
Terms for subject Statistics containing area | all forms | exact matches only
area chart曲面图
area diagram曲面图
area frame区域抽样框架
area graph曲面图
area in owner-like possession类似土地所有者的自耕耕地面积
area operated on a squatter basis擅自占有者的耕地面积
area operated under tribal tenure forms部落占有形式的耕地面积
area owned拥有产权的土地面积
area rented from others向他人租用的土地面积
area sampling地区抽样
FAO Major Fishing Areas世界主要渔区地图
FAO Major Fishing Areas粮农组织主要捕捞区
FAO Map of Major Fishing Areas of the World世界主要渔区地图
FAO Map of Major Fishing Areas of the World粮农组织主要捕捞区
FAO Statistical AreaFAO统计区域
gross cropped area总耕地面积
holding area等待区
holding area待挤乳区
net cropped area净耕作面积
standard metropolitan statistical area标准都市统计区
surface area表〔曲面〕面积
unit area单位面积
wide-area connectivity广域连通性
wide-area connectivity广域连接性
wide area network广域网简写为WAN