
Terms for subject Technology containing atmosphere | all forms | exact matches only
acoustic sounding of atmosphere声波大气探测
acoustical sounding of atmosphere声波大气探测
aerobic atmosphere好气环境
aerobic atmosphere需氧气氛
aerobic atmosphere好氧环境
aerobic atmosphere需氧环境
alternating damp heat atmosphere交变湿热
alternating humidity atmosphere交变湿度环境
ambient atmosphere周围大气
arc atmosphere电弧炉内气氛
arc atmosphere电弧气氛
artificial atmosphere人工空气
artificial atmosphere空气调节
artificial atmosphere调节空气
artificial atmosphere人工气候
asymmetric ionic atmosphere不对称离子氛
asymmetrical ionic atmosphere不对称离子氛
atmosphere air大气
atmosphere composition大气成分
atmosphere controller气氛控制器
atmosphere dispersion model大气弥散模型
atmosphere drag大气阻力
atmosphere equipment保护气氛供应设备
atmosphere gage气压计
atmosphere gas保护气体
atmosphere gas气圈气
atmosphere gas generating plant常压煤气发生设备
atmosphere gas generator常压气体发生器
atmosphere humidity condensate大气水汽凝结物
atmosphere influence气压影响
atmosphere laser大气压激光器
atmosphere monitoring satellite大气监测卫星
atmosphere-ocean dynamics大气海洋动力学
atmosphere-ocean-land-ice system大气一海洋—陆地一冰雪体系
atmosphere pressure大气压 (力)
atmosphere pressure affected coefficient of groundwater地下水的气压影响系数
atmosphere resistance of malthoid油毡大气稳定性
atmosphere revitalization section大气活化区域
atmosphere sampler气体采样器
atmosphere science大气科学
atmosphere sensing and maintenance system大气传感与维护系统
atmosphere sintering气氛烧结
atmosphere suit常压潜水服
atmosphere temperature transducer大气温度传感器
atmosphere transfer temperature气氛转变温度
atmosphere transparency大气透明度
atmosphere turbidity大气浑浊度
atmosphere venting大气压力孔
atmosphere venting静压孔
biologic pollution of atmosphere大气生物污染
biological pollution of atmosphere大气生物污染
brazing in controlled atmosphere保护气氛钎焊
changing atmosphere大气变化
changing composition of the atmosphere大气成分的变化
chemical atmosphere化学大气
chemically oxidizing atmosphere化性大气
chemistry and composition of atmosphere大气化学及其组成
chemistry of atmosphere大气化学
circulation of atmosphere大气环境
circulation of atmosphere大气环流
circulation pattern of the atmosphere大气环流模式
column of atmosphere大气气柱
condition of atmosphere大气状态
continuous atmosphere monitoring program连续大气监测划
continuous atmosphere monitoring programme连续大气监测划
controlled atmosphere受控炉气
controlled atmosphere受控气氛
controlled atmosphere受控制的空气
controlled atmosphere制造粒金刚石钻头时马弗炉中的惰性气体
controlled atmosphere arc welding充气室电弧焊
controlled atmosphere furnace保护气体炉
controlled atmosphere furnace可控气氛炉
controlled atmosphere kiln气氛窑
controlled atmosphere spectrochemical analysis控制气氛光谱分析
controlled atmosphere gas storage气调储[贮]藏
controlled atmosphere storage控气冷藏 (法)
correction value of atmosphere大气修正值
corrosive atmosphere tester腐蚀大气测试器
damp atmosphere湿大气
damp atmosphere高湿度空气
Declaration on the Protection of the Atmosphere保护大气宣言
differential transparency of atmosphere不同层次的大气透明度
dispersion of atmosphere大气色散
disturbed-upper atmosphere扰动高层大气
dry adiabatic atmosphere干绝热大气
dust atmosphere粉尘环境
dust-free atmosphere无尘空气
effective atmosphere光学有效大气
effective atmosphere有效气压
electric apparatus for explosive atmosphere防爆电气设备
electrical apparatus for explosive atmosphere防爆电气设备
emitting atmosphere发光大气
engineering atmosphere工程大气压
environmental capacity of urban atmosphere城市大气环境容量
exotic atmosphere异国情调
explosive atmosphere爆燃性空气
explosive atmosphere有爆炸危险的环境
explosive atmosphere有爆炸危险的空气
explosive dust atmosphere爆炸性粉尘大气
exposure to atmosphere大气暴露
extended atmosphere延伸大气
extinctive atmosphere灭火气氛
factory atmosphere厂区气氛
flashing to atmosphere闪蒸至常压
free atmosphere自由大气 (层)
free atmosphere大气
free atmosphere自由空气
furnace atmosphere炉膛内空气状态
furnace atmosphere炉气
furnace atmosphere窑炉气氛
furnace inside atmosphere炉内气氛
general circulation model of atmosphere大气环流模式
general circulation of atmosphere大气循环
geochemistry of atmosphere大气圈地球化学
gray atmosphere灰大气
grey atmosphere灰色大气
group atmosphere团体气氛
helium-atmosphere box充氦盒
heterogeneous atmosphere reaction异质大气反应
higher layers of the atmosphere比平流层更高的大气层
high-temperature synthesis under atmosphere常压高温合成法
homogeneous atmosphere均匀大气 (层)
homogeneous atmosphere均质大气 (层)
ice nuclei in atmosphere大气冰核
industrial atmosphere工业区环境
industrial atmosphere工业区空气
industrial atmosphere工业气氛
inert atmosphere惰性大气层
inert atmosphere processing cell惰性气氛处理热室
