
Terms for subject Technology containing an | all forms | exact matches only
abandon an anchor弃锚
absolute term of an equation方程式常数项
accelerate the reform and opening up an economic development加快改革开放和经济发展
accept an offer接受报价
accept an offer接受发盘
accept an order承接订单
accept an order接收订单
acceptance of an order at below-cost price接受低于成本的订货
accuracy of an instrument仪表准确度
acknowledgment of an obligation承认债务
aggregate value of an invention发明的总价值
allow for an eccentric set消除测站偏心
an abandoned pig house废猪舍
an abrupt descent陡峭的斜坡
an abrupt turn急转弯
an acid solution一种酸性溶液
an area of 100m x 100m面积为 100m x 100m
an average annual increase of每年递增
an eight-hour day八小时工作制
an elbow锚链半绞花
an essential aspect本质方面
an essential distinction本质差别
an exceptional bumper harvest特大丰收
an exceptional case特殊情况
an-hours for loading/discharging装卸作业工时
an impulse for new technologic developments新技术开发的推动力
an impulse for new technological developments新技术开发的推动力
an instant片刻
AN LAB color difference equation亚当斯•尼克尔逊LAB色差方程 (式)
AN LAB colour difference equation亚当斯•尼克尔逊LAB色差方程 (式)
an-line plot联合绘图
an-line plotter联合绘图机
an urgent demand迫切需要
analytic aerotriangulation in an individual strip单航带解析空中三角测量
analytical aerotriangulation in an individual strip单航带解析空中三角测量
angle measurement an ex-centre偏心测角
anvil with an arm鸟嘴砧
application of repayment of an overcharge要求退还多收费用
approval by an authorized foreign exchange bank经指定外汇银行认可
ask for an advance on one's pay借支
axes of an aircraft飞机坐标系
axis of an orbit轨道轴
back an anchor抛串联锚
back an anchor增抛串联锚
backing an anchor抛串联锚
backing an anchor增抛串联锚
balance based on an oversupply of products按长线平衡
balance of finance credits an materials三大平衡 (指财政、信贷和物资平衡)
bandwidth of an antenna天线宽度
bare terminal end of an electrode电焊条裸头
be an extremely great advantage极大优越性
bearing with an outer aligning ring带球面衬圈的轴承
bisecting line of an angle分角线
bisecting line of an angle角的平分线
bisector of an angle角的等分线
bisector of an angle角的平分线
blowout of an engine发动机灭火
body of an instrument文件文本
bonnet of an engine发动机盖
boom of an arched girder弯曲大梁起重臂
branch number of an underground river暗河分支数
branching at an acute angle锐角支管
breach of an express guarantee违反明确的担保
breach of obligation to pay an instalment违反分期付款的义务
break an agreement破坏协定
break an appointment背约
break of an earth bank路堤滑坡
break of an engagement毁约
bring an action against somebody起诉
buried depth of an underground river暗河埋藏深度
cable an offer电报报盘
call for an agreement征求同意
cancel an order取消订货
cancel from an account销账
cause an accident造成事故
centre of an involution对合中心
charge of an explosive炸药装填量
chord of an arc弧弦
city as an economic center经济中心城市
clear an account结清账户
clear an aircraft to pass允许飞机通过
clear off an account付清账
close an account结算
close an account with停止交易
close with an offer接受报盘
come to an end期满
come to an understanding达成协议
compete on an equal basis平等竞争
compete on an equal footing平等竞争
comply with an agreement履行合同
compound value of an annuity年金的复利值
compute depreciation on an annual basis逐年计算折旧
conclude an agreement签订协议
conductivity of an aperture透孔性
converted to an annual basis以年为基础换算
cook an account虚报账目
corralling an oil slick合围油膜
correct an error纠偏
corroboration of an invention发明人的确证
course of an action行为方案
covering of an electrode焊条的药皮
cross off an account销账
decline an offer不接受报价
decline an order谢绝订货
de-emphasis parts of an apparatus去加重器件
deflection polarity of an oscilloscope示波器偏转极性
degree of an angle角的度数
develop in an unhealthy way不能健康发育
disclosure of an invention发明的公开
discontinue an action中断诉讼
distributed direction of an underground river暗河分布方向
doubling an angle倍角复测法
drainage radius of an oil well油井的排水半径
draw up an agreement订协议
drilled as an alliterative to casing接管法钻进
dust crops with an insecticide撒农药
easterly component of an air current气流的东西分量
effect an insurance投保
effect an insurance附加保险
elastic an isotropy弹性各向异性
