
Terms containing as well | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
mech.eng.AB cone crushers are designed for efficient application of crushing in mining industry, for efficient downsizing of various types of ores, prior to grinding operation and for efficient recovery of various minerals, as well as various quarry and construction applications. AB圆锥破碎机是为采矿工业高效碎石,磨矿工序前高效破碎多种矿石,以及高效回收多种矿物而设计的,在各种采石场和建筑工地被广泛使用
expl.After repeated field experiments, they drew a conclusion that as the charge increases, the fragmentation and the velocity of the broken material increases as well经过多次实地测试、他们的结论是、如果药量的增加、破碎量和飞石的速度也随之剧增
econ.All the goods are well packed so as to avoid damage in transit所有货物都妥善包装,以免运输途中损坏
econ.All the goods should be well packed so as to avoid damage in transit所有货物都应妥善包装,以免运输途中被损坏
econ.An authorized expert may examine drawings and specifications as well as contract documents一权威专家除了审核合同文件,还必须审核图纸及规格说明书
gen.as is now well正如现在众所周知
math.as may well be the case情况很可能就是如此
ceram.As porcelain is fragile, it must be well protected against shake, squeeze and collision瓷器都是易碎品,在保存时应注意防震、防挤压、防碰撞
gen.... as well同样
gen.... as well并且
econ.as well
gen.... as well
gen.as well
gen.... as well最好
gen.... as well倒不如
gen.as well同样
gen.as well asM 除M以外还
gen.as well asM 像M — 样…也
gen.as well asM 不仅 M 而且
gen.as well asM 像 M 一样也
gen.as well asM 以及
gen.as well asM 既 M 又
gen.as well asM 除 M 之外
gen.as well... as反正都行
gen.as well asM 以及M
gen.as well asM 不但M而且
gen.as well as
gen.As well as television and music, I enjoy going to the theatre to watch plays除了听音乐和看电视,我还喜欢去剧院欣赏戏剧
construct., tech.Bucket-heel excavators are continuous cutting machines for soft to semi-hard materials like clay, sand, gravel, marl and their blending as well as lignite and hard coal斗轮挖掘机是连续切割机器,能切割质地柔软及半硬的材料,如黏土、沙子、砾石、泥灰及它们的混合物,还有褐煤、硬煤等
China, polit.collect and sort out the deliberated opinions from group meetings and the opinions offered by the various quarters as well as other relevant information收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料
UN, tech.consumables include combat supplies, general and technical stores, defence stores, ammunition/explosives and other basic commodities in support of major equipment as well as in support of minor equipment and personnel消耗品包括战斗用品、一般和技术性储备、防御储备、弹药/爆炸物和其他支持主要装备和次要装备及人员的基本商品
commer.E.C.G.D. offers cover against the non-payment of earnings from the rendering of services to overseas principals, as well as providing insurance against certain risks incurred in the sale of goods to overseas buyers英国出口信贷署不仅对国外买主出售货物所可能遭受的某些风险提供保险,而且也对国外主顾不支付劳务报酬的风险提供保险
commer.equally share the benefits as well as the risks共担风险
commer.equally share the benefits as well as the risks共享利益
interntl.trade."Euro" is used to refer to "offshore" markets outside, as well as inside, Europe"欧洲" 一词指欧洲"海外"市场,也指欧洲内部市场
China, lawfiled as a case as well as investigated into立案调査
expl.Human thinking is always bounded by experience as well as natural conditions人的思维总是受经验和自然条件的限制
gen.I hope you will get well as soon as possible and back to work我希望您早日康复,重返工作岗位
proj.manag.If facebook is suddenly able to tap into your preferences as well, the platform could be that much more powerful如果 facebook 突然能够挖掘你的参数设置、那么该平台的功效就能变得更加强大
gen.in deed as well as in word言行一致
China, lawmanage flood storage as well as flood discharge蓄泄兼施
gen.Many well-known clothing brands were born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, such as Metersbonwe and Semir美特斯邦威和森马等许多知名服装品牌都诞生于浙江省温州市
gen.may as well还是… 的好
gen.may Just as well也对 (+ inf.)
gen.may Just as well不妨 (+ inf.)
gen.may as well... as not…也行不…也行
gen.may Just as well还是以…为好 (+ inf.)
gen.may Just as well也行 (+ inf.)
