
Terms containing any | all forms | exact matches only
gen.a cell is not a simple thing, and so is a surface - any surface细胞不是一个简单的事物,一个面任何一个面也是如此
sport.A hurdler must not trail his leg or foot alongside any hurdle instead of clearing it跨栏运动员应从栏架上面跨越过去、 不应拖着一条腿从栏架旁边过去
sport.A javelin throw shall be valid only if the tip of the metal head strikes the ground before any other part of the javelin只有标枪金属头的尖端比其他部位先插人地面、 投掷方为有效
gen.A shower is not recommended 1 hour before an indoor tanning session, but you should remove any makeup or perfume before the session我们不建议在晒黑前一个小时内沐浴,但是可以在晒黑前先卸妆或者除去香水味
China, polit.address or correct any problem uncovered in the audit切实纠正和处理审计查出的问题
gen.air occupies space, just as does any other fluid空气占有空间,就像任何其他流体占有空间一样
gen.all bearings should be rejected that have any of the following damage marks凡是有任何下列伤痕的轴承都不能要〔都应退回〕
busin.all or any part全部或部分承销
securit.all or any part全部或部分承销
gen.Almost any one who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card几乎所有收入来源稳定,有持续工作记录的人都可以申请信用卡
China, lawalteration of any of the items事项变更
expl.An increased throw of the order of 5 - 10 percentage points may be obtained through the use of electronic delay sequences, without any increase in explosives energy or other blast inputs使用电子延迟顺序可以增加5 - 10个百分点的抛掷量、且不必增加炸药能量或其他爆破投人
gen.any amount of大量
gen.any amount of任何数量
busin.any and every统统
busin.any and every全体
busin.any and every任何
gen.Any arms, munitions, living plants, or animals?有武器、弹药或活的动植物吗?
gen.any better好一些
gen.Any cash back?需要提钱吗?国外大超市都可以在付款的时候提少量的现金
gen.Any check-in baggage?有托运行李吗?
sport.Any competitor making a false start must be warned.任何运动员起跑犯规必须受到警告
gen.any day不管怎么说
gen.any day任何时候
gen.any day无论如何
gen.any day
gen.any day
gen.any day在任何情况下
gen.any day随便哪一天
gen.any degree一点儿 (of)
commer.Any delay in shipment will cause complications船期的任何延误将会引起困难
commer.Any departure from the terms of the contract will create disputes任何对合同条款的背离将引起争议
gen.Any discount?打折吗?
work.fl.ANY file任一ANY文件
China, lawany form任何形式
securit.any form of commitment任何形式的承诺
busin.any good brand好商标
busin.any good brand名牌货
busin.any good brand任何名牌货
China, lawany grounds任何理由
expl.any halogen or monovalent anion卤素或一价阴离子
commer.Any increase in the rate of freight is to be for buyer's account运费如有增加由买方承担
gen.at any instant在任何情况下
gen.at any instant随时
gen.any longer与否定词连用 已不
gen.at any moment无论什么时候
gen.at any moment随时
gen.any more已不
gen.any more
gen.any more再也
gen.any more与否定词连用 已不
gen.any more
gen.any more疑问
expl.Any new technical discovery or invention is bound to be of great service to mankind每项新的技术发现或发明对人类都大有益处
sport.Any number of spikes up to 11 may be used but the number of spike positions shall not exceed 11凡不超过 11 枚鞋钉的运动鞋均可使用、但鞋钉的钉座不得超过 11 个
China, lawany of the following circumstances下列情形之一
busin.any one accident每次意外事故
busin.any one aircraft每架飞机
busin.any one bottom每艘船
busin.any one event每次事故
busin.any one location每一地点
busin.any one loss每一损失
busin.any one occurrence每一事故的发生
busin.any one person每一人
busin.any one steamer任何一只船
busin.any one vessel任何一只船
busin.any one voyage任何航次
securit.any-or-all bid部分或全部报价购买出售的股份的投标
securit.any-or-all bid任何或所有的投标
securit.any-or-all offer部分或全部报价
securit.any-or-all offer任意或全部要约不定购股最大数量的要约,在要约规定未满足前不买人任何股票
securit.any other business任何其他交易
busin.any other business任何其他业务
avia.any other business任何其他事项
busin.any other item of uncollected credit各项欠款债权
China, lawany other means其他途径
busin.any other party jointly and severally liable with the debtor与债务人连带负责的其他方
busin.any other party jointly and severally with the debter与债务人相连的责任人
tech.any other perils其他一切风险
tech.any other perils其他一切危险
gen.any otherwise than用…以外的任何方式〔方法〕
securit.any-part-of order无限额执行指令
securit.any-part-of order无限额委托
busin.any quantity数量不拘
earth.sc.any quantity很多
earth.sc.any quantity许多
earth.sc.any quantity任何量
avia.any quantity任意数量
busin.any quantity rate不限量运价
securit.any-quantity rate不限量运价
China, lawany right任何权利
tech.any selection任意选择
expl.Any social member is morally bound凡社会成员均受道德约束
gen.any such valve一个 任何一个,再(另)一个这样的阀门
gen.any the better for因…而更好一些用于否定句、 疑问句、条件句
gen.any the better for丝毫没有受… 的影响
gen.any the better for丝毫没有因…而好一点
gen.any the less更少〔小〕一些
gen.any the worse for丝毫没有受… 的影响
gen.any the worse for丝毫没有因…而好一点
gen.any time will do什么时候都行
gen.any tool will do任何工具都行
China, polit.any unit or individual任何单位和个人
gen.any way总之
gen.any way两种情形之一
gen.any whatever任何的
gen.Are there any duty-free shops in the waiting room?在候机室有免税店吗?
