
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing aid | all forms | exact matches only
aid-dependence syndrome依赖援助综合症
aid flows援助额
aid fragmentation援助零散不成体系
bilateral aid双边援助
concessional aid优惠援助
debt for aid swap Paris Club债务-援助转换
development aid开发援助
development aid发展援助
Global Partnership on Results-Based Aid关于以成果为导向援助的全球伙伴关系
multilateral aid多边援助
Mutual Aid and Loan Guarantee Fund of the Entente Council Council of the Entente互助与贷款担保基金
results-based aid基于成果的援助
scaling-up of aid增加援助
tied aid附加条件的援助
untied aid无附加条件的援助
untying of aid取消对援助附加的条件