
nautic., tech.sulfidation attack硫化腐蚀 (sulfur corrosion)
tech.sulfur attack低温腐蚀
tech.sulfur attack硫腐蚀
tech.sulphidation attack硫化腐蚀
avia.surface attack group水面攻击大队
avia.surveillance target attack radar system监视目标攻击雷达系统
gen.SYN flood attackSYN 泛洪攻击
tech.syndrome due to attack of pathogenic dampness中湿
avia.tactical airfield attack missile战术机场攻击导弹
avia.tactical attack radar and navigation战术攻击雷达和导航
avia.tactical land attack missile战术陆上攻击导弹
avia.tactical warning and attack assessment战术报警和攻击评估
tech.tannin attack鞣酸侵蚀
tech.target of air attack空袭目标
avia.target recognition attack multisensor目标识别攻击复式传感器
avia.target-recognition attack multisensor目标识别攻击复式传感器
tech.the most conspicuous early sign of attack受害初期最明显的迹象
tech.three-dimensional attack三维空间攻击
sport.thwart the opponent's attack挫败对方的进攻
sport.timely attack及时的进攻
avia.Tomahawk airfield attack missile"战斧"机场攻击导弹
avia.top attack顶部攻击
tech.total dosage attack总剂量攻击
avia.toxic attack毒剂攻击
avia.tri-service standoff attack missile多用途远程攻击导弹
tech.turbulent attack紊流腐蚀
tech.uniform attack均匀侵蚀
tech.upward attack向上攻击
tech.vanadium attack钒腐蚀
nautic., tech.vanadium attack钒灰腐蚀
avia.variable geometry fighter attack experimental实验性可变翼攻击机
avia.various angle of attack不同角度的攻击
avia.vasovagal attack血管迷走神经性发作
avia.vectored attack导向攻击
tech.vectored attacks导向攻击
avia.vertical launch autonomous attack system垂直发射自主攻击系统
sport.violent attack猛攻
tech.waterline attack吃水线处的浸蚀
tech.waterline attack水管腐蚀
gen.water-line attack吃水线处的浸蚀
tech.wave attack波浪冲蚀
tech.wave attack波浪冲击
tech.wave attack波浪袭击
avia.wide area search autonomous attack miniature munition广域搜索自主攻击小型弹药
avia.zero-lift angle of attack零升力迎角
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