
Terms for subject Technology containing at the | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a rain gage installed at the experimental site在实验地设置的量雨表
a rain gauge installed at the experimental site在实验地设置的量雨表
angle at which the cranks are fastened曲柄角
apply at the same rate施用同样剂量
appraise at the current rate变价
arch hinged at the abutments铰连在支座上的拱形桁架
arched girder hinged at the abutment两脚拱 (梁)
arched girder hinged at the abutment与支座铰连的拱梁
arched girder hinged at the abutment支座铰接的拱 (梁)
at the construction field在施工现场
at the construction site在施工现场
at the current market price按现行市场价格
at the earliest possible date在最短期限内
at the end of this period在此阶段的末期
at the first sampling在第一次取样时
at the opening开盘价 (格)
at the stump按伐根茎计
balance at the beginning of the period期初余额
body at the rear后犁体
buy goods at the sale买廉价货
canal capacity at the headwork渠道口流量
canal capacity at the headwork渠首处渠道过水能力
cases jammed at the side箱边压坏
checking the terrain at the actual ground现地对照地形
church of the Apostles at Cologne科隆的使徒教堂
church of the Apostles at Constantinople君士坦丁堡使徒教堂
church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem耶路撒冷的圣墓教堂
church of the Nativity at Bethlehem伯利恒的耶稣降生教堂
conditions at the arc电弧状态
cost of the energy at borehole井口热能成本
cover flaps at the seat's front座位前端活动盖板
currency exchange at the border边境兑换
currency exchange at the border边境外币兑换
daily unbalance coefficient of cargo handled at the port日吞吐量不平衡系数
declare at the custom报关
deep dewatering at the mine矿山深部疏干
deficit at the beginning period期初亏欠
delivered at the job工地交货
delivered at the job工场交货
difference of readings at the opposite orientation转向差
direct marketing at the factory door工厂门市部直接销售
disturbance at the springing起拱边扰动
drilling at the sea海上钻探
drilling at the sea海洋钻探
economic calculation at the factory level厂级经济核算
fish bred at the bottom of sea海底繁殖鱼类
fixity at the connection连接稳固性
formation pressure at the n production stagen 生产阶段的地层压力
funds at the disposal of enterprise企用资金
German Pavilion at the International Exhibition at Barcelona1929年西班牙巴塞罗纳国际展览会徳国馆
goods temperature required at the time of acceptance of conveyance承运温度
group in charge of organizing the sources of goods traffic at station车站货源组织小组
handhold at the pocket sliding door car end 2二号车端头滑动处扶手
held covered at the discretion of the underwriter根据保险公司意愿继续承保
inspection office at the port口岸检查机关
International Committee for the organization of Traffic at sea国际海上交通组织委员
international Conference for the safety of life at sea国际海上人命安全会议
keystone at the crown of stone bridge石拱桥拱顶石
lateral exhaust at the edge of a batch槽边排风罩
loop step at the pocket sliding door car end 2二号车端头滑动门处踏步
make do with the meagre means at hand因陋就简
matching at the boundary晶界匹配度
medicine examination at the port口岸药检
method of compacting wagon kilometres at halt of the length of district区段里程折半计算法
monthly unbalance coefficient of cargo handled at the port月吞吐量不平衡系数
not at the expense of production不误生产
order at the best以最好价格订购
output power at the wheel rim轮周输出功率
Paint one color at a time onto the surface of the mould and allow it to harden before moving on to the next color在模具表面着一种颜色,并让其在着下一种颜色前变硬
Palace of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae帕萨尔加德的赛勒斯大帝宫 (伊朗)
Palace of the Emperors at Rome罗马皇宫
Palace of the Popes at Avignon阿维尼翁山上的神父宫 (法国哥特式建筑之一)
point load at the crown作用于拱顶的集中荷载
pollution prevention at the source水源防污
pollution prevention at the source源头污染预防
power at the drawbar牵引功率
power at the power takeoff动力输出轴功率
power station at the toe of the dam式水电站
pressure applied at the surface地面压强
pressure applied at the surface地面压力
pressure applied at the surface井口压力
pressure at the well bore井底压力
pressure at the well bore孔底压力
price of equipment should be set at the normal allocation price按国家调拨价格作价
proceeds at the meeting会议事项
retain a portion of profit to be placed at the disposal of the enterprise利润留成
rule of the road at sea海上避碰规则
rule of the road at sea海上避碰规章
sampling at the shadowy side of plant植物阴面采样
sampling at the sunny side of plant植物阳面采样
second time at right angles to the first第二次与第一次呈直角
semi-range of the tide at port on a day of mean equinoctial springs港口潮高系数
simply supported at the edges边沿简支
simply supported at the edges边缘简支
simply supported at the edges端简支
slip at the anchorages锚头滑动
slip at the anchorages锚具滑动
stability at the helm circle回转稳性
stoppage at the source赋税的从源扣缴
Street of the tombs at pompeii庞贝坟墓街
the ore reserve at percentage拥有资源所占百分比
timber sheet piling cofferdam supported with guard timber piles at the outside perimeter外围支撑导桩的木板桩围堰
time interval between two opposing trains arriving at station not at the same time不同时到
time of occurrence at the epicenter震中震时
time of shock at the origin震源震时
tractive effort at the wheel rim轮辋牵引力
tractive effort at the wheel rim轮周牵引力【铁】
true normal at the observer测站真法线
unbalance coefficient of cargo handled at the port吞吐量不平衡系数
unit at the grass-roots level基层单位
value at the frontier边境价值
value of the stock of assets at constant price按不变价格计算的资产现有价值
vignetting at the center of the field视场中心的渐晕
volume factor of crude at the present pressure目前压力下原油体积系数
volume factor of crude at the primary pressure原始压力下原油体积系数
waste reduction at the source废物源头削减
water-level drawdown at the center of mining area开采区中心水位降
width at the rubble mound breakwater crest斜坡堤堤顶宽度