
Terms for subject Technology containing at a | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
a rain gage installed at the experimental site在实验地设置的量雨表
a rain gauge installed at the experimental site在实验地设置的量雨表
action at a distance远距离作用
action at a distance theory超距作用理论
AT A carnet临时进口证
at a premium超过票面以上的价格 (股票)
bending moment at a comer转角处的弯矩
bill draw payable at a certain time出票远期承兑交单
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date出票后…天后付款汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after date出票后若干日付款汇票
bill drawn payable at a certain time after sight见票后若干天付款汇票
bill drawn payable at a fixed date按规定日期付款汇票
bill payable at a definite time预定时间付款汇票
bill payable at a fixed period after date出票后定期汇票
bill payable at sight after a fixed period定期见票即付票据
buy at a bargain price议价购买
call at a port停泊 (指锚泊作业)
corrosion at a seam接缝腐蚀
drawn at a very high-speed高速拉制
entrance speed at a retarder减速器入口速度
following at a distance尾随行驶
lane-at-a-time construction按车道建筑法
lane-at-a-time construction路面按车道施工法
lane-at-a-time placement按车道铺设法
lateral exhaust at the edge of a batch槽边排风罩
lie at anchor in a harbor停泊 (指系泊作业)
load concentrated at a point集中在一点上的荷载
maximum precipitation at a time最大次降水量
one-at-a-time operation时分操作
Paint one color at a time onto the surface of the mould and allow it to harden before moving on to the next color在模具表面着一种颜色,并让其在着下一种颜色前变硬
payable at a fixed time定期付款
precipitation at a time次降水量
put a signal at stop关闭信号
release speed at a retarder减速器出口速度
retain a portion of profit to be placed at the disposal of the enterprise利润留成
run a business at a loss赔本
sale at a valuation评价买卖
sampling at a definite depth规定深度采样
sampling at a definite horizon规定层位采样
sampling at a definite size fraction规定粒度采样
sediment concentration at a measuring point测点含沙量
sell at a loss蚀本出售
sell at a profit赚钱卖出
sell goods at a high figure高价销售
semi-range of the tide at port on a day of mean equinoctial springs港口潮高系数
ship's stagnation at a rapid吊滩
shoal at a tributary mouth支流河口浅滩
stopping at a target point定点停车
three-lane at a time paving三车道一次铺设
time interval between two trains at a station车站内列车进站间隔时间
time parallax at a single station单站时间视差法【测】
to sell at a discount减价出售
touch at a port在某港湾靠
velocity at a point测点流速