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A anti-aircraft防空的
acc maint hlpr aircraft accessories maintenance helper飞机附件助理维修工
Acft airborne early warning aircraft空中预警飞机载有预警雷达
Acft airborne early warning and control aircraft〔载有〕预警及指挥雷达〔的〕飞机
advanced manned strategic aircraft高级有人驾驶战略飞机
airborne interception of aircraft机载飞机截击雷达
Aircraft Accessories Corp.飞机附件制造公司
Aircraft Accident Board飞机事故调查委员会
aircraft adjustment飞机调配
aircraft airworthiness section飞机适航登记科负责发放飞行证
aircraft and facilities飞机及飞行设施
aircraft and special equipment qualification飞机及专用设备质量检查
aircraft armament飞机军械
aircraft armament change飞机武器更新
aircraft assignment direction飞机指定方向
Aircraft Bolt and Nut Manufacturers' Association飞机用螺栓螺母制造业协会
aircraft catapult飞机弹射器
aircraft control and warning飞机〔飞行〕控制与预警
aircraft control and warning group飞机控制与预警大队
aircraft control and warning operator飞机〔飞行〕控制与预警〔雷达〕操作员
aircraft control and warning squadron飞机〔飞行〕控制与预警中队
aircraft control and warning system飞机〔飞行〕控制与预警系统
aircraft cruiser航空巡洋舰
aircraft defence防空
aircraft delay飞机晚到
aircraft delivery group飞机交付组
aircraft depot航空器材库补给站
aircraft air depot航空器材库补给站
aircraft depot飞机补给站
aircraft depot空军仓库
aircraft direction飞机引导
aircraft direction room飞机引导站
aircraft electric system maintenance repairman飞机电气系统维修工
aircraft electronic navigational equipment repairman飞机电子导航设备修理工
aircraft engine maintenance helper飞机发动机助理维修工
Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory飞机发动机科学研究实验所美国 NACA 所属的
Aircraft Engineering & Aerospace Technology飞机工程与航天技术
Aircraft Engineering Maintenance Co.飞机技术维修公司
Aircraft Engineers' Association航空工釋师协会
aircraft fighting zone飞机作战区
aircraft fighting zone空战区域
aircraft general standard通用飞机标准
aircraft gun sight飞机枪炮瞄准器
aircraft handling capacity飞机运载能力
aircraft hydraulics repairman飞机液压设备修理工
aircraft in commission现役飞机
Aircraft Industries Association飞机工业协会
Aircraft Industries Association of America美国飞机工业协会
Aircraft Inspection Department飞机检查署
aircraft inspector飞机检验员
aircraft instrument mechanic飞机仪表机械师
aircraft interception飞机截击
aircraft jet overhaul 2 engine mechanic双引擎喷气飞机发动机检修机械师
aircraft maintenance inspector飞机维修检查员
aircraft materiel officer飞机设备员
aircraft nationality and registration marks飞机的国籍与注册标记
aircraft not combat ready未作好战斗准备的飞机
aircraft not fully equipped未装备好全套设备的飞机
aircraft nuclear propulsion飞机核动力推进
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project美国核航空发动机研究机构
Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Project Program飞机核动力推进发展计划美; NEPA Project 的继续,1951〜1961
aircraft observer空中观察员
aircraft observer飞机观察员
aircraft observer training wing飞机观测员训练联队
aircraft of bomber command轰炸指挥机
aircraft on ground地面飞机机场上的飞机
aircraft operations board飞机配置标示盘指挥空战孭的
aircraft out of commission for maintenance〔正〕在修〔理的〕飞机
aircraft out of commission for parts缺配件停飞飞机
Aircraft Owners' and Pilots' Association飞机所有者与驾驶员协会
aircraft park停机坪机场的
aircraft airplane pilot飞机驾驶仪
aircraft airplane pilot飞行员
aircraft position reporter飞机位置指示器
aircraft practice bomb飞机实战炸弹
aircraft pulse navigation飞机脉冲导航
aircraft quality飞机质量
Aircraft Radio Corp.飞机无线电设备公司
aircraft radio equipment general repairman飞机无线电导航设备总修理工
Aircraft Radio Laboratory航空无线电实验〔研究〕所
aircraft radio mechanic飞机无线电技师
aircraft radio navigational equipment repairman飞机无线电导航设备修理工
Aircraft Radio Regulations航空无线电规则
aircraft radio sight飞机无线电瞄准器
aircraft reception unit飞机骑收分队
