
Terms for subject Economy containing agency | all forms | exact matches only
a clearing agency清算代理处
a clearing agency票据交换所
a franchised agency特约代理
a freight agency货运代理商行
a government agency政府机构
a marketing agency代销店
a parastatal agency半国营机构
a sole agency contract独家代理合同
a specialized agency专门机构
a state agency国家机关
a ticket agency售票代理处
a tourist agency旅行社
a transnational tourist agency跨国旅游机构
abuse of the power agency滥用代理权
accounting for agency and branch operation代理店和分支店业务会计
administrative agency of business financial data企业财务资料管理处
advertising agency广告代理处
After repeated consideration, they accept our proposal of exclusive agency经反复考虑,他们接受了我方独家代理的建议
agencies for the collection of savings吸收存款的机构
agency accounts代理机构会计
agency accounts代理账
agency and branch differentiated代理店分支的区别
agency appointment代理的聘定
agency by estoppel无反悔代理权
agency costs代理成本
agency del credere信用担保代理权
agency earning机构收入
agency exclusive agreement独家代理协定
Agency for International Development国际开发局
Agency for International Development美国国际开发署
agency for transshipment代办中转站
agency mission政府部门任务
agency network分支机构网络
agency of record出面代理处
agency on the basis of ... percent commission accepted同意代理按百分比…收取佣金
agency operation代理业务活动
agency recognition代理工作认可
agency shop工会代理制企业
aid agency援助机构
All rights vested in the agent shall become valid the moment the agency agreement is signed代理协议一经签署,赋予代理商的一切权利即宣告有效
an agency account代理会计
an agency account代理账
an agency account receivable应收代理店账款
an agency coupled with an interest结合利害关系的代理
an agency for public finance corporation公库代理单位
an associated agency委托机构
an employment agency职业介绍所
an exporter's agency出口商号代理
apply for agency申请代理
arbitration agency仲裁机构
Armed Services Petroleum Purchasing Agency美国军用石油采购署
Assigned Responsible Agency指派的负责机构
associated agency联系机构
associated agency有关的委托机构
bilateral aid agency双边援助机构
bilateral assistance agency双边援助机构
bond rating agency债券分级机构
borrowing agency借款机构
Both parties agree that the premise to the signing of the agency agreement is the guarantee of minimum turnover双方都同意签定代理协议的前题是保证起码的交易额
Brunei Oil and Gas Agency文莱石油天然气局
By mutual consent, the agency contract with Hailing Co., New York, will cease to exist at the end of this month与纽约赫林公司所签代理合同,经双方同意,将于本月底失效
by the agency of某人经手
by the agency of经…介绍
charitable agency慈善机构
child protective agency保护儿童机关
child-helping agency儿童救济机关
collecting agency代政机构
Combined Development Agency联合开发署
commercial credit agency商业信用咨询公司
consignment agency寄售代理
cooperating agency合作机构
cooperative agency合作机关
credit agencies借贷所
credit agency信用调查机构
credit agency贷款机构
credit-dispensing agency信贷分配机构
customs agency报关代理行
decline an agency拒绝代理
Director-General of the Xinhua News Agency新华通讯社长
Economic Planning Agency日本经济企划厅 (Japan)
Environmental Protection Agency美国环境保护署
European Productivity Agency欧洲生产率局
European Research Coordination Agency欧洲研究协调局
exclusive agency agreement独家经销协定
exclusive agency contract
executing agency执行部门
executive agency执行部门
export agency agreement出口代理协定
export credit agencies出口信贷代理机构 (ECAs)
export credit agencies出口信用担保机构
express agency快运行
express agency快运业代理处
facilitating agency提供方便的机构
farm machinery and equipment agency农业机械设备代理处
Federal Emergency Management Agency美国联邦应急管理局
federal loan agency联邦贷款处
financing agencies融资机构
foreign agency外国代理处
foreign trade agency外贸机构
forwarding agency货运承揽行
full-service agency全面服务广告社
general agency总经理
general agency agreement总代理协议
general merchant agency一般性商业信用调查机构
Government Agency政府代理
government agency机关
government agency政府机构代办
government agency政府机关
government planning agencies政府计划机构
government-sponsored agencies公营信用机构
government-sponsored agency政府赞助的机构
grant agency rights给予代理权
He bought the hotel voucher from the travel agency他从该旅行社买来了预付旅馆费用凭证
If there was indication of volume business, we would consider granting exclusive sales agency for your market当有大宗业务迹象时,我们才会考虑在你方市场建立独家代理
implementing agency实施单位
implementing agency执行机构
import agency进口代理商
import agency进口代理
In foreign countries, the union is the collective bargaining agency for the workers in the factory在外国,工会是工厂工人的劳资谈判代理机构
insurance agency保险经理行
inter-agency alliance机构间联合
International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能机构属于联合国原子能机构,总部设在维也纳