gen.Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here?附近是否有价位不贵的餐厅?
gen.Are there any landmarks?那个地方有路标吗?
gen.are there any more bolts left此外还剩得有螺栓吗
gen.Are there any other landmarks?有没有什么其他的地标?
gen.Are there any preservatives, additives or chemicals added to your bread?你们的面包添加有任何防腐剂、添加物或化学药品么?
gen.Are there any regulations and rules for foreigners to obey if they obtain residency in another country?当夕卜国人在所在国取得居留权后,有什么要遵守的规章制度吗?
gen.Are there any restaurants still open near here?这附近有没有还在营业的饭馆?
gen.Are there any unreserved first class cabins?头等舱还有没有空位?
gen.Are there any unusual things produced in this town这个镇有什么特产吗?
tech.Are there any weak steel areas on the mould?模具有没有薄钢位?
shipb.As a rule we don't allow any discount for this commodity.对这种商品我们一般不给折扣
shipb.As we have quoted you rock bottom price, we can't give you any more discounts.我们的报价已是最低价,折扣不能再多给了
gen.As you like. Do you have any hand baggage?随您喜欢。您有手提行李吗?
gen.at any cost无论如何
commer.at any cost不惜代价
gen.at any cost不惜任何代价〔牺牲〕
gen.at any cost不惜任何代价
busin.at any costs不惜工本
gen.at any expense无论以任何代价
gen.at any moment在任何时刻
gen.at any one time在任何一个时刻
busin.at any price任意价格
gen.at any price无论如何
gen.at any rate总之
gen.at any rate毕竟
busin.at any rate无论如何
gen.at any rate在任何情形下
gen.at any risk一定
gen.at any risk不顾一切
gen.at any risk无论如何
gen.at any risk无论冒什么危险
tech.at any stage of development在任何一个发育阶段
tech.at any time不时
gen.at any time任何时候
tech.at any time随时
gen.at any time无论何时
gen.At least the weather seemed unlikely to cause any significant delays on Wednesday至少,天气看起来不可能造成星期三任何明显的延误
commer.At present the customer does not need any additional quantity目前客户不需要任何追加数量
sport.Athletes are warned that they are responsible for all or any prohibited substance present in their body应警告运动员、 他们应对其体内存在所有或任何禁用物质负责
gen.Australian opal is better than that in any other places澳大利亚的蛋白石世界最优
gen.be any distance from距…有一定距离
gen.be any distance from距N无论远近 (N)
gen.be any distance from距N较远 (N)
busin.be diverted to any other purpose挪用
China, polit.be involved in any of the following circumstances有下列情形之一的
China, polit.be not subject to any foreign domination不受外国势力的支配
commer.be opposed to making any concession反对做任何让步
gen.be ready for any contingency准备万一
gen.be ready for any contingency准备应付各种偶然事故
gen.be ready for any eventualities以防万一
busin.bear no responsibility for any other party不负连带责任
gen.Black coffee doesn't have any modification and it brings you the original taste of coffee黑咖啡是不添加任何成分的咖啡,黑咖啡带来的是品味咖啡的原始感受
tech.bought without any restriction敞开供应
China, lawbuying or purchasing any stock of the listed company买卖本公司股票
gen.by any chance意外地
gen.by any chance万一
gen.by any chance偶然
gen.by any means不惜一切
China, lawby any means用任何方法
gen.by any means表示答应完全可以
gen.by any means一定
gen.by any means以任何手段
gen.by any possibility也许
gen.by any possibility有可能
gen.by any possibility万一
gen.Can I get any extra discount?我还能得到其他什么优惠吗?
