
Terms for subject Commerce containing assets | all forms | exact matches only
acquire intangible assets at a fixed price以固定价格买入无形资产
added fixed assets增加的固定资产
admitted assets被承认资产
age distribution of assets资产使用年限分布
analysis of asset changes资产变动分析
appraisal of assets资产评估
appraise the value of fixed assets评估固定资产
appraised assets估定资产
assess assets估价资产
asset transaction资产交易
assets disposal资产处理
assets held as collateral抵押资产
assets inventory surplus资产盘盈 (与资产盘亏(assets inventory shortage) 相对)
bankrupt assets破产资产
capitalize on assets充分利用资产
cash assets现金资产 (包括存款,可换现金票据以及现金等,不包括有价证券)
circulating assets流动资产 (包括:现金 (cash)、存货 (inventory)、 有价证券 (marketable securities)、 预付款 (prepayment)、应收账款 (receivables))
compensated use of fixed assets固定资产有偿使用
contingent assets备用资产
current assets流动资产 (与固定资产 (fixed assets) 相对)
current assets quota定额流动资产
dead asset死资产
defer red assets递延资产
degree of depreciation of fixed assets固定资产折旧程度
depletion for wasting assets折耗
depletion for wasting assets损耗资本
depletion of assets资产耗尽
depreciated assets已折旧资产
deterioration of fixed assets固定资产耗损
enumerated assets实际资产
fixed asset固定资产 (与流动资本 (working asset) 相对,比较: fixed capital 固定资本)
fixed asset abandoned已报废固定资产
fixed assets for production生产固定资产
fixed assets formation固定资产构成
fixed assets register固定资产登记
fixed assets residual固定资产残值
fixed assets structure固定资产结构
fixed assets turnover固定资产周转率
floating assets流动资产 (与固定资产 (fixed assets) 相对)
foreign assets国外资产
free asset未作抵押的自由资产
freeze of assets资产冻结
frozen assets已冻结资产
frozen assets冻结资产 (与流动资产 (liquid assets) 相对)
frozen assets冻结的资产
garnished assets扣押资产
hedge-type assets保值资产
hidden assets隐蔽资产
human asset accounting人力资源会计
illiquid assets非流动资产 (与流动资产 (liquid assets) 相对)
immaterial assets无形资产 (包括:版权 (copyright)、商誉 (goodwill)、专有技术 (know-how)、专利 (patent)、商标 (trademark), 比较: intangible property 无形财产)
immaterial assets非物质资产 (包括:版权 (copyright)、商誉(goodwill)、专利 (patent)、商标 (trade mark))
inadmissible asset不可税资产
incorporeal fixed assets无形固定资产
industrial assets工业资产
initial assets value初期资产价值
intangible assets无形资产 (包括:版权 (copyright)、商誉 (goodwill)、专有技术 (know-how)、专利 (patent)、商标 (trademark), 比较: intangible property 无形财产)
intangible assets非物质资产 (包括:版权 (copyright)、商誉(goodwill)、专利 (patent)、商标 (trade mark))
inventory of assets资产清单
invisible assets无形资产 (与有形资产 (visible assets) 相对)
leased assets租借资产
leasing assets出租资产
liquid assets流动资产 (包括现金 (cash)、有价证券 (marketable securities))
long term asset固定资产 (与流动资本 (working asset) 相对,比较: fixed capital 固定资本)
long-term asset长期资产 (指固定资产 (fixed asset))
loss on capital assets资本资产损失
losses of assets资产流失
make a checkup of assets清查资产
marketable assets可售资产
mortgaged assets被抵押资产
movement of current assets流动资产周转
national assets国有资产
net assets资产净值 (亦用 net assets value, net assets worth)
net current assets流动资本净额
net working assets流动资产净值
new addition to fixed assets新增固定资产
nonadmitted assets不受保资产
non-monetary assets and liabilities非货币资产与负债
non-physical assets非实物资产 (指资本化生产前支岀 (capitalized preproduction expenditure))
non-productive assets非生产性资产
non-trading assets非买卖资产 (指固定资产 (fixed assets))
normal consumption of fixed assets固定资产正常消耗
obsolescence of assets资产的陈旧报废
obsolescent assets陈旧资产
official foreign exchange assets官方外汇资产
official reserve assets官方储备资产
offsets against assets资产抵消项目
offsetting assets and liabilities资产与负债对冲
ordinary assets普通资产
over-investment in fixed assets过多固定资产投资
permanent asset永久资产 (指资本资产 (capital asset),固定资产 (fixed asset))
physical assets有形资产 (与无形资产 (in tangible assets) 相对)
plan for investment in fixed assets固定资产投资计划
quick assets速动资产 (包括:应收账款 (accounts receivable) 、现金 (cash)、有价证券 (marketable securities), 比较 current assets 流动资产,包括:应收账款 (accounts receivable)、现金(cash)、 存货 (goods in stock)、有价证券 (marketable securities), 流动性资产(liquid assets),包括:现金 (cash)、有价证券 (marketable securities))
rate of fixed assets put into operation固定资产交付使用率
ratio of fixed assets to capital liabilities固定资产对资本负债的比率
reappraisal of fixed assets固定资产重新估价
renovation of fixed assets固定资产更新
replenishment of fixed assets固定资产补充
reproduceable fixed assets可用于再生产的固定资产
reproducible fixed assets可用于再生产的固定资产
reproductive fixed assets再生产固定资产
requirements of current assets and liabilities流动资产与流动负债的需要额
restricted assets受限资产
retirement rate of fixed assets固定资产报废率
revaluation of assets资产价值重估
rigidity of assets资产刚性
schedule of tangible assets有形资产明细表
scrapped assets报废资产
self-liquidating assets自我变现资产
spot asset现存资产
statement of assets losses and gains资产损益表
statistics of tangible assets有形资产统计
stock of tangible assets有形资产存量
sum of investment in fixed assets used固定资产投资完成额
surplus of appreciation of capital assets资本资产增值盈余
tangible assets有形资产 (与无形资产 (in tangible assets) 相对)
The capital contribution of an investor may take the form of cash, machinery or intangible assets such as patents, goodwill, know-how and technical service投资者可以现金、机械,或以专利权、商誉、专有技术和技术服务等无形资产投资
The stockholder's equity net assets includes the invested capital and the retained earnings股东产权资产净值包括已投资本加留存盈余
theory of assets preference资产优选理论
total asset turnover总资产周转率
total asset turnover资产总额周转率
trust asset信托资产
turnover of current assets流动资产周转额
turnover of fixed assets固定资产周转额
turnover of total operating assets总营业资产周转额
uncompensated use of fixed assets固定资产无偿使用
undefined asset非限定资产
undefined asset未限定资产
unencumbered assets无抵押或债务关系的资产
used fixed assets使用过的固定资产
value of fixed assets固定资产价值
value of tangible assets有形资产价值
wasted assets已废资产
wasting assets耗减资产
working assets流动资产 (包括:现金 (cash)、存货 (inventory)、 有价证券 (marketable securities)、 预付款 (prepayment)、应收账款 (receivables))