
Terms for subject Wrestling containing arm | all forms | exact matches only
arm bar臂杠杆
arm-bar and half Nelson锁肩下握颈
arm-bar and near half Nelson锁臂肩下握颈
arm-bar and reverse body-lock锁握臂
arm control控制对方臂
arm drag拉臂
arm grapevine反夹臂
arm grip握臂
arm hold握臂
arm hook接臂
arm lever臂杠杆
arm lever杠杆翻
arm lock夹臂
arm-lock and inside crotch hold握臂穿腿
arm of the same name同名臂
arm pull from underneath夹臂滚
arm-pull from underneath夹臂滚
arm pull with inside back heel拉臂握踝摔
arm-pull with inside back heel拉臂握踝摔
arm roll夹臂滚
arm roll from underneath夹臂滚翻
arm roll with waist-hold and leg grapevine握臂抱躯干勾腿滚翻
arm-roll with-hold and leg grapevine握臂抱躯钩腿滚翻
arm throw抓手过背摔
arm throw过背摔
arm throw by elbow hold握臂过背摔
back heel with arm and chancery hold后绊过背摔
bar arm反夹臂
bar arm with grapevine锁臂缠腿
blocking the arm拦臂
body and single arm hold抱躯干及单臂
corresponding arm同名臂
cross-scissors ride with reverse arm-lock反锁臂缠骑
double-arm bar from side侧面双肩下抱颈压桥
double-arm bar to pancake双杠杆锁臂
double arm bar to pancake双杠杆锁臂
double-arm hip throw抱腿摔
double arm hip throw抱腿摔
double-arm keylock锁握臂
double arm key-lock锁握臂
double arm-lock双杠杆锁臂
double-arm-lock and roll-throw from the winglock双锁臂过胸摔
double bar arm双杠杆锁臂
double bar arm from side侧面双肩下抱颈压桥
double bar arm-lock双杠杆锁臂
double wristlock and buttock or arm-roll双手锁抓腕别
double wrist-lock and buttock or arm-roll双手锁抓腕别
far arm pull拽远侧臂
flexed arm松懈支撑臂
front double arm lever双杠杆锁臂
full buttock with locked grip around head and arm抱肩颈背
full buttocks with locked grip around head and arm抱肩颈背
grab arm抢夺臂
half Nelson and far arm锁肩下握颈
head and arm抱肩颈背
head and arm chancery前面抱肩颈
head and arm chancery前抱肩颈
head under arm and crotch lift握臂穿腿
head under arm and crotch-lift握臂穿腿
headlock with arm included and hip roll抱肩颈背
hip roll with arm lock and grapevine锁臂缠腿摔
leg grapevine and further arm-hold缠腿勾臂翻
leg grapevine and further arm hold缠腿钩臂翻
lift-over with leg scissors on arm腿夹臂抱躯干翻
lift-over with leg scissors on arm腿夹臂抱躯翻
near arm and near thigh跪撑圈臂抱腿
opposite arm异名臂
over arm-lock反夹臂
over arm-lock ride反夹臂
pick up by arm and leg hold握臂抱腿提
pick-up by arm and leg hold握臂抱腿提
reverse arm-lock反夹臂
reverse arm-throw反夹臂背
reverse double leg scissor and arm剪腿侧面肩下握颈
reverse double leg scissor and arm剪腿侧肩下握颈
reverse head-lock and arm-bar圈臂反抱肩颈压桥
reverse head-lock with arm and back heel握臂反夹颈别
roll-locking near arm肩下压颈翻
single arm-control反夹臂
single arm-drag拉臂
single arm-drag and crotch-hold拉臂抱大腿
single arm-drag and crotch-hold拉臂抱腿
single arm-drag with inside back heel握臂里勾腿
single arm-drag with inside back heel握臂里钩腿
single arm-lock and buttock抱单臂背
sit-back with arm-lock and grapevine缠圈双臂过桥摔
sit-back with grapevine arm hold-down握臂缠腿过桥摔
sit-back with reverse headlock and arm-bar圈臂反抱肩颈过桥摔
sit-back with reverse headlock and bar arm-lock圈臂反抱肩颈过桥摔
sit-back with single elbow-lock and arm lever杠杆握臂过桥摔
sprawl with under-arm lock握臂穿腿
standing arm-roll with reverse arm站立反夹臂滚翻
turn over by one arm body hold握臂抱躯翻
turn over by one arm body-hold握臂抱躯干翻
turn over with body hold and arm-bar锁臂后抱躯干过桥翻
turn over with body hold and arm-bar锁臂翻身成站立平衡
underhook and stiff arm counter握臂穿腿
wrench arm扭臂