China, lawcanvass any underwriting business招揽承销业务
tech.carry out without any reservation不折不扣地执行
busin.case without any clue无头案件
commer.claim if any, payable at赔付地点
China, lawcollaborate with any other person与他人串通
China, lawcommit any criminal acts such as harming and humiliating the victim有伤害、侮辱等犯罪行为
sport.Competitors shall be given warnings red card when, by their mode of progression, they fail to comply with the Definition of Race walking by exhibiting visible loss of contact or a bent knee during any part of the competition.在比赛的任何阶段、当运动员的行进方式违反竞走定义的规定、表现出可见的明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时、均应给予严重警告红卡 (注释:1. 国际田联竞走规则中较长时间使用 warning作为严重警告,因此,仍保留这种例句作为参考。2. 国际田联新规则(2006)更多使用红卡 red eard 例如,当裁判员观察到运动员表现出明显的腾空或膝关节弯曲时,裁判员须向主裁判送交一张红卡 red card)
China, lawcontravene the Constitution or any national law同宪法和法律相抵触
gen.Could you put your hand baggage on the counter, please? Do you have any gifts, plants, or food in here?请把手提行李放在柜台上好吗?你有没有带什么礼物、植物或食品来这里?
gen.Could you settle any incidental charges yourself when you check out, please?结账时请自行支付杂费好吗?
gen.cutters are made to any desired angle刀具可以做成所需要的任何角度
gen.dare any hardship and danger敢于承担任何艰险
gen.Did you make any phone calls from your room, sir?先生,您从房间打过电话吗?
gen.discourage any attempt at...使抛弃〔不鼓励〕任何…的企图
gen.discourage any attempt to...使抛弃〔不鼓励〕任何…的企图
China, polit.discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion歧视信仰宗教的公民和不信仰宗教的公民
China, polit.discrimination against and oppression of any nationality民族歧视和压迫
tech.distance between the extremes of any of two more consecutive axles最远轴距【机】
China, lawdivulge any content concerned泄露其内容
gen.Do I need to provide any kind of document before applying for a visa?申请护照前需要提供材料吗?
gen.Do you get any sweater you like?你找到喜欢的毛衣了吗?
gen.Do you have any carry-on baggage?您有随身行李吗?
gen.Do you have any charges for this morning?您今天是否挂账用酒店的服务?
gen.Do you have any Chinese magazines?你们有中文杂志吗?
gen.Do you have any identification?你有什么身份证明文件吗?
gen.Do you have any medicine for airsickness?你们有晕机药吗?
gen.Do you have any other flights?你们有其他航班吗?
gen.Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in?您有行李需要托运吗?
gen.Do you have any precious metals with you?您带贵重金属了吗?
gen.Do you have any relatives in the U. K. ?你在英国有亲人吗?
gen.Do you have any seat preferences?您对座位有什么要求吗?
gen.Do you have any siblings? What do they do?你有兄弟姐妹吗?他们都从事什么职业?
gen.Do you have any tickets for the concert?还有那场音乐会的票吗?
gen.Do you have any vacancies?您这还有空房吗?
gen.Do you mean we can go to your country at any time without any formalities?你的意思是说我们可以随时进入贵国而不需要办理任何手续吗?
gen.Do you suggest any meat?你推荐什么肉食?
gen.Do you want any side orders?你要其他的副餐吗?
gen.Does it mean that any foreigner can obtain residency?这是不是说任何一个外国入境者都有居留权?
China, lawduring a period when any transfer of securities is prohibited在限制转让期限内
China, lawengage in any security investment从事证券投资
China, lawestablish any mortgage of the ship对船舶设定抵押权
gen.Excuse me. Are there any special night rates for international calls?请问国际长途夜间电话有没有什么特价呢?
gen.Excuse me. Have you any laundry?打扰一下,请问有没有要洗的衣服?
gen.Excuse me, sir. Have you any laundry? The laundryman is here to collect it对不起,打扰了,先生。您有要送洗的衣服吗?洗衣工现在过来收了
busin.exempt from any fees or dues免除各种捐税
bridge.explanation of any call解释叫牌
bridge.explanation of any play解释打牌
expl.Flyrock is defined as any rock fragments thrown unpredictable from a blasting site by the force of explosion飞石的定义是、由爆炸现场的爆炸力掀起的且不可预测的岩石碎片
gen.For any amount exceeding the line of credit you'll have to get authorization. You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with the credit given by the issuing bank金额超过信用额度均需经过授权。消费额在发卡行授信额度内就不必经过授权
gen.for any sake无论如何
China, lawfree from any interference不受任何干涉
China, lawfreedom not to bear any child不生育的自由
China, lawfunds of being used for any terrorist activities恐怖活动资金
China, lawfunds suspected of being used for any terrorist activities涉嫌恐怖活动资金
expl.Further, the extremely small particle size of the oxidized droplets results in much more intimate oxidized/Juel contact than exists in any other two-component explosive再说、这种氧化剂微珠的粒度极小、致使氧化剂与燃料的接触比其他任何双组分炸药的接触更为紧密
econ.Future business will be prejudiced by any deviation from the contract任何背离合同的行为对今后的业务都不利
gen.go to all any length竭尽全力
gen.Good morning. Are there any vacancies?早上好!有空房吗?