Aircraft Registration Board飞机注册局
Aircraft Repair Section飞机修理知
aircraft repair squadron飞机修理中队
aircraft report飞机报告
Aircraft Research and Development Unit飞机研制所
Aircraft Research and Testing Committee飞机研究试验委员会美国飞机工业协会所属的
Aircraft Research Association飞机研究协会
aircraft scanner飞机天线旋转机构
Aircraft Scouting Flotilla海军侦察机队
Aircraft Scouting Force军航侦察航空队
aircraft service change飞机勤务变更
aircraft servicing platform飞机维修平台
aircraft strength空军兵力
aircraft supervisor机长
aircraft tail warning飞机炉尾雷达 (radar)
Aircraft Technical Committee航空技术委员会
aircraft technical order飞机技术条令
aircraft transfer order飞机调遣命令
Aircraft Warning Service空袭警报处
aircraft with initial shortage原来设备不全的飞机
Anti-aircraft Artillery and Guided Missile Center高射炮及防空导弹训练中心
Anti-Aircraft Artillery and Guided Missiles Center高射炮与导弹中心
anti-aircraft artillery automatic weapons高射炮兵自动武器
Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command高射炮兵司令部
Anti-Aircraft Artillery Information Service高射炮兵情报处
Anti-Aircraft Artillery Training center高射炮兵训练中心
anti-aircraft ballon防空气球
anti-aircraft battalion高射炮兵营
anti-aircraft defence防空
anti-aircraft devices防空设备
anti-aircraft gun高射炮
Anti-Aircraft Information Service防空情报处
anti-aircraft light轻型高射炮 (gun)
anti-aircraft light automatic高射机〔关〕枪 (gun)
anti-aircraft light automatic轻型自动高射炮 (gun)
anti-aircraft light machine gun轻型高射机〔关〕枪
anti-aircraft machine gun髙射机关枪
anti-aircraft observation post防空监视哨
anti-aircraft observation post对空观察哨
Anti-aircraft Operations Center防空指挥部
Anti-aircraft Operations Center对空作战中心
anti-aircraft searchlight防空高射探照灯
anti-aircraft sector防空区
Anti-Aircraft Service防空处
Anti-aircraft Signal Company防空通信连
anti-aircraft tank防空坦克
anti-aircraft weapon高射炮
anti-aircraft weapon防空武器
antitank aircraft rocket反坦克航空火箭
apprentice aircraft electronic navigational equipment repairman飞机电子导航设备修理工助手
apprentice aircraft hydraulics repairman飞机液压设备修理工助手
apprentice aircraft radio equipment general repairman飞机无线电设备总修理工助手
apprentice aircraft radio navigational equipment repairman飞机无线电导航设备修理工助手
Army Aircraft Radio Laboratory陆军飞机无线电实验研究
Army Anti-Aircraft Command陆军防空司令部
attack aircraft carrier攻击型航空母舰
attack aircraft carrier, nuclear核动力攻击型航空母舰
Beech Aircraft Corp.比奇飞机公司
Bell Aircraft Corp.贝尔飞机公司
Bell Aircraft Corp.贝耳飞机公司
Boeing Aircraft Co.波音飞机公司
boost the aircraft off用助推器起飞
British Aircraft Co.英国飞机公司
Civil Aircraft Owner's Notice民用飞机所有人守则
coast defense and anti-aircraft海岸防御与防空
Commonwealth Aircraft Corp.英联邦飞机公司
Connecticut Aircraft Nuclear Engine Laboratory康痙狄格州航空原子发动机实验研究
consolidated aircraft maintenance squadron飞机综合维修中队
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp.康瓦尔统一瓦耳蒂飞机公司
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp.康瓦尔.统一瓦耳蒂飞机公司
De Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd.戴哈维兰德飞机有限公司
De Havilland Aircraft of Canada, Ltd.加拿大戴哈维兰德飞机〔有限〕公司
Douglas Aircraft Co.道格拉斯飞机公司
drone aircraft无人驾驶飞机
drone aircraft
expendable cluster aircraft rocket launcher只使用一次的机载火箭发射装置
fighter aircraft歼击机
fighter aircraft战斗机
folding fin aircraft rocket折叠尾翼的机载火箭
free on aircraft机上交货价格
friendly aircraft我机
friendly aircraft友机
Goodyear Aircraft Corp.古德异飞机公司
government aircraft factories政府飞机工厂
government aircraft plant政府飞机厂
ground-to-air pilotless aircraft地面操纵无人飞机
ground-to-air pilotless aircraft"地对空"无人驾驶截击机
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp.椿鲁曼职空工程公司
guided aircraft missile"空对地"导弹
guided aircraft missile航空巡航导弹
