
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing amount of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
actual amount of flux added to furnace熔剂实际装炉量
amount of additional heat补充热量
amount of agitation搅拌量
amount of agitation搅拌强度
amount of bentonite膨润土
amount of bulging鼓肚量 (The amount of bulging depends on the temperature and strength of the shell at mold exit. 鼓肚量取决于结晶器出口处铸坯壳的温度和强度。)
amount of cold plastic deformation冷塑性形变量
amount of cold plastic deformation冷塑【范】性变形量
amount of cold plastic deformation冷范性形变量
amount of cold work冷加工量
amount of contraction收缩量
amount of coolant to be charged需加冷却剂量
amount of coolant to be charged待加冷却剂量
amount of cooling air冷却风量
amount of crystals晶体数量
amount of deflection偏差值
amount of deflection挠度
amount of deformation变形量
amount of draught压下量
amount of draught压缩量
amount of dust粉尘量
amount of energy能量
amount of eutectic共晶体数量
amount of exposure露光量
amount of exposure曝光量
amount of flue gas废气量
amount of flux added to furnace熔剂装炉量
amount of flux to be added需加熔剂量 (The static charge model can calculate the amount of oxygen to be blown and the amount of fluxes to be added to attain the desired (aim) carbon and temperature for the heat. 为了取得该炉次的目标碳和目标温度,静态装料模型可以计算出需要的吹氧量和待加的熔剂量。)
amount of flux to be added待加熔剂量
amount of fluxing agent熔剂量
amount of gangue脉石含量
amount of gangue脉石量
amount of hot metal to be charged需加铁水量
amount of hot metal to be charged待加铁水量
amount of hot work热加工量
amount of inclusions夹杂物数量
amount of intermix steel混钢量 (【技】在多炉连浇作业中,不同牌号的上一炉钢水与下一炉钢水的混合数量即混钢量。)
amount of iron oxide铁氧化物含量
amount of metal deposited金属沉积量
amount of metal deposited金属析出量
amount of mixed grade混钢量
amount of mixed steel混钢量
amount of order有序度
amount of order有序
amount of oxygen to be blown吹氧量 (待吹的,要吹的)
amount of pinholes针孔数
amount of plastic flow塑性流变量
amount of plastic flow范性流变量
amount of porosity孔隙度
amount of powder consumed per unit of surface area单位表面积保护渣用量 (Mold powder consumption has been expressed in different forms, such as kg/tonne of steel, kg/m2 and kg/minute. However, the consumption depends upon the size of the cast slab and is proportional to the surface of the strand. Therefore, the amount of powder consumed per unit of surface area(kg/m²) is most suitable for evaluating the lubrication capability of mold fluxes. 结晶器保护渣消耗量现已表示为不同的形式。如 kg/t 钢、 kg/m², kg/min。 然而,(保护渣)消耗量取决于连铸板坯尺寸并且与铸坯表面积成正比。因此,单位表面积保护渣消耗量 (kg/m²) 最适合评价结晶器保护渣的润滑能力。)
amount of powder consumed per unit of surface area【连】单位表面积保护渣消耗量
amount of reduction变形程度
amount of reduction【压】 压缩量
amount of reduction还原量
amount of reduction压缩量
amount of scrap to be charged需加废钢
amount of scrap to be charged待加废钢量
amount of seed晶种数量
amount of seed晶种量
amount of shrinkage收缩量
amount of shrinking during solidification凝固收缩量
amount of slag炉渣量
amount of slag渣量
amount of slag carryover from converter转炉下渣数量
amount of slag carry-over into ladle下渣到钢包的渣量 (The amount of slag carry-over into the ladle depends on the ability to detect slag in the tap stream and of the mechanism of shutting off the tap stream. 下渣到钢包的渣量取决于检测出钢钢流炉渣的能力和关闭出钢钢流机构的能力。)
amount of slag splashed溅渣量 (Practical experience indicates that raising the lance height decreased the amount of slag splashed to the upper areas of the vessel. 实践经验表明,提高枪位会降低转炉上部区域的溅渣量。)
amount of slip滑移量
amount of spread扩展量
amount of spread宽展量
amount of steel mixing混钢量
amount of submerged strip带钢浸人量
amount of sulfur removed脱硫量 (The amount of sulfur removed depends on the temperature in the hearth, the slag volume, and the ratio of basic oxides lime (CaO) and magnesia (MgO) to acid oxides silica (SiO₂) and alumina (Al₂O₃) in the slag. 脱硫量取决于炉缸温度、渣量及炉渣中碱性氧化物石灰 (CaO) 和氧化镁 (MgO) 与酸性氧化物二氧化硅 (SiO₃) 和三氧化二铝 (Al₂O₃) 之比。)
amount of taper斜度
amount of temperature interval温度间隔值
amount of tempering water混练水量
amount of tempering water调和水量
amount of total iron全铁量
amount of traffic运输量
amount of traffic交通量
amount of vacuum真空度
amount of vacuum真空量
amount of wear磨损量
amount of wear磨损程度
charging amount of coke焦炭人炉数量 (What is more, owing to the increase in the injection amount of pulverized coal, the ore/coke ratio of furnace burden has increased, resulting in a relative decrease in the charging amount of coke. 此外,由于粉煤喷吹量增加。炉料的矿焦比也已经增加,从而导致焦炭人炉数量相对下降。)
charging amount of coke焦炭加人量
cut amount of strand tail坯尾切割量
heat removal amount of narrow-face窄面散热量
initial amount of carbon present in hot metal铁水初始含碳量
injection amount of pulverized coal【铁】 粉煤喷人量
large amount of slag大渣量
relative amount of elongation相对延伸率
threshold amount of energy能量临界值
threshold amount of energy能量阈值
total amount of reduction总还原量
total amount of reduction总还原度
unlimited amount of slip无限滑移量
wall-side amount of coke炉墙侧焦炭量