gen.hardly any几乎什么…也不
gen.hardly any几乎不
gen.hardly any几乎没有
gen.hardly any很少
gen.hardly any几乎没有什么
shipb.Have you any more questions?您还有别的意见吗?
gen.have you any other questions你还有其他问题吗
busin.Have you any questions as regards to the contract?关于合同,您还有什么疑问吗?
gen.Have you any vacant spare room in the hotel?旅店里有空余房间吗?
gen.Have you got any contraband in your luggage?您的行李里有违禁品吗?
gen.Have you got any prohibited goods with you?您随身带有违禁品吗?
gen.Have you got any relatives, friends in Great Britain?你在英国有亲戚和朋友吗?
gen.Her daughter can rattle off any waltz by Strauss她的女儿能轻易而迅速地弹奏施特劳斯作的任何圆舞曲
China, lawhijack any aircraft劫持航空器
China, lawhold with any other person与他人共同持有
sport.I couldn't believe that for many sports, when I just started, I didn't wear any protection gear实在很难想象,在尝试许多运动的初期,我几乎没有穿戴什么护具
gen.I don't have any. But my wife has a handbag没有。但是我妻子有一个手提袋
gen.I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put it on credit. Here's 90 dollars. Please keep the change我没带现金,所以必须得用信用卡结账了。这是90美元,剩下的做小费
gen.I don't have any change. Can I use the vending machine?我没有零钱,能使用自动售票机吗?
gen.I don't have any room for dessert我吃不下甜点了
gen.I have been waiting for the departure of my flight for one and a half hours. Do you have any further information about it? Does the weather change better there now?我等航班消息已经一个半小时了。你们现在有什么新消息吗?现在那边的天气转好了吗?
gen.I hope you haven t invited any vegetarians但愿你没请素食的人
gen.I like the design of this suit. But the texture is not so soft. Can you do any change for me?我喜欢这套西服的设计,但是衣服的质地不够软,这款能改做吗?
gen.I really have to get to Paris by this evening. Would you please try to find any other available flight?我真的必须今晚到达巴黎,请你替我找其他的班机好吗?
gen.I seldom saw him in any dance or any other recreational occasions我很少在舞会上或其他娱乐场合见到他
comp.I would like to buy a computer. Do you have any recommendation?我想买一台电脑,您有什么推荐吗?
gen.if any即使有
gen.if any即使需要
gen.if any即使有也是极少数
gen.if any插人语如果有的话
gen.If any emergency happens, please contact the housekeeping center or Front Desk如遇紧急情况,请联系客房中心或总台服务
econ.If any of its provisions contravenes the laws of our country, such provisions should by all means removed or revised如果有任何条款触犯我国的法律,这些条款务必除去或加以修订
econ.If any part of the property should be destroyed or injured by fire or other casualty, the purchase price specified above would be abated to the extent or amount of such loss如果该财产的任何部分被火焚毁或其他意外事故所毁坏或损害,上述的购买价格将予以削减以抵销此损失
econ.If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅速重新完成该工程
gen.If I find any cuts or scraps on their bodies I apply healing ointment to their wounds如果在他们身上看到了任何的伤痕,我就用药膏涂在上面
econ.If such assignment cannot be effected, any abatement in the purchase price shall not be made如这笔转让业务未做成,购买价格将不能降低
econ.If the distributors default in any payments, we shall have the right to rescind any orders如果经销商拖欠付款,我们有权取消任何订单
econ.If the technician disputes the disapproval by the engineer of any design, such disputes may be referred to the chief engineer for decision如果技术员对工程师就任何设计所提出的异议有争执,这类争执可提请总工程师作出裁决
gen.If there isn't any room, we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住
gen.If there's any change, could you inform the Front Desk, please?如果有变化的话请您告知前台,好吗?
econ.If we find out any false statements in your report of business, we will stop providing loans如果发现你方在业务报告中弄虚作假,我们将立即停止贷款
econ.If you find any terms of the L/C inconsistent with the contract, please instruct your bank to amend the L/C by cable如发现信用证中任何条款与合同有不符之处,请通知你方银行用电报修改信用证
econ.If you have any doubt about our financial responsibility, you may decline to make deliveries如果贵方对我方的财务责任有什么怀疑,贵方可以拒绝交货
gen.If you have any further requirements, please let us know如果您有什么要求,请通知我们
gen.If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒
gen.If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you假如您认为账单有误,我们可以为您核对一下
gen.I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分
gen.I'm afraid that we don't have any tables open at that time很抱歉,那个时段人已经满了
gen.I'm afraid we cannot be responsible for any damage任何损坏破损、渗漏、腐烂我们都不负责 (breakage, spillage, spoilage)
gen.I'm going to weigh my luggage. Are there any scales?我想把行李过一下磅,有磅秤吗?
