
Terms for subject Textile industry containing attach | all forms | exact matches only
attach back crotch slay绱大裤底
attach back crotch slay〔工〕绱大裤底
attach back crotch stay绱大裤底
attach band to armhole绱明门襟
attach belt loop〔工〕绱裤带袢
attach belt loop绱裤带袢
attach button缝纽扣
attach chest interlining front piece覆衬衣前片覆胸衬
attach chest interlining to front piece覆衬衣前片覆胸衬
attach chest interlining to front piece覆胸衬
attach collar stay〔工〕领角薄膜定位
attach collar stay领角薄膜定位
attach collar to band夹翻领翻领夹进底领缝合
attach collar to band夹翻领翻领夹进底领缝合
attach collar to band夹翻领
attach cuff to sleeve上袖头
attach cuff to sleeve〔工〕装袖头
attach elastic〔工〕绱松紧带
attach elastic绱松紧带
attach elastic绱橡筋
attach eye to waistband钉裤钩祥
attach eye to waistband〔工〕钉裤钩袢
attach eye to waistband钉裤钩袢
attach eyelet〔工〕钉鸡眼
attach facing to fly〔工〕覆挂面
attach facing to fly覆挂面
attach front band〔工〕绱明门襟
attach front band绱明门禁
attach front band绱明门襟
attach hangtag上挂卡
attach hangtag打吊牌
attach heel stay〔工〕绱贴脚条
attach heel stay绱贴脚条
attach hook and eye to waistband钉裤钩祥
attach hook to band手工缲领钩
attach hook to band〔工〕手工缘领钩
attach hook to band缲领钩
attach hook to collar band缲领构
attach hook to waistband〔工〕钉裤钩
attach hook to waistband钉裤钩
attach label绱商标
attach label钉标签
attach labels绱商标
attach labels〔工〕钉标签
attach left fly〔工〕绱裤门襟
attach left fly绱门襟
attach lining to bodice覆大身里子
attach lining to bodice〔工〕覆大身里子
attach lining to bodice覆里子
attach lining to skirt覆裙里
attach maker拼合排料图
attach rib〔工〕绱罗纹
attach rib绱罗纹
attach right fly〔工〕绱裤里襟
attach right fly绱里襟
attach rightfly绱裤里
attach rightleftfly绱裤里
attach rivet钉撞钉
attach rivet〔工〕钉撞钉
attach rivet打铆钉扣
attach snap〔工〕钉四合钮
attach snap钉四合扣
attach tape to armhole〔工〕覆袖窿牵条
attach tape to armhole覆袖窿牵条
attach tape to back vent〔工〕覆背衩牵条
attach tape to back vent覆背衩牵条
attach tape to front edge〔工〕覆止口牵条
attach tape to front edge覆口牵条
attach tape to front edge覆止口牵条
attach tape to hood brim〔工〕绱风帽檐
attach tape to hood brim绱风帽檐
attach tape to hood brim绱帽檐
attach tape to lapel roll line〔工〕覆驳口牵条
attach tape to lapel roll line覆驳头牵条
attach tape to lapel roll line覆驳口牵条
attach tape to pocket mouth覆袋口牵条
attach tape to pocket opening覆袋口牵条
attach tape to pocket opening〔工〕覆袋口牵条
attach tape to waist line覆裙腰口牵条
attach tape to waistband of skirt覆裙腰口牵条
attach tape to waistband of skirt〔工〕覆裙腰口牵条
attach trouser curtain绱雨水布缝在裤腰里下口
attach trouser curtain绱雨水布缝在裤腰里下口
attach trousers curtain绱雨水布
attach waistband〔工〕绱腰头
attach waistband绱腰头
attach waistband to skirt绱裙腰头
attach zipper〔工〕绱拉链
attach zipper绱拉链
attach zipper绡拉链