
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing arm | all forms | exact matches only
arm and shoulder pull耸肩拉臂
arm curl屈臂练习
arm curl bench屈臂练习凳
arm extension背后直臂上举
arm flex and stretch standing站立臂屈伸
arm flexor臂部屈伸
arm girth臂围
at arm's length高举
bend arm with wrist turn拉臂翻腕
bend arm with wrist turning and knee bending拉臂翻腕屈膝下蹲
bend the arm with wrist turn and knee bend抓举中的拉臂翻腕屈膝下蹲
bending the arm with wrist turn拉臂翻腕
bent arm lateral raise屈臂侧举哑铃
bent-arm lateral raise屈臂侧举
bent-arm lateral raise standing with dumbbell站立持哑铃屈臂侧举
bent arm pullover仰卧屈臂拉起
bent arm pullover, bench position仰卧屈臂拉起
bent-over lateral arm raise弓身直臂持铃侧上举
clean and jerk with the left right arm手单臂挺举
clean and jerk with the left arm左手单臂挺举
clean and jerk with the right arm右手单臂挺举
curl under arm两臂体侧交替提拉哑铃
double bent arm pullover仰卧屈臂持铃经头至胸部
full arm curl弯举
lateral arm raise直臂侧上举
lateral arm raise直臂持铃侧上举
one-arm power jerk单臂向上举
one-arm swing单臂摆举
one-arm trial单手举
one arm trial单手举
one hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one hand snatch with the right arm右手单臂抓举
one-hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one-hand snatch with the right arm右手单臂抓举
prone horizontal arm lift俯卧直臂平举
pull over at arm's length侧卧从头后拉起杠铃
pull over at arm's length直臂下压
single arm backward press单臂体后持铃直臂后伸
spread with one arm单手推举
spreading with one arm单手推举
stiff arm pullover直臂提铃过顶
stiff arm pullover直臂上举
stiff arm pullover仰卧直臂提铃过顶
straight arm lateral raise lying仰卧直臂侧上举
straight-arm lateral raise lying仰卧直臂侧上举
straight arm pullover仰卧直臂拉起
supine horizontal arm lift仰卧直臂水平举
supine horizontal arm lift仰卧直臂上举
two-arm curl提铃两臂屈伸
two-arm reversal curl反握双臂屈伸
two-arm snatch双臂急举
wide arm rowing宽握划船练习
wide arm rowing宽握划船动作
wrench with one arm单手抓举
wrenching with one arm单手抓举