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have any single room left. Would you like a double room?对不起,我们没有剩余的单人间了,双人间可以吗?
China, lawin any assumed name以化名
gen.in any attempts to在做任何尝试以达到某目的的时候 (+ inf.)
gen.in any case总之
gen.in any case无论如何
gen.in any degree_点点
gen.in any degree稍微
avia.in any direction沿任意方向
gen.in any event不管怎样毕竟
gen.in any event至少
gen.in any event起码
gen.in any event反正
gen.in any event总之
gen.in any event无论如何〔怎样〕都
gen.in any exigence在任何紧急事件中
gen.in any given case 4π²n would be a constant4π²n²照理应是常量
gen.in any given case 4π²n would be a constant在任何的给定场合
gen.in any kind of weather全天候
gen.in any kind of weather常年候
gen.in any kind of weather不论晴雨
gen.in any kind of weather在各种气候条件下
China, lawin any manner以任何方式
gen.in any shape or form以任何形式〔种类〕
gen.in any single case在任何个别情况下
gen.in any terms无论如何都
gen.In case of any fungal infection, necessary ointments can be applied为避免真菌感染,可以使用一些必要的软膏
gen.in insulators there are few if any free electrons在绝缘体中几乎没有什么自由电子
commer.In no case shall this insurance cover loss, damage or expense caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment piracy excepted, and the consequences thereof or any attempt thereat本保险在任何情况下不负责捕获、逮捕、禁制或拘留海盗行为除外以及这些行动的后果或这方面的企图造成的损失和费用
shipb.In principle we usually don't allow any discount.原则上我们一般不给折扣
sport.In relay races, the batons must be passed within a take-over zone and any team finishing without the baton will be disqualified在接力赛跑时、参赛队员必须在接力区内传递接力棒、任何一个跑到终点不携带接力棒的队将被取消比赛资格
sport.In the high jump and pole vault, any competitor with three consecutive unsuccessful trials is eliminated在跳高和撑竿跳高比赛中、任何一名运动员连续3次试跳失败将被取消比赛资格
sport.In the pole vault, No. 75 failed to clear the bar on any of his three attempts and was eliminated在撑竿跳高比赛中、75 号选手3次试跳均不成功、最后被淘汰
gen.In this way, you can pay for purchases a month later, without any extra charge. Or you may choose to make your payments over several months这样,你可以在一个月以后再支付货款,不需任何额外的费用。或者,你可以选择在几个月内进行支付
China, lawincur any losses to investors给投资者造成损失
China, polit.instead elect any other persons另选他人
China, lawinstigate any irregularity指使从事违法行为
China, lawinvestigation into any crime of money laundering追究洗钱犯罪
China, lawinvolved in any insider trading从事内幕交易
gen.Is there any discount on bulk purchases?我多买点能打折吗?
gen.Is there any earlier one?有稍早点的班机吗?
gen.is there any fuel left over还剩得有燃料吗
gen.is there any oil left?还有油吗?
gen.Is there any other hotel nearby?这附近有没有别的旅馆呢?
gen.Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse ourselves?在酒店里是否有我们可以娱乐的地方?
gen.Is there any post office near here?这附近有邮局吗?
gen.is there any question whatever有任何问题吗
gen.Is there any special prescription with it?有没有特别的药方来治疗它?