International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能署
International Development Cooperation Agency国际开发合作署
international loan-giving agencies国际信贷发放机构
Japan International Cooperation Agency日本国际合作机构
Jewish Agency犹太事务局
joint agency联合代理处【机构】
judicial agencies政法机关
justify an agency arrangement认为有必要作为代理安排
land agency and agriculture土地及农业经济专业分会
law enforcement agency执法机构
lending agency放款机构
loan-investment-giving agencies贷款/投资供应机构
local executing agency地方执行机构
lodging of a protest with the marketing agency向市场营销机构提出抗议
marketing facilitating agencies便利市场营运机构
Military Petroleum Supply Agency英国军用石油供应处
mixed agency直接经营又兼代理经营的代理
multidisciplinary inter-agency mission多科性机构间工作团
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency多边投资保证署
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency多边投资机构
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency多边投资保险署
mutual agency相互代理
Mutual Security Agency美国共同安全总署
National Association of State Development Agencies全美各州发展机构协会
national industrial cooperation agency全国性工业合作机构
non-resident agency非常驻机构
OPEC News Agency欧佩克新闻处
operating agency营业分配代理单位
operating agency经销代理
Our company couldn't transact with yours until the agency contract expires直到代理合同期满,我公司才能与你公司做买卖
Overseas Supply Agency海外供应局
Petroleum Marketing Agencies圭亚那石油销售代理机构
Petroleum Monitoring Agency石油监测处
private agency私人机构
project executing agency项目执行机构
project execution agency项目执行机构
purchasing agency采购商
purchasing agency采购代办处
purchasing and marketing agency代购代销代理
real estate agency房地产或不动产公司 (companies)
remitting agency承办汇款单位
requirement for sole agency独家代理设厂的条件 (the operation of factories, 标准)
reserve sale agency特约经销处
resisting agency反对作用
shipping agency航运公司
ships' agency service船舶经理业务
sole agency独家经理权
sole agency contract独家代理合同
solution stock agency缓冲存货机构
special agency特别代理
Special Agency特别代理机构【处】
staff agency公司职员介绍所
standard form of agency agreement经销协定的正式文本
state agency国家机关
state banking agency美国的州银行管理机构
statistical agency统计机关
status enquiry agency商业信用咨询所
supervised credit agency受到监督的信贷机构
supply and sales agency供销单位
termination of agency business代理关系终止
the advertising agency广告公司
the advertising agency广告代理权
the advertising agency relationship广告代理关系
the agency abroad国外代理
the agency abroad国外办事处
The agency agreement terminates if you fail to meet the minimum sales quotas你方如果不能达到最低的销售指标,本代理合同即告终止
the agency endorsement代理背书
the agency transaction委托交易
the agreed agency commission约定的代理佣金
the aid agency援助机构
The amount of business does not justify an agency arrangement at present贸易成交额尚不能表明目前我们有必要安排代理事宜
the appointment of agency代理商的委派
the authorized agency全权代理
the authorized agency有权代理
the expiration of agency代理权期满
The exporter is very careful in granting exclusive agency rights这家出口商在委任独家代理权时格外谨慎
the form of direct loans by a government agency政府直接借贷方式
the Jewish Agency犹太事务局
the mercantile inquiry agency商业征信所
The method of payment shall be determined by the tourist agency付款方式应由旅行社来决定
the mutual agency相互代理
the non-stock agency无库存的代理
the premise to the signing of the agency agreement签订代理协议的前序
the purchasing agency订购代理
the remitting agency承办汇款单位
The total amount of trade between us shall be consistent with our agency arrangement我们之间的贸易总金额应与我们的代理协定一致
The travel agency is flourishing旅行社生意兴隆
the wholesale agency总批发代理
trade agency商业代理
trade agency信用调査行
trade agency贸易代表处
trade agency代理商
Trade and Development Agency美国贸易发展局
trust and agency funds信托及代理基金
United States Information Agency美国情报署
United States Trade and Development Agency美国贸易发展署
universal agency全权代理
warehousing agency自备仓库的代理
We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect我方指定你方为当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算
We are considering the question of agency and hope you continue to use your efforts in pushing the sale of our products我方一直在考虑代理问题,希望贵方继续努力推销我方的产品
We are willing to consider exclusive sales agency for your country at present目前我方愿意考虑在你国独家销售代理的问题
We have no plans at the moment for granting any exclusive sales agency for your market目前我们不打算在你方市场建立独家代理
world transport agency世界运输行
You have no right to exceed the limit of your agency district in canvassing for orders在招揽订单时你方无权超越你代理的地区范围