
Terms for subject Surgery containing anomaly | all forms | exact matches only
anomalies of bile duct胆管畸形
anomalies of biliary system胆管畸形
anomalies of chest wall胸壁异常
anomalies of common bile duct胆总管畸形
anomalies of cystic duct胆囊管畸形
anomalies of disjunctive fixation分离性斜眼
anomalies of esophagus食管异常
anomalies of gall bladder胆囊畸形
anomalies of hepatic duct肝管畸形
anomalies of kidney肾畸形
anomaly of bladder膀胱畸形
anomaly of penis阴茎畸形
anomaly of scrotum阴囊畸形
anomaly of testis睾丸畸形
anomaly of ureter输尿管畸形
anomaly of urethra尿道畸形
anomaly of vas deferens输精管畸形
atrioventricular anomaly房室管畸形
cardiac anomalies心脏畸形
choledochopancreatic junction anomaly胆胰管汇合异常
congenital anomalies of breast乳腺先天性异常
congenital anomalies of chest wall先天性胸壁畸形
congenital anomalies of cholecyst先天性胆囊畸形
congenital anomalies of coronary artery先天性冠状动脉异常
congenital anomalies of esophagus先天性食管异常
developmental anomaly发育性畸形
Ebstein anomaly三尖瓣下移畸形
Ebstein anomaly艾勃斯坦畸形
esophageal congenital anomalies食管先天性畸形
omphalomesenteric duct anomalies脐肠管异常
planter flexion anomaly跖屈畸形
scalp vascular anomaly头皮血管畸形
urachal anomalies脐尿管异常