
Terms for subject Environment containing atmospheric | all forms | exact matches only
atmospheric aerosol Particulate matter suspended in the air. The particulate matter may be in the form of dusts, fumes, or mist. Aerosols in the atmosphere are the form in which pollutants such as smoke are dispersed大气悬浮微粒 (空气中悬浮的微粒物质。这些微粒物质可能以灰尘,烟雾或者雾气的形式存在。大气中的悬浮微粒是一些污染物(比如烟雾)的消散方式。)
atmospheric chemistry The study of the production, transport, modification, and removal of atmospheric constituents in the troposphere and stratosphere大气化学 (研究对流层和平流层中大气组成部分的制造,转移,转变和移除的科学。)
atmospheric circulation The general movement and circulation of air, which transfers energy between different levels of the atmosphere. The mechanisms of circulation are very complicated. They involve the transfer of energy between the oceans and the atmosphere, the land and the atmosphere, as well as the different levels of the atmosphere大气循环 (大气的普通运动和循环,可以将不同层面的大气能量转移。循环的机制非常复杂,包括海洋和大气层之间能量转移,大气和陆地之间的能量转移,以及不同层面大气层的能量转移。)
atmospheric component The Earth's atmosphere consists by volume of nitrogen (79,1%), oxygen (20,9%), carbon dioxide (about 0,03%) and traces of the noble gases (argon, krypton, xenon, helium) plus water vapour, traces of ammonia, organic matter, ozone, various salts and suspended solid particles大气组成成分 (地球的大气由氮气(19.1%),氧气(20.9%),二氧化碳(0.03%)和少许惰性气体(氦,氩,氪,氙)加上水蒸气,少量氨,有机物,臭氧,各种盐和固态悬浮颗粒。)
atmospheric composition The chemical abundance in the earth's atmosphere of its constituents including nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, water vapour, ozone, neon, helium, krypton, methane, hydrogen and nitrous oxide大气组成 (大气成分中的化学成分,包括氮,氧气,二氧化碳,氦,氩,氪,氙,以及水蒸气,甲烷,氢气,臭氧,氮氧化物。)
atmospheric contamination potential大气污染趋势
atmospheric correction The removal from the remotely sensed data of the atmospheric effects caused by the scattering and absorption of sunlight by particles; the removal of these effects improves not only the quality of the observed earth surface imaging but also the accuracy of classification of the ground objects大气纠正 (对遥远感知到的大气数据中由于大气微粒引起的散射的吸收而带来的印象进行移除。这些移除动作不仅提高了观察到的地球表面图像的质量,也提高了地面物体分类的精确度。)
atmospheric emission Suspended pollutants -- solid particles, liquid aerosols, etc. -- or toxic gases released into the atmosphere from a polluting source, or type of source大气放射 (从一个或者一类污染源中释放到大气中的悬浮的污染物——固体微粒,液态气溶胶等——或者有毒气体。)
Atmospheric Environment Service加拿大大气环境局
atmospheric fallout The sedimentation of dust or fine particles from the atmosphere大气沉降物 (大气中尘土或者微粒的沉降。)
Atmospheric General Circulation Model常压大气环流模式
atmospheric humidity A measurable quantity of the moisture content found in the earth's atmosphere大气湿度 (可测量到数量的大气中的水分。)
atmospheric immissions大气注人[污染]物
atmospheric inversion A temperature inversion in the atmosphere in which the temperature, instead of falling, increases with height above the ground. With the colder and heavier air below, there is no tendency to form upward currents and turbulence is suppressed. Inversions are often formed in the late afternoon when the radiation emitted from the ground exceeds that received from the sinking sun. Inversions are also caused by katabatic winds, that is cold winds flowing down the hillside into a valley, and by anticyclones. In inversion layers, both vertical and horizontal diffusion is inhibited and pollutants become trapped, sometimes for long periods. Low-level discharges of pollutants are more readily trapped by inversions than high level dischargers, hence the case for high stacks. Furthermore, high level discharges into an inversion tend to remain at a high level because of the absence of vertical mixing大气倒置 (大气中的温度倒置,在这种状况中,气温随着海拔的增加不减反增。由于下面更重更冷的空气,没有形成上升气流的趋势,湍流也被压制。倒置通常在下午晚些时候形成,这时候地面发出的射线超过了接收的来自下沉太阳的射线。倒置也会由下降风引起,这种风会以反气旋的形式从山上吹到山谷里。在倒置层,污染物的水平和竖直扩散都会被抑制从而被困住,有时会持续很长时间。低处的污染物放电比高处的更容易被倒置困住。而且,高处的污染物向倒置大气放电仍会保持在高处,因为缺少竖直混合。)
atmospheric layering Any one of a number of strata or layers of the earth's atmosphere; temperature distribution is the most common criterion used for denoting the various shell. Also known as atmospheric shell; atmospheric region大气分层 (大气中的任意一层,温度分布是最常见的标准,用来指代不同的层次。也称作大气壳,大气区域。)
atmospheric model A simulation, pattern or plan designed to demonstrate the structure or workings of the atmosphere surrounding any object, including the Earth大气模型 (用来展示大气围绕着物体(包括地球)时的工作方式的模型。)