guided aircraft rocket可操纵的机载火箭弹
guided aircraft rocket〔"空对空"〕航空导弹
guided aircraft rocket制导飞航式火箭
Handbook of Instructions for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment Designers飞机地面支援设备设计师手册
heavy anti-aircraft重型防空武器 (weapons)
heavy observation aircraft重型观察飞机
high velocity aircraft rocket〔"空对地"型〕高速航空火箭
hostile aircraft敌机
Hughes Aircraft Co.休斯飞机公司
integrated advanced avionics for aircraft飞行器用先进集成〔航空〕电子设备
International Aircraft Brokers' Association国际飞机经纪人协会
International Aircraft Standards Bureau国际飞机标准局
jet aircraft starting unit喷气飞机起飞装置
jet-propelled aircraft喷气式飞机
Joint Aircraft Committee族合飞机制造委员会
Joint Army Navy Aircraft Instrumentation Research Project陆海军联合飞机仪表研究设计局
Kaman Aircraft Corp.卡曼飞机公司
keep the aircraft stalled保持飞机处于失速状态
Licensed Aircraft Engineers Notice执照飞机工程师须知
light anti-aircraft轻型高射炮
light twin-engined aircraft轻型双引擎飞机
lightweight aircraft, warning巡逻报警轻型飞机
liquid aircraft rocket航空液体〔燃料〕火箭发动机
Lockheed Aircraft Co.назв.комп. 恪克希德飞机公司
Lockheed Aircraft Corp.洛克希德飞机公司
maintenance aircraft engineering squadron飞机技术维护中队
Manufacturers of Aircraft Association飞机制造业协会
Marine Aircraft Experimental Establishment海军飞机实验研究院
marine aircraft group海军〔航空兵〕飞机大队
marine aircraft wing海军陆战队航空联队
Mcdonnell Aircraft Corp.麦克唐奈飞机公司
Mc-Donnell Douglas Aircraft Co.назв.комп. 麦克唐纳•道格拉斯飞机公司
Ministry of Aircraft Production航空工业部
Ministry of Aircraft Production飞机工业部
missing aircraft report失事飞机报告
model aircraft航空模型
National Aircraft Standard国家飞机标准
National Aircraft Standards Committee国家飞机标准委员会
National emergency defense aircraft国家紧急防卫飞机
Naval Aircraft Factory海军飞机工厂
Northrop Aircraft, Inc.诺斯鲁普飞机公司
nuclear energy for propulsion of aircraft航空发动机用核动力
Nuclear Energy for Propulsion of Aircraft Project美国空军的航空发动机用核动力发展计划美国费尔切耳德航空发动机与飞机制造公司承包其研究工作,从1946年5月开始,到1951年4月结束。发表了一批研究报告
operational aircraft作战飞机
Parker Aircraft Co.派克飞机公司
pilotless aircraft飞航式导弹
pilotless aircraft无人〔驾驶〕飞机
Pilotless Aircraft Development Laboratory无人驾驶飞机研究实验所美国海军航空发展中心所属的
Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Co.普拉特-惠特尼飞机公司
protection against aircraft防空措施
protection against aircraft对敌机空袭的防炉
render the aircraft airborne使飞机升空
rotate the aircraft into the climb拉机头爬升
Royal Aircraft Factory皇家飞机厂
Royal Naval Aircraft Workshop英国〔皇家〕海军飞机工厂
single-engined aircraft单发动机飞机
Society of British Aircraft Constructors英国飞机制造业协会
Society of Japanese Aircraft Constructors日本飞机设计师协会
Solar Aircraft Co.索拉飞机公司
special aircraft modification飞机的特殊修改
squeezing aircraft多级飞行器
standard aircraft characteristics飞机的标准特性
standard aircraft radio case标准航空无线电裝置
subcalibre aircraft rocket机载小口径火箭弹射击训练用的
supersonic transport aircraft超音速运输机 (aeroplane)
supersonic transportation aircraft超音速运输机 (aeroplane)
support aircraft carrier反潜航空母舰
synthetic aircraft turbine oil合成航空润轮油
tactical reconnaissance aircraft战术侦察飞机
take the aircraft into flight使飞机升空
Temco Aircraft Corp.特姆科飞机公司
Training Aircraft Carrier美国教练航空母舰
United Aircraft Corp.联合飞机公司
United Aircraft of Canada Ltd.加拿大联合飞机〔有限〕公司
utility aircraft运输用飞机
vertical take-off and landing aircraft垂直起降飞机
vertical take-off and landing aircraft垂直起降飞机
We're changing aircraft in Bangkok. Will the luggage be transferred automatically?我们要在曼谷转机。行李会直接运送到目的地吗?
Your flight will take off soon. Please be quick to board the aircraft through Gate No 36. Thank you for your cooperation您的航班即将起飞,请迅速由36号登机口登机,谢谢合作