
Terms containing attach | all forms | exact matches only
spaceactuator attach point作动器连接点
spaceactuator attach ring作动器[筒]支撑环
spaceaft attach ring后安装环
China, lawagree to attach a time limit约定附期限
auto.angle of attach前悬角
auto.angle of attach接近角
econ.As arrange d, you are to attach your sight draft on us for US $1200 to the shipment documents根据约定,你们应该把向我们开具的1200美元即期汇票附于装船单据上
commer.attach a specific stipulation to a contract在合同中附加具体规定
China, lawattach an approval slip附贴批单
proj.manag.Attach and fix the tap securely as illustrated如图所示牢固地连接并固定分接头
textileattach back crotch slay绱大裤底
textileattach back crotch slay〔工〕绱大裤底
textileattach back crotch stay绱大裤底
textileattach band to armhole绱明门襟
textileattach belt loop〔工〕绱裤带袢
textileattach belt loop绱裤带袢
textileattach button缝纽扣
textileattach chest interlining front piece覆衬衣前片覆胸衬
textileattach chest interlining to front piece覆衬衣前片覆胸衬
textileattach chest interlining to front piece覆胸衬
textileattach collar stay〔工〕领角薄膜定位
textileattach collar stay领角薄膜定位
textileattach collar to band夹翻领翻领夹进底领缝合
textileattach collar to band夹翻领翻领夹进底领缝合
textileattach collar to band夹翻领
textileattach cuff to sleeve上袖头
textileattach cuff to sleeve〔工〕装袖头
mech.attach detach kit连接分离工具
textileattach elastic绱松紧带
textileattach elastic〔工〕绱松紧带
textileattach elastic绱橡筋
China, lawattach energy efficiency label标注能源效率标识
econ.attach equal importance to并重
textileattach eye to waistband〔工〕钉裤钩袢
textileattach eye to waistband钉裤钩祥
textileattach eye to waistband钉裤钩袢
textileattach eyelet〔工〕钉鸡眼
textileattach facing to fly〔工〕覆挂面
textileattach facing to fly覆挂面
telecom.attach fitting连接接头
avia.attach FL and GN to picture sheets联系旗形附注和通用附注和图页 (这是波音 APL 中常用缩写)
tech.attach floating discharge pipeline接排泥管
textileattach front band〔工〕绱明门襟
textileattach front band绱明门禁
textileattach front band绱明门襟
econ.attach goods査封货物
China, polit.attach great importance to狠抓
China, polit.attach great importance to高度重视
China, polit.attach great importance to formulating this legislation高度重视此项立法工作
China, polit.attach great importance to the enactment of the law高度重视此项立法工作
China, polit.attach greater importance to把... 摆到更加重要的地位 (smth)
textileattach hangtag上挂卡
textileattach hangtag打吊牌
textileattach heel stay〔工〕绱贴脚条
textileattach heel stay绱贴脚条
textileattach hook and eye to waistband钉裤钩祥
textileattach hook to band手工缲领钩
textileattach hook to band〔工〕手工缘领钩
textileattach hook to band缲领钩
textileattach hook to collar band缲领构
textileattach hook to waistband〔工〕钉裤钩
textileattach hook to waistband钉裤钩
gen.attach importance to认为…有重要意义
gen.attach importance to重视
gen.attach importance to着重于
textileattach label绱商标
textileattach label钉标签
textileattach labels绱商标
textileattach labels〔工〕钉标签
China, lawattach labels to livestock or poultry加施畜禽标识
commer.attach labels to the goods在货物上加标签
econ.attach ledgers査封账册
textileattach left fly〔工〕绱裤门襟
textileattach left fly绱门襟
textileattach lining to bodice〔工〕覆大身里子
textileattach lining to bodice覆大身里子
textileattach lining to bodice覆里子
textileattach lining to skirt覆裙里
textileattach maker拼合排料图
gen.attach oneself to附属
gen.attach oneself to依附
gen.attach oneself to加人
avia.attach point only仅用于连接点