China, lawissue any securities发行证券
China, lawissue or underwriting any corporate bond发行、承销公司债券
sport.It is the duty of any Member or officer of a Member to assist the IAAF in carrying out out-of-competition testing协助国际田联进行赛外兴奋剂检查是任何会员协会或其官员的责任
commer.It is unadvisable to leave any loophole in the contract在合同中不宜留有任何漏洞
expl.It must be noted, however, that the extent of so-called" carbon neutrality"of any biofuel varies according to the crop cultivation fertilization, harvesting, transport and processing methods and energy input requirements然而、必须注意的是、不管什么生物燃料、其所谓的碳中和性的程度、则随着这种植物的种植、施肥、收割、运输和加工方法、以及能量输人要求的变化而变化
expl.It must be noted, however, that the extent of so-called" carbon neutrality"of any biofuel varies according to the crop cultivation fertilization,harvesting, transport and processing methods and energy input requirements然而、必须注意的是、不管什么生物燃料、其所谓的碳中和性的程度、则随着这种植物的种植、施肥、收割、运输和加工方法、以及能量输人要求的变化而变化
gen.It's not polite to waste any food in the buffet吃自助餐时浪费食物是不文明的
gen.I've never seen any service like this我从未遇到这样的服务
gen.I've never seen any service like this我从未见过这样的服务
sport.Junior Men and Women: Any athlete of 18 or 19 years on 31st December in the year of the competition青年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 18 或 19 周岁者
gen.keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device手要避开
gen.keep hands out of the way when using any cutting device使用任何切割机时
gen.Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America把兑换单收好。在您离开美国时,需要兑换余下的外汇时也许有用
gen.Let me check if we have any vacancy让我来检查一下是否有空位
China, lawliability for compensation of any of the colliding ships各船的赔偿责任
busin.limit any one loss每笔损失限额
China, lawmake use of any other's name假借他人名义
securit.minimizing any possible omissions最大限度地减少可能的遗漏
China, lawmisappropriate any public fund to trade securities挪用公款买卖证券
China, lawmisuse any funds or securities of a client挪用客户的资金或者证券
gen.neither air nor water has any effect on this element无论空气或是水对这种元素都没有任何影响
expl.No one seems willing to assume any obligation of eating instead of him似乎没有人愿意承担替他吃东西的义务
gen.no sort of M is any good没有一种 M用得上
gen.no sort of M is any good哪一种M都不适用
gen.No, there aren't any buses. But it is not far. And I have my car at the door of the hotel!不,没有。不过离这儿不远。我把车开到旅馆门口了
expl.Nobody has any cause for complaint anxiety, alarm, escape, retreat, fear,etc谁也没有理由埋怨担忧、惊慌、逃逸、撤退、恐惧等
gen.not any further不更远
gen.not any further不再进一步
gen.not... any longer已不
gen.not... any longer不再
gen.not... any more再也不
gen.not... any more不再
gen.not... any more thanM 并不比M 多些
gen.not any more than不过
gen.not any more than仅仅只
gen.not M any more than正像N—样也不M (N)
gen.not... any more thanM 正像M 一样也不
gen.not at any time不曾
gen.not in any degree并不
gen.not in any degree决不
gen.not... on any account决不
gen.not on any consideration决不
gen.not on any terms决不
gen.not upon any terms决不
China, polit.observe small clues that indicate what is coming in order to forestall any possible trouble见微知著,防范于未然
gen.of any在所有的…当中
gen.Oh, any. But I like Beijing duck best什么都行。但是最喜欢北京烤鸭
gen.Oh, I see. Any discount?嗯,我知道了。有折扣吗?
gen.OK. I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately好了,到时间办登记手续啦。如果遇到困难,我们会及时帮助你
gen.OK, Mr. Wang. Do you have any bags to check?好的,王先生,你有什么行李要托运的吗?
gen.on any account总之
gen.on any account无论如何
China, lawon any ground以任何理由
gen.on not any account千万不
gen.on not any account决不
China, lawon the basis of any maritime causes基于海事事由
China, lawopen any account in any other person's name以他人名义设立账户
securit.option in respect of any unissued shares未发行股票的期权
securit.option in respect of any unissued shares尚未发行股票的认购权
gen.Our company will reimburse any expenses incurred during your trip我们公司将偿还您旅途中所有的相关费用
commer.Our products can rival any others in quality我方产品在质量上可与其他任何产品竞争
commer.Owing to the temporary unavailability of the articles needed, we're not in a position to make you any offer at present因为你方所需商品暂时无货可供,所以我方目前无法向你方报盘
China, lawparticulars of any change变动情况
China, lawperform any surveying and mapping施测
China, lawplace where any suspected irregularity has happened发生场所
gen.Please refrain from taking any stimulants请避免接受任何刺激物
China, lawprivately accept any entrustment of a client私下接受客户委托
China, lawproduct with any defect产品存在缺陷
tech.profile of any surface面的轮廓度
China, polit.prohibit in accordance with law any organization or individual from disturbing the socio-economic order依法禁止任何组织或者个人扰乱社会经济秩序
China, polit.proposals, criticisms or opinions concerning any sphere of work对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见