infrared remote sensing of atmosphere红外线大气遥感
in-plant atmosphere厂内空气
interference atmosphere干扰大气层
internal atmosphere室内气氛
International Programs in Atmosphere国际大气科学和水文计划
international reference atmosphere国际参考大气
International Standard Atmosphere国际标准大气 (压)
international standard atmosphere国际标准大气压
isothermal atmosphere等温大气层
kiln atmosphere窑内气氛
limit of the atmosphere大气极限
low atmosphere低层大气
low atmosphere layer低层天气
low atmosphere ozone低层大气臭氧
low atmosphere ozone pollution低层大气臭氧污染
lower atmosphere layer低层大气层
lunar atmosphere月球大气
marine atmosphere海洋大气层
marine atmosphere海上大气
maximum permissible atmosphere concentration最大容许大气浓度
metrical atmosphere公制大气压
microbiologic pollution of atmosphere大气微生物污染
microwave remote sensing of atmosphere微波大气遥感
mid latitude atmosphere中纬度大气
mill atmosphere磨机气流
mine atmosphere矿坑大气
model atmosphere大气模型
model of atmosphere大气模式
model solar atmosphere太阳大气模型
moisture content of the atmosphere大气中的水汽含量
moment of inertia of atmosphere大气转动惯量
neutral atmosphere density中性大气密度
neutral atmosphere model中性大气模式
neutral atmosphere temperature中性大气温度
nitrogen concentration in atmosphere大气中氮的浓度
noise propagation in atmosphere大气中的噪声传播
non-contaminated atmosphere未污染的大气
normal atmosphere正常大气压
ocean-atmosphere corrosion海洋大气腐蚀
ocean-atmosphere exchange海洋大气间的物质能量交换
ocean-atmosphere heat exchange海洋大交换
ocean-atmosphere interaction海洋大气相互影响
ocean-atmosphere interface海洋大气界面
ocean-atmosphere relation海洋大气关系
one-atmosphere diving system常压潜水系统
one-atmosphere manned underwater structure常压载人水下结构
one-atmosphere vehicle常压潜水器
one-man atmosphere submersible单人常压潜水器
opaque atmosphere不透明大气
outer atmosphere上层大气
outer atmosphere外层大气
outer atmosphere高空大气 (层)
overlying atmosphere上覆大气
oxidizing ability of the atmosphere大气的氧化能力
oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere大气的氧化能力
oxygen concentration in atmosphere大气中氧浓度
oxygen deficit in subterranean atmosphere地下空气缺氧
part reducing atmosphere部分还原性介质
plane-parallel atmosphere平面平行大气压
poison atmosphere含毒空气
polytropical atmosphere多元大气
prepared atmosphere制备气氛
pressure above the atmosphere正压 (力)
pressure below atmosphere负压
protective atmosphere保护气层
protective atmosphere equipment保护气氛供应设备
protective furnace atmosphere炉腔保护空气层
pseudo-adiabatic atmosphere假绝热大气
purely scattering atmosphere纯散射大气
radio atmosphere无线电大气
rarefied atmosphere稀薄大气
Rayleigh's atmosphere瑞利大气
reaeration by atmosphere大气复氧
reducing atmosphere还原空气
remote-sensing of atmosphere大气遥感
resistance to atmosphere抗大气性
rough atmosphere扰动大气
safe atmosphere安全空气
salt atmosphere盐雾
salt atmosphere充盐大气
salt laden atmosphere含盐大气
scattering atmosphere散射大气
sensible atmosphere可感大气
sensible atmosphere阻尼大气
severe atmosphere恶劣环境
severe atmosphere侵蚀性气氛
shielding atmosphere保护气体
shielding gas atmosphere保护气氛
simulated atmosphere模拟气氛
smoke-laden atmosphere含烟空气
solar atmosphere太阳大气
solute atmosphere溶质气团
sounding of atmosphere大气探测
special atmosphere furnace保护气氛退火炉
special atmosphere oven保护气氛炉
stability of atmosphere大气稳定度
standard atmosphere标准气压
standard atmosphere常压
standard atmosphere pressure标准大气压 (力)
standard international atmosphere国际标准气压
standard laboratory atmosphere标准试验室气压
standard radio atmosphere标准无线电大气层
static stability of atmosphere大气静力稳定度
statically stable atmosphere静力稳定大气
stationary atmosphere稳定大气
stellar atmosphere天体大气
stratification of atmosphere大气分层
stratified atmosphere分层大气
stratified atmosphere成层大气
sun atmosphere太阳大气
table of normal atmosphere标准大气表
table of standard atmosphere标准大气表
technical atmosphere工业大气压力
terrestrial atmosphere地球大气
test of standard atmosphere pressure标准大气压测定
top-of-the-atmosphere fluxes大气顶部通量
transport and storage in controlled atmosphere气调储运
tunnel atmosphere隧道空气
turbidity of atmosphere大气的浑浊度
turbulent atmosphere紊流大气
upper atmosphere上层大气
upper atmosphere高空大气 (层)
upper atmosphere data高层大气资料
uppermost levels of the atmosphere大气的最高层
urban atmosphere pollution城市大气污染
varying density atmosphere变密度大气
vent to the atmosphere放空
vertical structure of atmosphere大气的铅直
weight of the atmosphere大气重量
well atmosphere pollution水井污染
winter atmosphere冬季大气
workroom atmosphere车间气氛
world's atmosphere世界大气
zine sulfide atmosphere tracer硫化锌大气示踪物