
Terms for subject Project management containing assets | all forms | exact matches only
accrued asset增值资产
acquired assets既得资产
acquisition of fixed assets购置固定资产
adjusted current assets经调整的流动资产
adjusted net admissible assets经调整的可接纳资产净值
aggregate assets and liabilities总体资产与负债
amortization of fixed asset固定资产摊销
asset and liability management资产负债管理
asset-backed security资产抵押证券
asset price bubbles资产价格泡沫
asset replacement fund资产重置资金
asset replacement schedule资产重置计划
assets accretion资产增值
assets betterment statement资产递增表
assets lending有抵押贷款
assets of the company passing on the death死者去世时转移的公司资产
assets pledged as security for liabilities用作负债抵押的资产
assets portfolio资产投资组合
assets price资产价格
assets quality资产质素
assets refinancing arrangement资产再集资安排
assets situated outside Hong Kong在香港以外地方的资产
assets stripping拆卖资产
assets stripping削减资产
assets value资产值
average net fixed assets固定资产平均净值
capital asset pricing model资本资产计价模型
cash asset现金资产
charge on assets资产留置权
charge on assets资产的征税
cost of an asset资产成本
current asset流动资金
cushion of liquid assets速动资产缓冲额
cushion of liquid assets流动资产缓冲额
dead asset报废资产
depletive assets折耗性资产
Depreciated cost calculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation claimed from the original cost of an asset折余成本、已折旧成本计算方法为从资产原来成本中扣除折旧额
depreciation of fixed asset固定资产折旧
disposal of fixed assets固定资产的处置
distributed assets经分派资产
dormant assets未用资产
estimated assets估计资产
external assets对外资产
financial assets金融性资产
fixed assets tax固定资产税
fixed intangible assets无形固定资产
fixed tangible assets有形固定资产
forward assets purchase远期资产购置
Goodwill is the difference between the price paid for an asset and its fair market value商誉是所付资产价格和公平市值的差值
government property assets政府物业资产
hypothecated assets被抵押资产
linked assets相连资产
liquefiable assets可兑现资产
liquidable assets可兑现资产
models for asset liability management and its application of the pension funds problem in Liaoning Province资产负债管理模型及在辽宁养老金问题中的应用
money assets or liabilities货币性资产或负债
negative assets account负债账户
net admissible assets可接纳资产净值
net assets increase资产净值的增长
net liquid asset流动资产净额
net public financial assets政府财务资产净值
net public financial assets政府金融资产净值
non-operating asset非营运资产
Non-operating assets are assets that are unnecessary to the ongoing operations of a business非营运资产是对业务持续运作并非必需的资产
non-performing assets非营运资产
nontrading asset固定资产
On No 23, Russia's central bank announced that it had bought 15.6 metric tons of gold in October to add to its monetary assets11月23日、俄罗斯央行宣布10月份已购买 15.6吨黄金用以增加本国的货币性资产
public assets公共资产
real asset实际资产
risk-free asset无风险资产
safeguarding assets保障资产
sale of assets售卖资产
statement of assets and liability资产负债表
The book value of the asset formed by the guarantee shall be conducted a devalue test on the balance sheet date因担保形成的资产的账面价值应当在资产负债表结算日进行减值测试
The decrease in foreign currency assets was mainly due to a decline in backing assets resulting from a drop in currency notes outstanding外币资产减少、 主要是已发行的钞票数量减少、 引致支持资产亦相对减少
The presentation of the net amount of an asset item minus the impairment provision is not an offset资产项目按扣除减值准备后的净额列示、 不属于抵消
The Value Composition of Business Concession Assets and Valuation Approaches特许经营权资产价值的形成及评估方法探讨
Tier 1 capital should be at least 7 percent of risk-weighted assets一级资本至少应是风险加权资产的7%
underlying assets相关资产
unquantifiable assets不可用数量估计的资产
unsecured paper assets无担保的票据资产
working assets周转资产