gen.may as well最好
gen.might as wellM 比起N来还是M的好
gen.might just as well等于
gen.might just as well不如
gen.might as wellM 要想 N 就好比 M/
gen.might as wellM 与其N 还不如M
gen.might as well MasN比起N来还是M的好
gen.might as well MasN要想 N 就好比 M/
gen.might as well MasN与其N 还不如M
gen.not only M but N as well不仅 M 而且 N
gen.not only M but N as well既 M 又 N
gen.not only M but N as well既 M 又N
gen.not only M but N as well不但 M 而且 N
toy.Old boys have their playthings as well as young ones; the difference is only in the price大男孩和小男孩一样都有玩具,只是价格不同罢了
cosmet.Orange is so versatile in use that, besides as fruit, it has been made as fragrance for well-known perfumes, like by Guerlain or Hugo Boss橘子的使用如此多样,除了作为水果,它被作为香料制成众所周知的香水,像娇兰或雨果?博斯
econ.Our shop sells canned food n., frozen food as well as drink我们商店出售罐头食品、冷冻食品和饮料
UN, tech.outpatient and inpatient care, basic and advanced diagnostic services, basic and advanced lifesaving, basic and advanced surgical capacities and capabilities, sufficient resupply capabilities, as well as casevac/medevac capabilities and capacities in the mission area as per the MOU门诊病人和住院病人保健、基本和先进的诊断服务、基本和先进的救生服务、基本和先进的外科能力和能量、充足的再补给能力以及伤亡人员撤离/医疗后送的能力和能量
expl.Recent research has provided more accurate meteorological data that may be used for the prediction and assessment of environmental effects such as noise, dust control, and gaseous emission as well as airblast overpressure近来的研究提供了更为准确的气象数据、可以用来预测和评价诸如噪声、飞尘抑制、气体排放以及冲击波超压等对环境的影响
expl.Religious persons feel that contribution, more or less,to orphans is a generous act and a duty as well信教人士觉得为孤儿捐钱、或多或少、是慷慨大方的行为、同时也是一种乐趣
China, lawright as well as the duty of work劳动的权利和义务
China, lawrights as well as duties权利和义务
cosmet.The eyeliner should be waterproof, as well as hypoallergenic if you have sensitive skin眼线应该是防水的,如果你是敏感肌肤还应选用低过敏材质的
proj.manag.The ingenious rudder control system allows for comfortable support as well as strong steering efficiency独特设计的方向舵控制系统提供了舒适的操作支持、 以及高转向效率
sport.The main hall has the competition court, the warm-up area and some auxiliary rooms as well as the entrances for athletes, technical officials, VIPs and media workers大厅里有竞赛场地、热身区域和一些辅助房间以及运动员、技术官员、贵宾和媒体工作人员的入口通道
gen.The Meiji Shrine needed not only buildings but a forest as well建造明治神宫,不仅要建神殿,还需要建森林
econ.the offshore market outside as well as inside Europe欧洲外部及内部的海外市场
dentist.The plastic plate denture is cheap, but it will be thicker than the metal plate denture and you can't feel the temperature of food as well as with the metal one塑料基托义齿相对便宜,但它较金属基托厚,您不能像戴金属基托义齿那样很好的感觉食物的温度
expl.The remainder of this paper is intended to make a brief discussion of independent variables and constants as well as a detailed analysis of the relevant data and relationship between the independent variables involved本文的以下部分除详细分析了有关数据以及自变量之间的关系外、还简短探讨了自变量和常量
gen.The sherds contain quartz, feldspar, calcspar and sericite as well as some charcoal陶片中含有石英、长石、方解石、绢云母等各种矿物颗粒,还含有一定量的炭
house.The use of electrical appliances like electric heaters and electric pads, as well as flammable items like gas cylinders is not allowed in the hostel旅舍内严禁使用电暖气、电热垫等电器设备,以及煤气罐等易燃易爆物品
tech.They are widely applied in the industries of petrochemical engineering, smelt, pharmacy, salt preparation, as well as electric chemical plants它们产品主要面向石油化工、冶炼、制药、制盐等化学工业领域及电化行业
proj.manag.This solution extends beyond data processing and into information management as well这个解决方案超出了数据处理的范畴、 进入了信息管理领域
proj.manag.Though somewhat dated, its still one of the best introductions to UNIX and Linux for users as well as developers尽管有些过时、它仍是用户和开发人员的 UNIX和Linux 介绍的最佳书籍之一
gen.We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms我们酒店有标准房、高级房、豪华房、行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房
econ.We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications我们提供给他们有关每个部分的结构和详细规格等的资料
O&G. tech., tech.Well drilling technique has been developed to adapt to the special process of well operation such as deep well cementation and horizontal well cementation钻井技术进一步发展,已能适应油井作业的特殊环节,比如深井固井和水平井固井
busin.You have got the quality there as well as the style我们的产品不仅美观,质量也非常棒