elements of an orbit轨道根数
embark money in an enterprise投资于某企业
enter an item in an account入账
enter an item of expenditures in the accounts出账
enter up an accounts入账
essence of an invention发明的实质
establish an account开户
establish an account开设账户
examination into the why and how of an accident对事故的起因和经过作周密调查
execute an order接受订单
execute an order交付订货
execute an order接受订货
expedient measure to meet an emergency应急权宜措施
exploitation of an invention发明利用
external phase of an emulsion乳胶体外相
extract of an account账目摘要
extremity of an interval区间的末端
face of an arch拱面
factor of an integer整数的因子
feather an oar平掠回桨
fee simple subject to an executory limitation有期转移限制的继承权
file an application for dissolution提出解散申请书
fill an order供应订货
fill an order交付定货
fill an order供应定货
find an anticipation发现占先
fire an engine开动发动机
flat-faced opposite an布里奇曼钻压
fluid distribution in an oil reservoir油层内流体分布
fluid velocity of an underground river暗河水
forces intersecting at an acute angle相交成锐角的力
geographic range of an object物标地理视距
geographical range of an object物标地理视距
get an advance against the bill凭汇票取得贷款
girder connection at an angle大梁在角上的连接
give an account of汇报
give an overall consideration统筹安排
give reasons for an award仲裁裁决注明理由
going alongside with an anchor down
Great An Guo Temple大安寺
harness an animal to a cart套车
have an accident出事故
height equivalent to an effective theoretical plate有效理论塔板等效高度
hit an obstruction钻具遇阻
holding time of an international circuit国际电路占用时间
holiday for working an extra shift调休
honor an agreement履约
honor an application批准申请
honour an agreement履约
honour an application批准申请
horizon range from an object物标视地平距离
impervious boundary in three-sides of an aquifer三面隔水边界
industrial applicability of an invention发明的工业实用性
influence line for an arch拱的影响线
internal circulation an aerobic reactor内循环厌氧反应器
intrusion on an area面状入侵
inversion of an integral积分的反演
invest in an enterprise投资于企业
issue an order发布命令
Jian-an ware建安窑
juridical person of an association社团法人
keep an appointment履约
kernel of an integral equation积分方程的核
kernel of an integral transform积分变换的核
laying off an angle角度测设
leading line of bearing from an objective beyond chart方位引示线
length of an interval区间的长
loan tied to an index按指数计值偿还的贷款
locus of an equation方程的轨迹
loom of an oar桨柄
make an advance to somebody贷款给某人
make an allowance of 10 percent for cash payment现款九折
make an appearance出现
make an appropriation for拨款供……之用
make an inventory of goods in a warehouse盘库
make an inventory of warehouse清仓查库
make an offer报价
make an offer发价
make an overdraft透支
make out an account开账
make true an engine调整发动机
mast of an overhead line架空线桅杆
meet an objective达到目的
melting characteristic of an electrode焊条熔化性
memorandum of an association组织大纲
memorandum of an association公司章程
meridian of an observer测者子午圈
miss an oil sand无视油砂
moor with an open hawse迎风抛八字锚
name of an object客体的名称
normal to an emergent wave surface出射波面法线
not to be taken as an evidence不足为证
novelty of an invention发明的新颖性
nuts of an anchor有杆锚孔上下的杆箍
off an object在物标方向
off an object远离物标
on an average平均
on an even keel艏尾吃水相等
open to the outside world in an allround way全方位开放
opening of an account开立户头
operate at an overload超负荷运转
operating characteristics of an electrode焊条使用性
operation right of transport within an admin strative district管内运输经营权
optimum of an economy经济的最优化
order of an equation方程式阶
order of an infinitesimal无穷小的阶
ordered issued to shutdown an enterprise责令关闭
overriding of an emergency brake application使紧急制动无效
partition of an integer一整数的分解
person accountable for an estate duty负责缴纳遗产税者
pick off an atom打出原子
place an order for goods订货
placing an order发出订单
plane search for an immobile hider对不动隐藏者的平面搜索
platform in an underground station地铁站台
pop an empty stack堆栈变空
preparation of an instalment distribution plan分期付款计划的编制
present value of an annuity年金的现值
