
Terms containing application scope | all forms | in specified order only
comp., net.application scope应用程序作用域
ITapplications scope应用程序作用域
econ.documentary scope of application单据适用范围
interntl.trade.documentary scope of application of a convention公约在单据上的适用范围
busin.documentary scope of application of a convention公约在文件上的适用范围
busin.documentary scope of application of a convention公约在单据上适用范围
econ.documentary scope of application of a convertion公约在单据上的适用范围
interntl.trade.scope of application适用范围
oilscope of application使用范围
tech.scope of application应用范围
gen.scope of application ofM M 的适〔应〕用范围
UN, policescope of application of both ratione personae and ratione materiae属人管辖权和属物管辖权的适用范畴
commer.scope of application of the technology transferred转让技术适用范围
el.very large scope of application极广阔的应用领域