commer.attach price tags on each article在每件商品上贴价格标签
commer.attach sb's property for debt因债务查封某人财产
textileattach rib〔工〕绱罗纹
textileattach rib绱罗纹
textileattach right fly〔工〕绱裤里襟
textileattach right fly绱里襟
textileattach rightfly绱裤里
textileattach rightleftfly绱裤里
textileattach rivet〔工〕钉撞钉
textileattach rivet钉撞钉
textileattach rivet打铆钉扣
avia.attach screw连接螺钉
commer.attach one's signature to a contract在合同上签字
econ.attach significance to something赋予某事以意义
textileattach snap〔工〕钉四合钮
textileattach snap钉四合扣
textileattach tape to armhole〔工〕覆袖窿牵条
textileattach tape to armhole覆袖窿牵条
textileattach tape to back vent〔工〕覆背衩牵条
textileattach tape to back vent覆背衩牵条
textileattach tape to front edge〔工〕覆止口牵条
textileattach tape to front edge覆口牵条
textileattach tape to front edge覆止口牵条
textileattach tape to hood brim绱风帽檐
textileattach tape to hood brim〔工〕绱风帽檐
textileattach tape to hood brim绱帽檐
textileattach tape to lapel roll line覆驳头牵条
textileattach tape to lapel roll line〔工〕覆驳口牵条
textileattach tape to lapel roll line覆驳口牵条
textileattach tape to pocket mouth覆袋口牵条
textileattach tape to pocket opening覆袋口牵条
textileattach tape to pocket opening〔工〕覆袋口牵条
textileattach tape to waist line覆裙腰口牵条
textileattach tape to waistband of skirt覆裙腰口牵条
textileattach tape to waistband of skirt〔工〕覆裙腰口牵条
China, lawattach time limit附期限
tech.attach to附着于
China, lawattach to附送
gen.attach M to把M放在N 上 (N)
gen.attach M to把M连接 〔安装,固定,悬挂,附〕到N上 (N)
textileattach trouser curtain绱雨水布缝在裤腰里下口
textileattach trouser curtain绱雨水布缝在裤腰里下口
textileattach trousers curtain绱雨水布
textileattach waistband〔工〕绱腰头
textileattach waistband绱腰头
textileattach waistband to skirt绱裙腰头
China, lawattach with a time limit for its termination附终止期限
textileattach zipper绱拉链
textileattach zipper〔工〕绱拉链
textileattach zipper绡拉链
busin.commercial attach.商务专员
busin.commercial attach商务参赞
busin.commercial attach商务专员
tech.corrosive attach chamber腐蚀促进室
busin.cost attach成本归属
econ.cost attach成本的归属
securit.cost attach成本吸收
securit.cost attach成本附加
el.die attach test管芯焊接测试
interntl.trade.DOC. attach附上文件
spacedual payload attach fitting双有效载荷连接件
el.flip chip attach倒装芯片贴附
spaceforward attach ring前安装环 (柔性喷管的)
avia.interchangeable at attach points only仅在连接点可互换
spaceknife-line attach刀切状腐蚀
proj.manag.leader attach training领导者匹配训练
logist.No Risk to Attach Till On Rail直到装上火车时没有风险
logist.No Risk to Attach Till Water Borne直到水上运输时没有风险
handb.passing attach传球进攻
spacepayload attach assembly有效载荷连接组件
spacepayload attach equipment有效载荷连接设备
spacepayload attach fitting有效载荷连接件
gen.Please attach this claim tag请贴上这个行李标签
el.quick attach-detach快速连接-分离
spacequick attach-detach快速连接-分开
spacequick attach-detach可快速连接拆卸
el.quick attach-detach可快速插拆的
dril.quick attach-detach快速连接与拆开
dril.quick attach-detach收速安装和拆卸
avia.quick attach detach快速装卸
avia.quick-attach kit工具箱
avia.quick-attach kit快速连接装备
tech.reflex attach me nt反射装置
spaceS&A attach bolt安全/发火机构连接螺栓
econ.They attach great importance to this order他们对这笔订货很重视
econ.They attach hereto their Invoice No. 60 in triplicate他们附去了第60号发票,一式三份
commer.We attach hereto two extra copies of invoice covering the shipment of 1,000 M/T soybean关于所发1,000公吨大豆,兹附寄发票额外副本二份