
Terms for subject Technology containing appearance | all forms | exact matches only
aerating tank appearance曝气池外貌
aeration tank appearance曝气池外貌
airy appearance轻快外形
airy appearance虚幻现象
alligator-hide appearance颚皮状
alligator-hide appearance鳄皮状
appearance age of continental ice-sheet大陆冰盖出现年代
appearance and dimension check外观尺寸检查
appearance fracture test断口外观检验
appearance grade外观等级
appearance height出现点高度
appearance inspection test外形检查
appearance of drinking water饮用水外观
appearance of forests林相
appearance of fracture破碎外观
appearance of fracture破碎特征
appearance of fracture裂面外貌
appearance of fracture断口外观
appearance of fracture破碎现象
appearance of potable water饮用水外观
appearance of treatment plant处理厂外貌
appearance of wastewater废水外观
appearance point出现点
appearance potential出现电位
appearance potential表观电势
appearance potential外观电势
appearance rating外观质量评级
appearance ratio超体视
appearance ratio夸大立体感比值
appearance retention外观保持性
appearance surface外表
appearance test外部检查
appearance test外观检查
architectural appearance grade建筑外观等级
architecture appearance建筑形状
banded appearance条状的
banded appearance层状的
banded appearance带状
blue appearance蓝色印样
buff-patched appearance打磨不匀
city appearance市容
city appearance城市风景
city appearance城市景观
cold appearance表面冷斑
cold spotty appearance冷斑
color appearance色表 (面)
colour appearance色表 (面)
colour system by colour appearance显色性色彩体系
concrete appearance混凝土外观
concrete appearance混凝土外貌
cosmetic appearance装饰性外观
crack appearance开裂的外观
crack appearance裂纹外观
decorative appearance经过装饰的外观
decorative appearance外观装饰
decorative appearance经过装饰的形象
distinctive appearance特殊外形
earliest first appearance of ice最早初冰日
fabric external appearance inspection织物外观检验
false appearance假像
fracture appearance断口外观
fracture appearance破裂外观
frontal appearance前部外观
frosty wrinkled appearance冰纹外观
full appearance出齐
general appearance一般外貌
glaze of furry appearance丝毛釉
ground glass appearance毛玻璃样
gummy appearance黏稠的
gummy appearance树胶状的
highway appearance路容
initial appearance初始状态
make an appearance出现
multiple appearance复现
opaque appearance不透明状
optic appearance光学外观
optical appearance光学外观
out-of-focus appearance离焦状态
physical appearance物理外观
relieve dark appearance改为淡色
road appearance路容
rupture appearance破碎现象
similarity in appearance形似
stepped appearance阶梯状
street appearance街景
surface appearance外表
threatening appearance of weather险恶的天气现象
urban appearance市容
vehicle appearance车容
visual appearance肉眼鉴别
visual appearance肉眼鉴定
weld appearance焊缝外观