China, lawprovide any service of securities financing提供融资融券服务
busin.reduction of legal capital without any refund无偿减资
securit.reduction of legal capital without any refunds无偿减资
China, lawrefuse to make any amendment不予修改
China, lawrefuse to make any correction拒绝纠正
China, lawremove from office at any time随时罢免
China, lawright of recourse against any other person向他人追偿的权利
gen.scarcely any几乎… 也不
gen.scarcely any几乎什么…也不
gen.scarcely any几乎简直没有什么
gen.scarcely any几乎没有什么
busin.sever any business connections断绝业务关系
busin.severance of any trade relations断绝贸易关系
sport.Shot putting depends more on explosive force than any other activity推铅球比其他任何活动更多地依靠爆发力
busin.Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a your end如果发生损坏,你方可以在货物险公司开立的检验报告
commer.Since that time there has never been any setback in production从那时起生产上就一直没有倒退过
gen.Sorry, sir. We don't allow customers to take food out from buffet. We don't have any doggie bags不好意思,先生。我们不让顾客带走自助餐食物,我们不提供打包服务
China, lawsteal or forcibly seize any gun盗窃抢夺枪支
gen.stop the car from falling any further防止车厢再往下掉
China, lawsubject to any amendment作出修改
China, polit.subject to no interference by any other administrative organ or any public organization or individual不受其他行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉
China, polit.subject to no interference by any outside forces不受任何外国势力的干涉
China, lawsuggestion on any aspect of work对各方面工作的建议
China, polit.suggestions, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见
securit.take no responsibility for the contents of any prospectus证券交易所 对招股书的内容概不负责
expl.The actual make-up of detonation gases emitted on mines cannot be accurately determined and this means that potentially powerful GHGs like CH₄ cannot be quantified with any certainty采矿时喷发的爆炸气体实际成分没法准确定论、这就是说、像甲烷这种有严重潜在危害的温室气体没法准确量化
gen.The Assistant Manager in the lobby will be at your service at any time大堂副主管在宾馆大堂内,24小时为您提供服务
commer.The both parties shall be bound by any practice which they have established between themselves双方当事人必须受彼此之间已确立起来的习惯做法的约束
commer.The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与否不负责任
commer.The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的人进行仲裁
commer.The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a sole arbitrator appointed by both parties合同规定任何争议应由双方指定的独任的仲裁员进行仲裁
gen.The doctor ordered that you should stay in bed for several days, and if you feel any shortness of breath, please let me know, and I will tell the doctor医生说,您应该卧床休息些日子。如果您感到气急,请告诉我,我会转告医生的
gen.The flight is available. Do you have any seat preferences?还有座位,您对座位有什么偏好吗?
commer.The foreign investors are allowed to repatriate their own invested capital and any capital gain外国投资人可调回他们的投资及其资本收益
gen.The Front Desk will provide you with the service of reservation and registration any time宾馆接待处 24小时为您提供预订客房、住宿登记等服务
gen.the fuse may go any time这根保险丝随时都会烧断
sport.The high jumper failed to clear the bar on any of his her three attempts and was eliminated这位跳高运动员 3 次试跳均未过杆、最后被淘汰
sport.The judge is responsible for watching the contest for any infraction of the rules裁判员负责监督比赛中有无违规行为
pack.The labeler is an affordable label applicator machine for small home businesses. It is wonderful for lotion bottles and cosmetic jars, beer and wine bottles, and any round container这款贴标签机对于家庭小作坊来说价格实惠,适用于乳液瓶、化妆品罐、啤酒和红酒瓶及任何圆形容器
expl.The mean or average firing time for any group of detonators typically is slightly offset from the nominal firing time. This shift of the mean from the nominal is the first timing accuracy factor. The distribution of the firing times around the mean firing time is the second factor一组雷管的平均起爆时间一般稍微偏离标称的起爆时间。这种平均值对公称值的偏移则是第一个影响定时精确的因素。在平均值附近的起爆时间分布是第二个因素
gen.the moon is much close to us than any other star, that is why it looks so big月亮比其他任何星球离我们都近得多,这就是为什么它看上去那么大
commer.The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones不得追溯以前的合约
commer.The new rate of commission is to take effect from the next contract. It is not to be backdated to any previous ones新佣金率从下一份合同起生效
commer.The offer does not interest any customers没有客户对该报盘发生兴趣
commer.The price quoted excludes any commission报价不含佣金
commer.The price quoted will not admit of any allowance所报价格不容打任何折扣
gen.The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I could not get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside房间的隔音设备太差了。我和我先生昨晚都没睡好觉。外面整晚都在施工