atmospheric monitoring A practice of continuous atmospheric sampling by various levels of government or particular industries大气监测 (由各级政府或者某些企业进行持续的大气取样的实施。)
atmospheric ozone A triatomic molecule of oxygen; a natural constituent of the atmosphere, with the highest concentrations in the ozone layer or stratosphere; it is found at a level between 15 and 30 km above the Earth, which prevents harmful ultraviolet B radiation, which causes skin cancer and threatens plant life, from reaching the ground. The fragile shield is being damaged by chemicals released on Earth. The main chemicals that are depleting stratospheric ozone are chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are used in refrigerators, aerosols and as cleaners in many industries and halons, which are used in fire extinguishers. The damage is caused when these chemicals release highly reactive forms of chlorine and bromine大气臭氧 (三个氧原子构成的分子;大气中的自然组成部分之一,在臭氧层或平流层含量最高;在地表上15km到30km被发现,可以阻止有害的紫外线到达地表,这种紫外线会引发皮肤癌,威胁植物生命。这层脆弱的防护盾正在被地球释放的化学物损坏,其中的主要化学物为含氯氟烃 (CFC),这种物质在冰箱中,气溶胶中用到。也被当作清洁剂,用在工业生产及灭火器中的碳、溴或卤的气体化合物中。当这些化学物释放高度放射性的氟和氯时,臭氧层便会受到损害。)
atmospheric particulate A concentration of fine liquid or solid particles, such as dust, smoke, mist, fumes or smog, found in the atmosphere大气微粒 (微小的液态或固态微粒聚合物,比如大气中的灰尘,烟,烟雾,雾气。)
atmospheric physics The study of the physical phenomena of the atmosphere大气物理 (研究大气中物理现象的科学。)
atmospheric pollution大气污染〔浑浊〕
atmospheric pollution The presence in the air of one or more contaminants in such a concentration and of such duration as to cause a nuisance or to be injurious to human life, animal life or vegetation大气污染 (大气中持久性地聚集,会对人类,动植物生命造成伤害的大气中的污染物。)
atmospheric precipitation大气降水〔凝结〕
atmospheric precipitation露水
atmospheric precipitation雨量
atmospheric precipitation The settling out of water from cloud in the form of dew, rain, hail, snow, etc.大气降水 (以露珠,雨水,冰雹,雪等形式从云中释放出的水。)
atmospheric process Atmospheric processes are distinguished in physical and chemical processes and both types may be operating simultaneously in complicated and interdependent ways. The physical processes of transport by atmospheric winds and the formation of clouds and precipitation strongly influence the patterns and rates of acidic deposition, while chemical reactions govern the forms of the compounds deposited大气活动 (大气活动分为物理活动和化学活动,两种类型都可能同时以复杂并且各自独立的方式出现。大气中风,云和降雨运输强烈影响酸性物质形成的方式和速率,同时化学反应控制着化合物形成的形式。)
atmospheric radiation measurement大气辐射测量
atmospheric science The atmospheric sciences study the dynamics, physics and chemistry of atmospheric phenomena and processes, including the interactions of the atmosphere with soil physics, hydrology and oceanic circulation. The research focuses on the following areas: turbulence and convection, atmospheric radiation and remote sensing, aerosol and cloud physics and chemistry, planetary atmospheres, air-sea interactions, climate, and statistical meteorology大气科学 (大气科学研究大气现象及过程的动力学,物理学和化学,包括大气和土地物理,水文学和海洋循环的互相作用。研究关注以下领域:湍流,对流,大气辐射和遥感,悬浮微粒,云物理和云化学,行星大气层,空气和海洋的互相影响,气候,统计气象学。)
atmospheric structure The gaseous area surrounding the planet is divided into several concentric spherical strata (layers, like shells) separated by narrow transition zones. The boundaries are know as "pause". More than 99% of the total atmospheric mass is concentrated in the first 40 km from the Earth's surface. Atmospheric layers are characterized by differences in chemical composition that produce variations in temperature大气结构 (围绕星球的气体分为几个同心球状层,这些层由狭窄的过渡区域分开。它们之间的界限称作"中止"。超过99%的气体总量集中在最靠近地表的40km部分。不同的大气层化学组成部分在不同温度下会产生不同的物质。)
Commission cxi Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution大气化学与全球污染委员会
Commission for Atmospheric Sciences联合国大气科学委员会
Committee on International Programs in Atmospheric Sciences大气科学国际规划委员会
cross-chain Loran atmospheric sounding system交联式罗兰大气探测系统
Global Atmospheric Research Program全球大气研究计划
ground-based atmospheric profiling experiment地面大气剖面实验
Institute for Atmospheric Sciences美国大气科学研究所
International Committee on the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution大气化学与地球污染国际委员会
International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project国际全球大气化学研究项目
laser atmospheric wind sounder激光大气旋流探测器
National Center for Atmospheric Research美国国家大气研究中心
Office of Atmospheric Research美国,国家海洋与大气管理局大气研究局
regional atmospheric modeling system区域性环大气模型系统