
Terms for subject Technology containing arrival time | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
arrival time difference到时差
arrival time distribution到达时间分布
arrival time indicator到达时间表示器
cutting time of the first arrival初至互切除时间
due time of arrival应当到达时间
earliest arrival time最早到达时间
earliest possible time of arrival可能最早到达时间
estimated time of arrival预抵期
estimated time of arrival船舶预计抵港时间
estimated time of arrival预算到港时间
expected time of arrivals预计至达时间
first arrival time初至时间
group arrival time群到时
mean time between arrivals两次到达之间的平均间隔时间
seismic arrival time地震波到时
time between arrivals至达时间间隔
time difference of arrival脉冲到达时间差
time of arrival船舶抵港时间
time of arrival倒时
time of arrival到车时刻
time of peak arrival峰值到达的时间
time of ship's arrival船舶抵港时间
time of tracer arrival示踪剂到达时间
time of train arrival到达时刻
time of wave arrival波浪到达时间
time-of-arrival location时差定位法