
Terms containing army corps of engineers | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
mil.Army Corps of Engineers陆军工程师兵团
tech.Army Corps of Engineers陆军工程兵 (美国)
nautic., tech.army corps of engineers美国陆军工程兵部队
gen.Army Corps of Engineers of the United States Army美国陆军工程兵团
tech.Corps of Engineers of the United States Army美国陆军工程师团
expl.Corps of Engineers, V.S. Army美国部队工程师协会
hydroel.st.United States Army Corps of Engineers美国陆军工程兵团
tech.United States Army Corps of Engineers美国陆军工程兵
water.res., ecol.U.S.Army corps of Engineers美国陆军工程师团
tech.US Army Corps of Engineers美国陆军工程师团