
Terms containing application technology | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
avia.advanced technology application division高级技术应用部
avia.advanced turbine technology applications先进涡轮技术应用计划
oilAdvisory Committee on Application of Science and Technology to Development联合国科学技术应用开发咨询委员会
el.Advisory Committee on Applications of Science and Technology科学技术应用咨询委员会 (UNESCO)
avia.advisory committee on applications of science and technology科学技术应用咨询委员会
spaceAdvisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology科学技术应用咨询委员会 (联合国)
earth.sc.Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development UNESCO科学和技术应用于开发咨询委员会联合国教科文组织
org.name.Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development应用科学技术促进发展咨询委员会
org.name.Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development应用科学技术促进进展咨询委员会
gen.Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development美国科学与技术应用咨询委员会
agric.agricultural application of nuclear and space technology核技术与空间技术的农业应用
sport.application of computer technology to sports计算机技术在体育上的应用
commer.application of new technology新工艺的应用
pest.contr.application technology施用技术
met.application technology应用技术
telecom.application technology satellite应用技术卫星
interntl.trade.applications technology satellite应用技术卫星
el.applications technology satellite model AA 型应用技术卫星
earth.sc.applications technology satellite model A应用技术卫星-A型
el.applications technology satellite model BB 型应用技术卫星
earth.sc.applications technology satellite model B应用技术卫星-B型
el.applications technology satellite model CC 型应用技术卫星
earth.sc.applications technology satellite model C应用技术卫星-C型
earth.sc.applications technology satellite model D应用技术卫星-D型
el.applications technology satellite model EE 型应用技术卫星
earth.sc.applications technology satellite model E应用技术卫星-E 型
el.applications technology satellite model FF 型应用技术卫星
earth.sc.applications technology satellite model F应用技术卫星-F型
el.applications technology satellite operation control center应用技术卫星运行控制中心
spaceapplications technology satellite operations control center应用技术卫星操作控制中心 (美国)
USA, spaceApplications Technology Satellite Operations Control Center应用技术卫星操作控制中心
spaceapplications technology satellites应用技术卫星 (美国多用途试验卫星)
el.application-specific active-matrix technology专用有源矩阵技术
spaceAsia-Pacific Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology & Applications亚太空间技术和应用多边合作组织
UN, polit.Asia-Pacific Workshop on Multilateral Cooperation in Space Technology and Applications亚太空间技术和应用多边合作讲习班
spaceBeijing Computer Technology and Application Institute北京计算机技术及应用研究所 (中国)
earth.sc.Center for Application of Science and Technology科学和技术应用中心
avia.center for application of sciences and technology科学和技术应用中心
avia.committee on the application of aerospace technology to society美国国家航空航天局航空航天技术协会应用委员会
avia.computer application and system technology计算机应用与系统技术
telecom.computer application and systems technology计算机应用与系统技术
org.name.Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Africa应用科学和技术促进非洲发展大会
org.name.Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Asia应用科学和技术促进亚洲发展大会
org.name.Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of Latin America应用科学和技术促进拉丁美洲发展大会
UN, polit.Expert Group Meeting on Space Technology Applications for Sustainable Development in Asia and the Pacific亚太空间技术应用促进可持续发展专家组会议
multimed.information infrastructure technology and applications信息基础设施技术和应用
el.information infrastructure technology and its application信息基础设施技术及其应用
el.International Conference on Signal Processing Applications and Technology国际信号处理应用与技术会议
el.Java technology application programming interfaceJava 技术应用程序设计接口
spacemeteorological applications technology satellite气象应用技术卫星 (苏联气象卫星)
earth.sc.meteorological applications technology satellite气象应用技术卫星
spaceNASA solar electric power technology application readiness国家航空航天局太阳电能技术试用发动机 (美国 Deep Space-1 空间探测器上使用的离子推进发动机)
el.national information application technology certificate国家信息应用技术证书中国
econ.one-sided application of technology技术的片面应用
UN, polit.Regional Meeting of Experts on Space Science and Technology and its Applications空间科学技术及其应用区域专家会议
avia.science technology applications organization科学技术应用组织
commer.scope of application of the technology transferred转让技术适用范围
UN, polit.Seminar on Applications of Space Technology in the Mitigation of the Effects of Natural Disasters运用空间技术减少自然灾害影响问题讲习班
tech.small application technology satellite型应用技术卫星
spacesmall applications technology satellite小型应用技术卫星
UN, ecol.Space Technology Applications Unit空间技术应用股
avia.system technology application系统技术应用
spacetechnology application center技术应用中心
earth.sc.Technology Application Center工业技术应用中心
busin.technology application team工艺应用组
manag.technology application teams工艺应用组
el.technology applications information system技术应用信息系统
met.technology for application of flux保护渣加人技术
ITtechnology for computer applications计算机应用技术
expl.technology for computer applications计算机应用技术计算机在生产、科学研究、文化、管理、经营以及其他各种社会活动中的应用所涉及的原理、技术和方法
interntl.trade.United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development联合国科学和技术应用于发展咨询委员会
earth.sc.United Nations Advisory Committee on the Application of Science and Technology to Development联合国科学技术应用于开发咨询委员会
el.United Nations Conference of the Applications of Science and Technology联合国科学技术应用会议
earth.sc.United Nations Conference on Science Application and Technology联合国科学技术应用会议
earth.sc.United Nations Conference on the Applications of Science and Technology联合国科学技术应用会议
earth.sc.United Nations Expert Committee on the Application of Science and Technology联合国科学技术应用专家委员会