present value of an annuity due到期年金的现值
present worth of an annuity年金现值
present worth of an annuity factor年金现值系数
price of an hour's leisure一小时空闲时间的价格
pulling an oar荡浆
purchase an anchor起锚
quash an indictment撤消起诉
race an engine使发动机空转 (确定发动机的工作规范)
raising of an area地面隆起
reach an identity of views取得一致看法
reading in thousandths of an inch读数 0.001 英寸的
realize returns on an investment发挥投资效果
recharge of an aquifer含水层回灌
reference to a structure or an array element对结构元素或数组元素的引用
reference to an element of structure对结构元素的引用
reject an offer不接受报价
remote control of an area区域遥控
remove from an account销账
remove the wheels from an axle从轴上拆下车轮
renounce claim to an inheritance放弃遗产立继承权
reporting of an accident事故报告
request for an offer要求报价
research in man's development in an ail-round way人的全面发展研究
responsibilities and interests of an enterprise权责利
resultant of an algebraic equation代数方程的结式
resultant of an algebraical equation代数方程的结式
revoke an offer收回报价
revolve around an axis绕轴旋转
rotation grazing on an area basis分区轮牧
rotation grazing on an area basis分区轮收
run an engine开动发动机
run an experiment做试验
running characteristics of an electrode焊条使用说明书
running characteristics of an electrode焊条使用特性
rush to deal with an emergency and provide disaster relief抢险救灾
search for an immobile hider对不动隐藏者的搜索
secure an adequate supply保障供应
semi-axis of an ellipse椭圆半轴
setting an object测定物标方位
settle an account结算
shaft of an axe斧柄
shoe an anchor锚尖加板 (防滑措施)
side apposite an angle角的对边
side of an anticline背斜翼
side of an anticline背斜的边
side of an excavation挖方的边坡
slip from an anchor弃锚出港
slipping an anchor弃锚
slipping from alongside with an anchor down绞锚离码头
slope of an excavation开挖边坡
slope of an isobaric surface等压面坡度
software component of an operating system操作系统的软件成分
special area an notation分区注记
specification of an item项目说明书
spread an awning张开天幕
spring an arch砌拱洞
spring an arch砌拱圈
spring an arch砌成拱形
standard of an executive行政上的标准
statue of an apostle帆船系缆柱上的雕像
stress flow around an opening孔口周围的应力流
strike-off an appropriation from the budget从预算中取消一部分拨款
strike-off an appropriation from the budget取消拨款
strike-off an entry抹去账项
striking of an arc电弧引燃
strip an atom全部电离原子
subject matter of an invention发明的主题
submit an offer for报盘
submit an offer for认购
supplement of an angle补角
supplement of an arc补弧
take an offing驶向海面
take in an aircraft引导飞机着陆方向
take-out an overdraft透支
take-up an occupation就业
taking over an international standard接受一个国际标准
tendering on an international competitive basic国际竞争性投标
tendering on an international competitive basic国际竞争性招标
tenting an awning斜张天幕
terminal date of an agreement契约终止
terminal of an agreement满期日
terminal of an agreement合同终止
terminal of an agreement合同期满日
terminal of an agreement契约期满日
terminal of an agreement协议期满日
terminal of an agreement协议终止
termination of an agreement契约终止
terms of an agreement协议条款
The nameplate of a product is an important identification mark产品名称牌是产品重要的识别标志
The worker bent an iron rod into a hoop工人把铁条弯成箍
thread an unthread tree对未穿线的树进行穿线
to fire an engine启动发动机
to put an end to waste杜绝浪费
total excursion of an oscillating quantity振动量的全行程
transformation of an air mass变性气团
tree search for an immobile hider对不动隐藏者的树形搜索
tunable dye laser with an ultra-short cavity超短腔可调谐染料激光器
turning an arch起拱
turning an arch造拱
up or down an alteration of price clause加价或减价条款
up to an aggregate amount of总金额
usability of an electrode焊条的使用性
utilization ratio of the seating capacity of an aircraft客座利用率
validity of an argument变元的有效性
waiting for a job within an enterprise待岗
wandering of an arc电弧漂移
water depth of an underground river暗河水深度
width of an underground river暗河宽度
wind-up an account结算
wipe out an account抹去账目
with an elevation of 2000 metres高达两千米
withdraw an offer撤回原发价
withdraw an offer撤回承诺
withdraw an offer收回报价
withdraw an offer取消报价
working of an invention发明的实施
write off an entry抹去账项