
Terms for subject Finances containing allowance | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated depreciation allowances加速折旧提存
accommodation allowance膳宿津贴
accommodation allowance住房津贴
additional personal allowance个人额外津贴
allowance audit备抵审计
allowance for bad debt备抵坏帐 (allowance for doubtful accounts)
allowance for bad debts呆账备抵 (公司对可能不能收到的应收账款的预测,这项数据将纪录在公司的资产负债表上)
allowance for bad debts呆账准备金
allowance for damage亏损补贴
allowance for damage货损折价
allowance for deferred maintenance延期维修费用准备
allowance for depletion备抵折耗
allowance for depreciation折旧提存
allowance for doubtful坏帐备抵
allowance for doubtful accounts呆账备抵 (公司对可能不能收到的应收账款的预测,这项数据将纪录在公司的资产负债表上)
allowance for doubtful debts呆账备抵 (公司对可能不能收到的应收账款的预测,这项数据将纪录在公司的资产负债表上)
allowance for doubtful debts呆账准备金
allowance for exchange fluctuation外汇牌价允许波动范围
allowance for family maintenance赡家费
allowance for liabilities and charges偿债和费用准备
allowance for liabilities and charges偿债和费用备抵
allowance for loan loss贷款损失津贴
allowance for market deduction of marketable securities有价证券跌价准备
allowance for market deduction of marketable securities有价证券跌价备抵
allowance for reduction of short-term investment to market备抵短期投资跌价损失
allowance for the loss损失补偿
allowance for uncollectible accounts坏账备抵 (公司对可能不能收到的应收账款的预测,这项数据将纪录在公司的资产负债表上)
allowance for uncollectible accounts坏账准备金
allowance for uncollectibles呆帐备抵帐户
allowance methed备抵法
allowance of business deduction业务费用的扣除
allowance payment津贴支付
allowance reserve折让准备
asset valuation allowance资产计价备抵额
assignment allowance转让折扣
balancing allowance余额扣除额
capital allowances投资抵减
capital consumption allowance资本消耗备抵
capital consumption allowances资本消耗扣除
capital consumption allowances税务折旧准备
capital consumption allowances折旧额
constant attendance allowance经常性照料补贴
discount and allowance折扣与折让
European Union allowance欧盟排放配额
ex gratia cash allowance特惠现金津贴
freight allowance运费补贴
gross-less-allowance valuation method毛利减备抵计价法
interest payment allowance支付付息免税额
investment allowance投资免税额
investment impairment allowance投资减值备抵
loan loss allowance贷款损失准备
loss from allowance for bad debts坏帐折让损失
mission installation allowance出差安置津贴
mobility and hardship allowance流动及艰苦津贴
monthly allowance按月津贴
nature of allowance account折让帐户性质
non-local allowance非当地津贴
non-resident allowance侨居津贴
obsolescence allowance折旧
office allowance办公费
office allowance办公补助费
pieceworker’s makeup allowance计件工补偿津贴
pretax allowance税前津贴
provision for freights allowances, discounts, etc.预提运费抵让及其它
purchase allowance购买折扣
purchase allowance进贷折让
purchase rebates and allowance采购回扣或折让
purchase returns and allowance购货退还及折让
purchase returns and allowance journal购货退还及折让日记帐
representation allowance出席会议津贴
representation allowance开会津贴
reserve for retirement allowance退职津贴公积金
returns and allowance退货及折让
salaries and allowances薪津
sales rebates and allowance销货回扣及折旧
sales returns and allowances journal退货及销售折让日记帐
severance allowance解雇津沾
supplementary basic allowance补充基本免税额
supplementary personal allowance补充个人免税额
tender allowance投标招标津贴
termination allowance解雇津贴
underwriting allowance承销补偿
valuation allowances备抵计价
wear and tear allowance资本折旧额度
writing down allowance允许的帐面价值减低数额