
Terms containing at risk | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
proj.manag.a study on the ascertainment of capital at risk of security investment fund证券投资基金的风险资本确定研究
busin.amount at risk风险额
econ.amount at risk风险金额
proj.manag.amount at risk风险总值
archit.amount at risk保险中的风险额
busin.amount at risk风险额保险额与准备金的差额
tech.amount at risks保险中的风险额
tech.amount at risks人寿保险的风险额
gen.at all risks不顾一切
gen.at all risks一定
gen.at all risks无论如何
gen.at all risks无论冒什么危险
gen.at any risk不顾一切
gen.at any risk无论如何
gen.at any risk一定
gen.at any risk无论冒什么危险
busin.at buyer's risk买主承担风险
econ.at carrier's risk由运货人负担风险
busin.at carrier's risk由运货人承担风险
interntl.trade.at consignee’s risk由收货人自行负责
econ.at consignee's risk收货人险
busin.at consignee's risk由收货人自行负责
tech.at one's own risk自担风险
gen.at one's own risk损失自己负责
interntl.trade.at owner’s risk风险由货主负担
busin.at owner's risk由货主负担风险
econ.at owner's risk货主险
busin.at owner's risk由货主负担的风险
gen.at owner's risk损失等由物主负责
interntl.trade.at owner’s risk and responsibilities由货主担负一切责任
tech.at owner's risks风险由货主负担
securit.at risk冒风险
busin.at risk担风险
proj.manag.at risk有风险
busin.at risk投保中的风险
gen.at risk危机四伏的
gen.at risk处于危险之中
tech.at risk limitation风险极限
tech.at risk limitation风险限额
HRat risk pay风险工资
tech.at risk rules风险规定
interntl.trade.at sender’s risk由发货人负责
busin.at sender's risk由发货人负责
tech.at ship owner's risk由船东负责
econ.at shipper's risk由托运人员担风险
busin.at shipper's risk由托运人承担风险
securit.at the bank's risk银行承担风险
commer.at the buyer's risk风险由买方承担
busin.at the risk of冒…风险
gen.at the risk of冒着生命危险 (one's life)
gen.at the risk of冒着...危险
securit.at your risk客户承担风险
securit.at your risk由贵方承担风险
proj.manag.at-risk CM风险型工程管理模式
fin.at-risk countries危机国家
med.at-risk group高危人群
sociol.at-risk population group高危人群
securit.at-risk rules按风险规则
fin.capital at risk风险资本
econ.capital at risk风险资金
China, lawcarry out operations at risks冒险作业
econ.cost per bird at risk每只受威胁家禽的成本
econ.daily earnings at risk风险日收益
genet.early warning and response systems for breeds at risk受威胁品种预警和应对系统
exhib.earnings at risk风险收益
agric.fetus at risk风险胎儿
interntl.trade.freight at risk有风险的运费
logist.freight at risk有风险运费
busin.freight at risk风险运费
sec.sys.geographically at risk地理上受威胁
fin.net amount at risk风险净额
tech.not at risk不在保险范围内
gen.Overweight children are at the risk of developing serious and costly health problems that used to be primarily the province of middle-aged adults, like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease超重儿童存在发生严重且花费巨大的健康问题的风险,而这些健康问题曾经主要属于中年人易犯疾病的范围,如2型糖尿病和心脏病
securit.parametric value-at-risk参数风险估值
ecol.population at high risk高危人群
fin.put at risk the euro area stability将欧元区稳定置于危险之中
fin.put growth at risk导致经济增长受到威胁
securit.put investors at risk使投资者承担风险
econ.shipped on deck at shipper's risk货主负担甲板风险
tech.shipped on deck at shipper's risk甲板货托运人自负风险
tech.shipped on deck at shipper's risk货主负担甲板货风险
econ.Such goods after delivery are at buyer's risk这类货物一经发货,风险由买主承担
interntl.trade.survey at jetty risk码头检验险
interntl.trade.survey at jetty risks码头检验拒收险
econ.the freight at risk有风险的运费
commer.The risk is coverable at a premium of 2%此保险费为2%
econ.The risks in the goods devolved on the distributor at the end of November此货的风险已于11月底转移到销售商一方
econ.the survey at jetty risk码头检验险
proj.manag.Tier 1 capital should be at least 7 percent of risk-weighted assets一级资本至少应是风险加权资产的7%
el.tissue at risk受到危险的细胞组织
econ.value at risk风险值
securit.value at risk风险价值
fin.value at risk风险价值 (指在市场正常波动下,某一金融资产或证券组合的最大可能损失,也即在一定概率水平(置信度)下,某一金融资产或证券组合价值在未来特定时期内的最大可能损失)
securit.value at risk风险损失价值
securit.value at risk measures风险指标价值
securit.value at risk model风险价值模式
fin.value-at-risk analysis风险价值分析
proj.manag.value-at-risk model风险数值模式
IMF.value-at-risk model风险价值模型
fin.value-at-risk model风险价值模式
fin.value-at-risk tracking system风险价值跟踪系统
refrig.zone at risk污染风险区