expl.The stimulus to which an explosive is exposed must be included in any reference to the sensitivity, whether shock, low-velocity impact, friction, electrostatic charge, lightning, or other source of energy炸药感度根据所受外界能量作用的不同、可分为冲击波感度、撞击感度、摩擦感度、静电感度、雷电感度或其他能量形式的感度
gen.There are a variety of styles of the beddings. You could choose any one that matches your room这里有各种风格的床上用品,您可以选择适合您家的一款
commer.There is hardly any business at the close of the month月末几乎没有什么交易
gen.there is little, if any有也不多
commer.There is little prospect of getting any bids from buyers从买主获得递盘的希望几无
gen.There is no time restriction. You can apply again at any time and as many times as you want再次申请是没有时间限制的。你随时都可以再次申请,并且也没有申请次数的限制
expl.These guys tend to explode at any moment over the least thing这些人往往会因为微不足道的琐事而大发雷霆
gen.This hotel declines any private check本酒店恕不接受任何私人支票
shipb.This is our lowest price, I'm afraid we can't go any further.这是我们的最低价格,不能再让了
gen.to any great degree在一定〔较大〕程度上
tech.trunk answer from any station分机代答中继来话
sport.Turn your home into your gym without buying any expensive equipment. Try these exercises three times a week, and you'll see results in less than a month无须购买任何昂贵的健身器材,你也能把家变成健身房。一个星期做三次练习,不到一个月你就能看到结果
gen.under any circumstances无论如何
China, polit.under any name or by any means以任何名义、任何方式
China, polit.under any of the following circumstances有下列情形之一的
China, lawundertake any transaction of unlisted securities经营非上市证券
securit.uniform any-or-all cash tender offer现金统一价的股权收购
China, lawunlawfully undertake any securities operation非法经营证券业务
China, lawunless it is otherwise provided for by any law除法律另有规定外
construct.variation means any change to the works, which are instructed or approved as a variation变更指按照指令 或批准作为变更 的对工程的任何 变动。
gen.velocity absolute at any point在任何一▲上的绝对速度
China, polit.vote instead for any other person另选他人
commer.We believe we can supply any reasonable quantity you require我们相信可以供应你方所需的任何适当数量
commer.We can satisfy your requirements for any reasonable quantity我方可以满足你方需求的任何合理的数量
commer.We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you所以对你方报盘未能取得任何进展
commer.We cannot make any headway with your offer because other competitors are underselling you由于别的竞争人售价低于你方
gen.we can't discover any material in an element but itself我们不可能发现任何别的物质
gen.we can't discover any material in an element but itself否定的关系代词相当于 who not, that not 没有不…的
gen.we can't discover any material in an element but itself除该元素本身之外
gen.we can't discover any material in an element but itself在一个元素里
commer.We can't trace any letter of that date我方查不出曾收到过注有该日期的信件
commer.We didn't expect any further advance in price我们未预料到价格进一步上涨
gen.We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat OK with you or would you prefer a middle seat?靠过道的座位卖完啦,您想要靠窗的还是中间的座位?
busin.We don't give any commission in general我们一般是不给佣金的
gen.We don't have any doggie bags这里不能打包
comp.We have plenty of choices for you. So, do you have any brand preference?我们有很多可供选择。您有什么品牌偏好么?
commer.We must be ready for any contingency我们必须为任何意外事故作准备
gen.We should inspect this batch of porcelain ware to see if there is any breakage我们要检查这批瓷器,看是否有破损
gen.Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we're somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge嗯,任何银行都会以我们现在的旅游支票购买率来兑换,我们在某些方面比酒店更便宜一点是因为服务费
gen.What if there is any laundry damage? I wonder if your hotel has a policy on dealing with it万一有的衣服洗坏了,我想知道你们酒店是否有如何处理这方面问题的规定
sport.When, in the opinion of three Judges, a competitor's mode of progression fails to comply with the definition of race walking during any part of the competition, the competitor shall be disqualified and informed of his disqualification by the Chief Judge如果根据 3 名裁判员的意见、某一位运动员的行进方式在比赛任何阶段违反竞走定义时、这名运动员将被取消比赛资格。取消比赛资格由裁判长负责通知。
China, lawwhere any major risk occurs出现重大风险时
gen.Will there be any change in your room type?您需要变化您的房间类型吗?
gen.without any difficulty毫无困难地
China, lawwithout any examination and approval未经核准
gen.without giving any thought to不顾
China, lawwithout taking any safety measure未采取安全措施
gen.Would you like any dessert?想来点点心么?
gen.Would you like to leave any message?你要留什么话吗?
gen.You are allowed £100 duty-free, so you don't have to pay any duty on your watch and suit我们允许您携带100英镑的免税品,所以您不必为您的手表和衣服上税了
gen.You can check out at any time before 12 noon您可以在中午12点以前退房
gen.you may take any ten of these bolts你可以从这些螺栓中任取十个
sport.Youth Boys and Girls: Any athlete of 16 or 17 years on 31st December in the year of the competition少年男子和女子组:凡比赛当年 12 月 31 日为 16 或 17 周岁者
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